forum Lets Goooooo (Elemental RP w/ Write mah gurl)
Started by @chickenfrogman group

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@chickenfrogman group

October 17th, Monday, 6am
An hour out of town

The car door shuts and Violet looks over the run-down-ish warehouse, eyebrows raised.
"This is it? Where we're meeting?"
Climbing off his motorcycle and removing his helmet, Ben glares at the building. "It was cheap and I wont be using it long. It's not like these kids are pampered."
Violet shrugs. "I guess. I just- It looks very…" Her voice trails off as she creases her eyebrows together.
"Ugly? Old? Falling apart?" he finishes.
A smirk crosses her face and she turns to look at him. "It's fine. Go inside and I'll wait out here for the others to arrive."
He nods, walking past her and into the warehouse, rubbing his arms.
I hate the cold.

@Celeste_X0X0_ group

The "trio" had driven in Ryuu's car as they do almost everywhere. Min-Hyuk and Ryuu fighting over whether to roll the windows down or not. Ryuu was always cold, thus he hated this weather, and Min was also always cold, but he loved it. He had always loved cold crisp weather.
Seo Hyeon had been sleeping in the back seat as Min rode in shotgun. Ryuu the driver. Her white feathered wings wrapped around her, shielding her from the cold atmosphere around her. Her white silvery hair falling in her face as they abruptly turn the corner to the run down…..whatever this was.
"We're here!"
He says enthusiastically as he pulled up, unbuckling himself and turning to look at Seo Hyeon.
The three stepping out of the car, Min shutting it angrily with a sigh, though smiling slightly as a breeze swept over them, ruffling through his coily black hair. This was perfect weather for him. SEO Hyeon leaning on Ryuus arm, making his face beet red. His sweater had been keeping him plenty warm. He had purposely left his glasses in the car, his contacts now feeling as if they would freeze in his eyeballs.

@chickenfrogman group

Violet stands outside of the door and waves over to them just as another car pulls up. Cage steps out, yawning and stretching. He's only wearing a T-shirt, skinny jeans and a beanie. He smiles and waves to Violet and starts off towards her.

@Celeste_X0X0_ group

"This is the place right? Sorry we might be a little late."
Ryuu says with a gentle smile as he steps towards them, Seo Hyeon clasping onto Ryuus hand as they did. She never knew he liked her, as far as she knew he just thought of her as a good friend, as she did to him. So holding his hand and hugging each other was fine with her. As long as neither of them let her brother see. He would stab Ryuus eyes out of his skull before he would let that. Though little did he know. It had become a game between the two. Highly risky and Seo Hyeon only thought it was funny at first, but Ryuu came to have fun with it as well.

@Celeste_X0X0_ group

"It's Min-Hyuk. Don't call me Min."
Min-Hyuk says as he barges into the room.
"Oh golly, I'm so sorry! Yeah that's us. And I wouldn't talk to my brother, he's……on the edge right now"
SEO Hyeon smiles at her sweetly, her voice soft like honey. With that, the two walked in following Min.

@chickenfrogman group

Violet nods. "Yes, of course. I apologize."
Goodness gracious. Are we not even trying to have manners?

Cage jogs over to Violet, grinning. "Heeeeey."
She gives him a side hug. "Good to see you, Cage. Did you bring anyone with you?"
He shakes his head, looking over Seo as she walks inside (cause I'm assuming that;s what she's doing).
"Woooooah." He whispers. "I thought none of the kids with wings could show. You know, because of security issues?"
Violet leans in. "Don't mention it. Ben will probably stress and I have a feeling they wouldn't be very happy about it either." She whispers.
He nods again. "Got it." He gives her a thumbs up and heads inside.

@Celeste_X0X0_ group

Walking in, Min-Hyuk had already found his corner and was already standing in solitude there. That's how he liked it though.
SEO Hyeon looked over at the big tall guy. Dark features which made him look a little…..intimidating.
Squeezing Ryuus hand a little and looking at him as he scanned the room. It wasn't what he preferred, but it would have to do. He was pretty sure nobody preferred this.

@chickenfrogman group

Ben glares over the newcomers, a cup of coffee in his hands as he leans backward on a table behind him. The table is spread with notebooks and papers.
Cage jogs in, making his way to Ben, and hugs him, almost spilling his coffee. “Hi!!!”
Holding in a gasp as he steadies his coffee and quickly shoving Cage off, he glares. “Why do you always do this?” He growls under his breath.
Cage smiles.

@Celeste_X0X0_ group

Ryuu held in a slight laugh as he pulls Seo Hyeon to the side.
"Please stay away from him."
He says looking down at her, catching a death glare from Min-Hyuk in the corner.
"Why?! He seems plenty……okay."
She says with a smile, though questioning whether she should or not.
"Okay Ill think about."

@chickenfrogman group

Obviously irritated by the skippy Korean kid, Ben mumbles in Russian before taking another gulp of his coffee. Violet stands in the open doorway and smiles, looking towards Ben and raising her eyebrows, trying to give him a cue to actually speak to the group.

Sauka pulls her motorcycle up, taking off her helmet and frowning over the building.
"A little underwhelming, but I don't know what I was expecting." She shrugs and climbs off her bike,tucking her helmet under her arm and heading towards the building. Violet spots her and turns to smile.
"Sauka Nimn, right?"
Sauk nods. "Yep. And I'm guessing you're Violet, not Benjamin, correct."
Violet holds in a giggle. "Yes ma'am. You can join the group inside if you'd like. Thank you for showing up."
Sauk peeks her head inside, but stays by the door with Violet. "Not many kids here, ey?"
"Most were probably suspicious. I don't blame them." Vi states with a slight shrug.

@Celeste_X0X0_ group

Levi had just got done mopping his small cheap, yet clean house, then dusting then sweeping once more for the third time and mopping for the fifth. Setting down a cloth inside the washer along with about twenty more washcloths, two towels, and a few hand towels. He had stayed up ever since three in the morning cleaning. Looking at the silver watch on his wrist, 6:32.
He was late, but that's exactly how he liked it. Fashionably late was just perfect. He had to be there at exactly 6:45 if we were going by the time Levi had wanted to be there. 6:20 was when everyone else was supposed to be there.
Folding a tiny white cloth in his rather big hands and tucking it into his back pocket along with his phone in the same pocket.
Opening the newly cleaned door by the unnecessarily clean doorknob and stepping onto his white porch.
Cursing to himself under his breath as he realized some of the paint had chipped off overnight. He hopped in his car.
"now where even is this place? A coffee shop would be nice."
He says sipping his steaming hot chamomile Russian peach tea as he drove with one hand.

@chickenfrogman group

(…. Thinking of what to dooos)

Cage waves to Ryuu. "Heyyyyy! How are things?" He smiles, walking towards him.
Ben scowls and looks to Violet and Sauk in the doorway.
Ay, another has arrived. Thank goodness.

@Celeste_X0X0_ group

"Oh! Uhm….good I guess? Are you okay?"
He asks him awkwardly trying to see if his face was red from a fever or something or if he was just like this. Who would be happy at this time?
It probably confused him more than it should be.
"Hey! Who are you again? I think I saw you at the breakout but I didn't catch your name!"
CC says stepping forward with a slight smile trying to not seem as tired as she actually was.

@chickenfrogman group

“I’m fine, thanks!” He smiles so big he closes his eyes, showing three dimples.
He offers his hand to CC, blinking. “I’m Cageually Azil, but you can call me Cage. And I do remember you! Seeeooo… Seo Hyeon?”

@Celeste_X0X0_ group

"Yeah! Oh, I'm so glad someone remembered!!"
She says with a sigh of relief running her fingers through her unnecessarily long hair. She really needed to cut it.
Though every time she mentioned it Ryuu begged her not to. "I think I remember you" Ryuu spoke up.

@chickenfrogman group

Cage goes to say something to Seo- Hyeon But Ryuu speaks up. He turns his gaze to Ryuu, a bit surprised. “Yeah? I didn’t do much honestly. If you ran into me chances are you probably ran into Ben too.” He smiles. “He’s my brother.” He glances over to Ben, but quickly turns back to Ryuu.

@Celeste_X0X0_ group

"Woah wait….. that's your brother!?" Seo-Hyeon says looking over at Ben, then Cage, then back at Ben.
He was quite handsome to her, but a little scary. She never liked big men. Though she was friends with Ryuu.
She was tempted to talk to him but as she examined him more she didn't feel the urge. Or she was just indecisive.

@chickenfrogman group

Cage goes to explain, but Sauka speaks up, clearly growing impatient.
"So we're all just going to sit around and chat, huh? That's what this is? Just a get-together?"
Ben glares her way, setting down a book on the table.
Violet, closing her eyes and taking a breath first, answers, "No, no. Though it is nice to let people mingle and remember one another before starting."
Sauka rolls her eyes.
"And I was stalling for certain late-comers, though they might not show up after all." Ben explains, still glaring. He turns his back to her, rubbing the bridge of his nose and mumbling a few Russian words.
Violet swallows, hoping he'l speak up, but he doesn't.
Agh, Benjamin Stan, one of these days I'm going to be very angry when you make me speak to crowds.
She clears her throat.
"It's more of a serious matter that we might just ease into."
Ben shakes his head, turning around. "When we escaped those years ago, there were over 50 Elementals. Multiple of the older Elementals kept record and track of all of you- eh- younger kids, for safety's sake. However, over the past year Elementals have been going missing. Our number is down to 20 know and surviving."
Violet closes her eyes. Wow. That's definitely what I meant by 'ease into it' Ben/ Definitely.

@Celeste_X0X0_ group

Levi drove for a little bit before he saw a few vehicles parked around…..
"oh goodness, what is this?" He says with an annoyed sigh. He got out and looked around. Hopefully this wasnt it.
"Please don't let this be it…." He mumbled to himself. He kicked the bottom of the door, not particularly wanting to touch it. He'll have to clean his shoes after being in this place. This place was disgusting! He cursed under his breath. He couldn't bare to imagine how dirty everyone else probably was. "excuse me? Is this the place?" He says kicking the door once more.

@chickenfrogman group

(don't take this wrong)(but like none of this can be one-way)(imma need your people talking, asking questions and stuff too.)(Just mentioning because we're probably getting into the more conversation bit of it all and I wanted to say it beforehand :))

(The door isn't closed)
Deep hazel eyes meet Levi's, and Violet purses her lips. "Levi?"
Hmmn. I think I remember him from the fights.
She smiles softly. "Yes, come in."

Cage gulps, not having anticipated the heavy subject and the awkward silence that followed.
Ben raises an eyebrow expectantly.
Sauka rolls her eyes. "Aye, so now we're going to be a bunch of idiots and just stand here and wait for the rest of us to be kidnapped? Do you have information??"
He licks his lips, making eye contact with Min and holding a hard glare. "Not information easily shared."
Her eyes widen as she lets out an irritated huff. "Well then, pick off who you don't trust. I'm not about to just die. Or be experimented on again."
Violet turns her attention from Levi to the conversation. "No, we need to trust each other now."

@Celeste_X0X0_ group


Min-Hyuk returns Bens glare with one of his own.
Levi walks in the room with a distasteful look on his face. Blue eyes flickered across everyone. Making mental notes about everyone.
"Happy annoying girl- white hair-Seo Hyeon. Emo kid- I think his Name is Min…Min-Hyuk Youn. Ginger….starts with a " W" if I remember right. Another Emo kid. More scary though. Dont talk to him unless youre trying to one-up him and be a jerk. Bussiness lady….dont recognize her." He looks over at Suaka "yes, I remember her. Quite annoying now. Just like everyone else" he thought to himself.
Seo Hyeon speaks up after starting at Levi as he walked in. "Um, well are there any more who should be coming?"