forum Lets Goooooo (Elemental RP w/ Write mah gurl)
Started by @chickenfrogman group

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@chickenfrogman group

Okay, so let's start from the top.
I was a normal kid. I fell and scratched my knee? I cried. I thought something was funny? I laughed. I was angry? I'd scream. Okay so all of that is really really predictable, right? Yeah.
I must've been around nine when I was kidnapped. I don't remember most of my life, it's really blurry. I think I had a mom…
Anyways, I lived in a crate for a while, sometimes picked and prodded at. I don't know why I was there, but I do know that they did procedures on me. I got cold, but I learned to live with it. My bones ached with the freezing feeling for the first month, then it slowly became the only thing I cared to feel.
I was always dazed, tired and weak. I wasn't aware of my surroundings.
But others were.
I slowly realized I wasn't alone when I was upgraded to a cage instead of a crate. There must've been around 100 cages in my room, kids of every color, but all under the age of 16. I was so scared. I couldn't get used to the occasional cries, moans or whispers. It was so scary. Where were we?
Months passed till one kid probably around 12 was taken out for a procedure. But he fought. The guy was skinny and weak, so he didn't last long, but he lasted long enough to inspire the rest of us. The uprising or revolt, whatever you wanna call it, started then. When the kids came flooding out of their hiding, their cages, there was much more than the feeble 100 in my room. The workers and scientists were overwhelmed, even though we were weak and dropped faster than they did. Most of the smaller kids, 10 and under, were wiped out, but not all. And the kids 12 and up really fought well. I mostly hid, to be honest.
The fight lasted over the weekend, till all of the scientists had either fled or died trying. We were abandoned in underground subways that had been made into labs. Everyone was freed from their cages, and we took care of each others wounds. But that was it. We just all left after that.
I guess some kids were lucky enough to find their old families, or at least a sibling, or maybe they were put into the foster care system. The country we were released into suddenly had busting foster care systems, and a lot more kids on the streets.
They were watching us though.
The handful of scientists who had escaped with their lives watched.
They found us.
Slowly we've been going missing, one or two every month.
I guess they forget though, we're willing to fight. It's been five years since we broke out. We are stronger, older and smarter. They may have blurred our memories, they may have taken our families, they may have hurt us, but we're ready for a comeback. When the world looks up and sees us, Fire, Water, Air and Earth, they will tremble. We're not monsters, but we can be.
We are the Elementals.

@chickenfrogman group



Height and weight:
Facial features:
Body description along with clothes:
Additional info:
Element (rate power from 1 to 10):

Please do not give your character too much power for them to handle. They can move up during the RP and reach level 10 if they have it under control and are very powerful. It's okay to start out small if you need to XD

@chickenfrogman group

NAME: Benjamin Caspian Stan

Gender: male
Age: 21
Height and weight: is around 6'3 tall and weighs around 220lbs. He carries most of his weight in his muscles, please don't imagine him fat XD But also don't imagine him gross muscly. I looked it up, and Chris Hemsworth weighs 220 XD He's not gross, right? (Chris is a whole inch shorter than him too)
Facial features: Dark, coffee brown eyes that are kinda small. A long nose that is more larger than smaller. His lips are thick and full and a dark, natural color. He has a very defined jaw and very well-kept, short facial hair. His hair is black and falls in dramatic curly waves hovering over his shoulders. He normally keeps it up in a pony tail or man bun. He has thick, black lashes and his resting face looks like a mix between angry and bored. He is very pale, but normally has flushed cheeks.
Body description along with clothes: He is muscular, but instead of thinking of The Rock when I say muscular, think more towards the fit side. Like a step or two down from Captain America. XD He normally wears a long sleeved or short sleeved dark red shirt with a small V-neckline. Along with that he wears a black trench coat in the cold that almost reaches his knees, and a pair of dark jeans. He has a few scars on his arms and one small scar on his cheekbone.
Additional info: He takes the leader role a lot, just because he's been keeping track of the Elementals this whole time. He's as anti-social as he can be, is normally seen with a book and looks like a posh serial killer who kissed your aunt last week. He hates the cold.
Element (rate power from 1 to 10): it's a solid nine for his Fire element.

@chickenfrogman group

NAME: Violet Susan Parks

Gender: Female
Age: 22
Height and weight: 5'9ft tall and 190lbs.
Facial features: Thin, brown eyes, dark lashes. Thick lips that normally have a coat of a natural lipstick color. A soft, round and narrow face with little to no blemishes besides a mole in the center of the left cheek. Average nose I guess XD Her hair doesn't quite reach mid torso and falls in tick, full curls that are a deep brown. She normally keeps it up in a bun.
Body description along with clothes: She has a nice, hourglass shape and looks an average weight and height. She normally wears pencils skirts to her knees that have one or two slits for movement along with tan or beige pantyhose and a nice neutral colored blouse. She has a variety of heels she wears, but most are black stilettos. She carries a small handbag.
Additional info: Violet has lovely patience, looks quite well-to-do, and is very kind. She's a certified nurse, but after getting a degree in nursing she went back to her old hobby- cleaning houses.
Element (rate power from 1 to 10): she's a low 2 in Earth, being able to do nothing less or more than heal a few things and make a few flowers bloom or grow.

@Celeste_X0X0_ group

NAME: Seo Hyeon Youn (nickname CC)
Gender: female
Age: 19
Height and weight: 137 lbs 5'6 1/2
Facial features: cute, rather small, huge vanilla eyes, grey fading into them with black specks near the bottom of her greyish iris. Button nose and almost always rosy cheeks, pale skin, rosy soft lips, exceptionally full. And in the winter she gets white snowy freckles (yes those are real) Her long purely white hair falls into the half left side of her forehead shaping her face in the slightest, but well. Slightly chubby cheeks, only slightly though. Her hair parted to the side, showing her right here, with a little diamond earing and her two rings near the top of her ear.
Body description along with clothes:
curvy, like a 6? 5 maybe? She wears alot of above the knee casual dresses, rompers (the ones like short and spagetti straps) very summer time or maybe even fall outfits. Also alot of pastels or yellows, she loves yellow. Alot of her things have flowers on them, especially sunflowers or daisys. In the winter SWEATERS GALOR!!!
Additional info: oh yeah she has white wings
Element (rate power from 1 to 10): air, and a 5 probably. she can control her wings well, but shes never bothered to learn much about manipulating air, so she could learn how to do that as we go through the rp

@Celeste_X0X0_ group

NAME: Levi James or Leviathan Or Jamasin.
Gender: Male
Age: 21
Height and weight: 170 lbs 6'2
Facial features:
Body description along with clothes:
Fit, and usually a nice light colored button up, rolling up the sleeves and skinny jeans. Usually black. And sometimes a nice jacket.
Additional info: He has multiple personilities (im only using three for this)
Theres an icredibly OCD one. I call him the OCD Gentleman (people say he seems like a butler) Thats Leviathan
Then theres the awkward, chill, really sweet one. i call him the "awkward gentle giant" Thats Jamasin
Then theres the flirt. Levi James or James Levi, either one, he doesnt care at all
Element (rate power from 1 to 10): Water, and hes a 7? (i can change that if thats too high for this)

@chickenfrogman group

Quick thing
We're going to need a lot more characters XD
Me and you can totally do that, but we need to enter a lot more
I could open the RP and get others to join (but that'd also mean we'd have maybe not active peeps)

@chickenfrogman group

NAME: Cageually Azil (Cage)

Gender: male
Age: 17
Height and weight: 5 feet and 4 inches, weighs 100lbs.
Facial features: small and slanted, turquoise eyes and a small button nose. Rosy cheeks and thinner pink lips. His face is rounder and he has short, fluffy white-blonde hair.
Body description along with clothes: He's thin and shorter but he has amazing posture. He kinda looks like a 12 year old. He normally wears a blue and white striped shirt with a nice grey jacket made of hoodie material, and some skinny jeans with holes in the knees. He has black sneakers and sometimes wears finger-less gloves along with a grey beanie.
Additional info: He's very smiley and you either like him or love him… most of the time. He's loud and giggly and can easily come off as immature or irritating. But, hey, he's a youngest boy who was definitely spoiled.
Element (rate power from 1 to 10): Water, though he only really knows how to freeze it as of now. It's a quiet 3 for him.

@chickenfrogman group

NAME: Suaka (s-wa-ka) Nimn

Gender: Female
Age: 16
Height and weight: 5.5ft tall and 130lbs.
Facial features: Her skin is very tan and smooth and she has a white, tribal tattoo on each cheek. Her long white hair fades into a blackish blue and is pulled back in dreds and a ponytails. She has large, turquoise eyes that look slightly oriental and a round nose along with thick, dark lips. Her jaw is very defined, though it doesn't stick out weird, and if you look really close you can see a few freckles on her cheeks.
Body description along with clothes: She's thin, but still very fit. She definitely has some abs and can carry a lot of weight. But she doesn't look creepy XD I promise. She wears orange, no sleeved turtle neck that is well fitted and soft, and over top she wears a brown, leather jacket. Skinny jeans and brown, folded over boots.
Additional info: She's snappy and sassy, so watch out. Also, super capable of disarming you and making you cry 'mommy'. She normally looks either very mean and angry, or she looks happy and fun. There's no in between.
Element (rate power from 1 to 10): Earth. She's a steady 6.

@Celeste_X0X0_ group

NAME: Ryuu wakazashi
Gender: male
Age: 20
Height and weight: 6’2 ½
Facial features: He's a tall Japanese boy with a semi round face but still has a very prominent jawline. Hes 6’2 skinny and quite muscular. He does have a six pack (insert eyeroll here) but he doesn't like to show that he is. He hides how muscular he is with sweaters and jackets. He has big round glasses that are about 3-2 times as big as his eyes. (which are pretty big) They have a golden frame and look like if you so much as poke them, they’ll shatter.
He can’t take heat so it's hard for him in the summer so he just wears t-shirt. He rarely goes shirtless. He's a ginger Japanese. And he's a lot cuter than a lot of the japanese people he often gets mistaken for Korean. His face is covered with freckles and he has big bright stunning blue eyes but he has big round glasses that covers how bright they are. He has kind of wavy/curly reddish blonde hair that goes crazy. It covers up his very freckly forehead (which he hates). And in the back its shaved off a little bit but he always lets it grow out a little bit before he shaves it again. He never uses gel for his hair. He despises it He has bigger than normal ears but he hides it with his hair but it doesn't always cooperate. He has pretty nice eyebrows and they are kind of brownish red but they have a really nice shape. He has very white teeth, and when he smiles it makes anyone who sees it happy (that was a metaphor not seriously, he doesn't have that type of super powers. he takes extremely good care of them just like the rest of his body.

Body description along with clothes: oh…..i kinda just said it all up there XD
Additional info: none, other than the fact that hes super amazing
Element (rate power from 1 to 10): fire, and probably a 4? hes working on it lol

@Celeste_X0X0_ group

NAME: Min-Hyuk Youn
Gender: male
Age: 18
Height and weight: 160
Facial features: His face is kind of triangle is round (due to his korean genetics) yet because he's so skinny you can see his jawline very clearly. He has droopy sad looking eyes and usually has dark circles under his eyes. He has long black eyelashes with black and grey eyes and if he looks into any form light they'll run white and silver with specks of black in them. (super pretty) he has a freckle (beauty mark ig) on the bottom right corner of his right eye. A prominent scar on his right eyebrow, Which he covers up with his dark thick wavy hair. Its so dark that sometimes when he goes into the sun (which is rare) is almost looks like a dark blue. Hes quite pale and his facial expressions can come off as super mean. (he doesnt mean it, wait sometimes he totally does, okay most of the time XD)
Body description along with clothes: okay so he's Korean and 6’1. he seems more heavy than he is and thats only because he wears baggy things. Sweatshirts (that often say rude or semi vulgar things on them) and skinny jeans, and he usually just wears converse. Hes actually kind of muscular, more than you would think when you see him. (you know what Min looks like lol)

Additional info: none, other than hes kind of a jerk (whoopsie)
Element (rate power from 1 to 10): Earth, 6-7?

@chickenfrogman group

(Two options)
(jump into a training session? Everyone [or mostly everyone] would be there then)
(Make there be some sort of meeting and everyone can remeet there)
(or like)(random third option)
(combine the two… make the first meeting like a training session thing)(That'd be funnn)

@chickenfrogman group

(That sounds fine :)))
(We'll go ahead and say they're going to meeeet…. At a warehouse of sorts? It's out of the huge city and more around the big farms)(Is that okay?)
(Heads up, most of the Elementals ended up finding and making themselves a life without ever finding out completely who they were before, some just ended up on the streets, some went into serious hiding, and some were adopted or taken care of by other families/people)