She got a little anxious after thinking about what Cage had just said.
“Well i mean, we’re getting along aren’t we?!” She says brightly, trying to lighten the mood.
“And I’m sure everyone will get along just fine” she lied to even herself.
He chuckles. "Of course we're getting along. I don't think we'll have any issue trying to be friends with people, haha." He ruffles his own hair with his chuckle at the end.
She wanted to touch his hair when he ruffled it, but she held back. She knew it would be rude.
Plus they had just met. She was a very touchy person in general, so it wasn’t out of the ordinary for her to want to touch his hair. But she averted her eyes and her hand stayed in his as they walked.
“So… you know where exactly we’re going?”
Cage shrugs. “Ah, not really? I have a vague idea. Ben-“
Ben opens a hatch under a few boxes at the end of the hallways to reveal a set of stares. He scowled at how dusty it is, but heads down nonetheless. Violet stays back to make sure everyone in the group goes down. She gives Cage and Seo-Hyeon a smile as they pass.
Cage goes down first and offers his hand to help Seo down the first step, which is pretty deep.
Seo-Hyeon takes his hand, easily getting down the stairs she smiles at him before heading deeper down, thanking him in a silent whisper.
Ryuu on the other hand, with no help, steps down and surprisingly enough doesn’t trip, fall and die. Which he was secretly really proud of himself for doing so. He looked back at Min-Hyuk who easily stepped down without a care in the world.
They walked close together, not really wanting to get separated, unlike Levi.
Muttering curses under his breath, he pulled over a surgical like white mask over his mouth and nose, obviously complaining about how utterly filthy this place was.
“And we couldn’t have chosen a cleanlier place than thins? What animals” he muttered, quiet enough for no one to hear. He’s so used to living alone, he never just thinks what he wants to say. Oh he says it and doesn’t care who hears. Luckily he didn’t feel like talking to anyone anyway
Violet heads down behind Levi and Sauka, closing the hatch behind them. She ignores the unintelligible whispers and mumbles from Levi, which she assumed were probably complaints.
The stairs are steep and wooden, few having splinters sticking up ready to pierce any feet that stepped on them. Cage carefully watches his feet, wanting to avoid them.
A few minutes and they're finally at the bottom, a steel door in front of them.
Ben sets his hand on a scanner beside the door and a green light appears to scan his hand. the door lets out a purring noise and it slowly opens, letting them in and revealing a large, polished and clean safe house. Or at least it could be called one. Most of it was one room, the floor was made of stone as the walls looked padded. off to the right was a doorway to a kitchen and living area and to the left was a long hallway, five doors on each side. Ben flicks on the light, though there isn't a light fixture- it just seems to emit white, clear light from the entire ceiling. The main room has a few drawers and cabinets built into the wall.
Cage squeezes Seo-Hyeon's hands as he takes in the sight.
Seo-Hyeons eyes grow big as she looked all around in awe, her mouth open.
“Wowzers!” She says with a smile.
“What is this place!?” She exclaims, continuing to look around the place.
Stepping down the stairs right behind Cage and Seo-Hyeon, Ryuu followed and looked around with almost the same expression as Her.
“Oh golly, this has gotta be expensive…” he says a little quieter than Seo-Hyeon but loud enough for anyone to hear.
“im guessing Ben owns this, since it scanned his hand in order for us to get through. I wonder how he got all of this…” his thoughts around around in his head. Running his hand softly against the wall, careful not to scratch anything as he made his way around. He turned to Ben with a confused, yet intrigued look within his expressions when he spoke. “How’d….I mean….is this yours?” He asks. To him it seemed like a dumb question but he really wanted to know.
Min-Hyuk on the other hand, right as he walked in and Ben turned on the lights, he was immediately annoyed at how bright it was. Though his eyes have always been quite sensitive to any light. His sisters were to, but for a completely different reason.
Turning to everyone’s else, he studied their reaction. He caught the sight of Cage holding His little sisters hand, which annoyed him even more. I feel he were anywhere else but here, he would have broken it up. That kid seemed awfully childish to be here with everyone else, though so did Seo-Hyeon and that didn’t stop her in the least bit.
He could tell Ryuu was a bit bothered by it also, but he didn’t really kinda that. Even though they were friends, he like to bother him as if they were brothers.
Levi mumbled something else in disgust before he walked in, his eyebrows raising. Other than that, he showed no signs of interest. But to him it was surprisingly clean, which lightened his mood about 10%. It was the little things that counts for Levi.
Ben blinks at Ryuu, the stupidity of the question almost surprising him. “Is this mine? Who’s else would it be. Most of you look…. like you…” His voice trails off as he catches sight of Violet giving him a death glare.
Cage bounces over to Ben, squishing him in a tight hug. “THIS IS SO AWESOME.”
Ben shoves him off, obviously feeling invaded or embarrassed. It was hard to tell which one.
Sauka looks over the place with raised eyebrows.
Man. He really went over the top.
“Well… that wasnt very nice…” Ryuu says quietly to himself, messing with the hem of his sweater as he backed away a bit, avoiding Bens eye contact if he was even looking his way.
“So what’re we doing here?” Seo-Hyeon asks with a smile, hoping to not get the same hostility or rudeness from Ben as he gave Ryuu.
“Is this where he normally lives or does he live somewhere else and this is just a base of some sorts…” she thought to herself. This place seemed safe enough to be in, so she was going to trust that.
Ben would love to snap back at her too, but Violet was still watching. He bites his tongue. “Training. A safe place- a bunker. They’re ratting us out and taking us down, which means we need to stick together.”
Sauka gives him an unapproving frown. “I’m a here? No offense, Stan, but this makes us a bigger and easier target.”
He glares. “Actually, no.” He approaches Sauk and they continue arguing.
Violet gives them a once over glare and shakes her head.
Cage smiles to Seo, “do you like it??”
Seo-Hyeon caught Bens expression and backs away slightly, regretting even talking in the first place. Or maybe his face was always like that…. either way, it was terrifying. Truly…
She nodded at Bens explanation though, trying to seem not scared. Most likely didnt work (o~o - CC)
Watching Ben and Sauka bicker with eachother, stepping back even more. They seemed like siblings, which was kind of cute In a way.
She turned to Cage when he asked her.
“Ive never really seen anyplace this nice other than on tv shows. So yeah, this is pretty cool to be in someplace like this in real life!” She says giving Cages hand a small squeeze.
“Oh, I’m quite excited for training!” She smiled, keeping her wings pressed against her back, suppressing her excitement. She was curious to see everyone’s abilities
Cage looks like he’s ready to squeal and bounce. “Ah! Me too! I haven’t trained much, so I’m really bad at it.” He laughs.
:well i mean…. ive tried a lot, but I’m still not the best. I can change the air pressure around me though! But not a lot….” she shrugged with a little chuckle.
“Hey! We can help eachother out! Well… I don’t know anything about helping with this but… i can try?”
He nods enthusiastically, “Yes yES YES! You’re so awesome.” He gives her a cheesy smile.
Violet pats his shoulder while walking past. “You interested in seeing the rest of the place? No point in waiting for them to stop.” She nods towards Ben and Sauk with a grin.
“Oh thats not true. But thanks?” She laughed a bit when he called her awesome. Turning to Violet she nodded with a smile and s shrug. “Sure why not?”
Ryuu overheard almost everything, still a little bothered by Cage and Seo Hyeons interactions with eachother, he just decided to follow everyone wherever they went.
Cage gives Ryuu a smile, waving him over, and Violet leads them into the hallway that branched off to bedrooms.
“I know they’re- well, they’re a lot like dorms but we didn’t have space for everyone to have their own.” She opens a door to reveal a larger room with a desk, bunk bed and closet.
“Oh thats totally fine” Ryuu says trying to be as nice as possible. She was nice enough to show them around, it was the least he could do.
“So are we gonna have like roommates or something?” Seo Hyeon tilted her head to the side, thinking about dorms and what they were like.
Cage gasps excitedly and Vi nods. “Most likely. If it’s alright with everyone.”
She gives him a smile, chuckling, “we’ll see!”
“Oh, alright…” he smiled as he looked at Cage.
Min only cursed under his breath at the thought of a roommate. Who was it even going to be?
Man, i already hate this place he thought to himself as he followed the group
Violet leads them down the hall to show four more rooms, a bathroom and a library. Cage strolls into the library, looking it over. It’s a little small, but has a desk with a laptop, a small table, and three bookshelves. “Ooooh.”
As they all stepped in, Min-Hyuk held back the urge to look at every book, cuddle up in the corner with one of the books and stay there forever. But he kept his composer, standing there looking unamused as usual with his hands in his pockets, not saying a word. Nomatter how badly he wanted to.
“This sure is nice!” CC says rocking back and forth on her heals as she looked around.
(oh my word)(I swear I never saw this update)(I'm so sorry)
Violet gives Seo a short, soft smile. "Thank you! Feel free to explore the whole place or camp out where you'd like. Maybe get to know each other a little. I'm going to discuss a room plan and such with Ben." She tucks a curl behind her ear, mumbling something under her breath about making him cool his temper before turning around. "I'll be back."
Cage bites his lip and runs a finger over a few of the books. "WoooOAooooh. Do you read, Seo-Hyeon?"