Aki nods and holds onto his hand tightly. He looked happier. Maybe it bit more relaxed.
Aki nods and holds onto his hand tightly. He looked happier. Maybe it bit more relaxed.
Lucien led him over to the food, holding Aki's hand. He grabbed some food and ate a little. "Do I need to feed you?" He asked with a smile, pressing a kiss to Aki's forehead.
He smiled warmly at the other before leaning into the kiss on his forehead. "Only if you want to." He replies, leaning into his hands before smiling at the other and scanning the food table.
Lucien chuckled a little. He grabbed some other food and held it out to Aki. "I'm not handfeeding you in public, love." He said with a smile, holding Aki close.
"Mmm. I suppose." He laughs quietly before gently kissing his cheek as he took the food. "Thank you, Lucien." he says happily, his ears perking up a little. Aki nuzzled into his side as he ate.
Lucien smiled gently. "You're welcome. I love you." he replied softly, keeping his arm around Aki and holding him close.
Aki leaned into Lucien, his eyes shutting in bliss. "I love you more." He giggles. He finished off his snack before giving a happy little noise.
Lucien laughed a little. "What, is this a contest now?" He asked with a grin.
"Nope. Just saying." He replies with a laugh, grabbing another snack and munching on it thoughtfully. "So… What now?" He asks curiously as he looks around the ballroom. He noticed some of the people- mostly the princesses shooting daggers at him through their eyes. He looked down at the floor nervously.
Lucien shrugged a little. "I don't know." He replied slowly. "Just uhm…do you want to dance again?" He asked, glancing at the dance floor. He wanted to delay having to speak with or dance to one of the women.
"Sure." He smiled sweetly at the other, his eyes gentle as he takes Lucien's hand. "Let's go dance." He placed a gentle kiss on the back of Lucien's hand before guiding him to the dance floor.
Lucien smiled as they went back out onto the dance floor, looping his arm around Aki's waist and then pulling the other male close. "Thank you." He said softly.
He presses a gentle kiss to his cheek before settling his hand on Lucien's shoulder. "Of course." He whispers in reply, placing his head on his other shoulder. "Always and forever."
Lucien leaned his head on top of Aki's with a soft hum. "Alright." he said, closing his eyes and swaying to the music with the other male.
Aki listened as well, a soft, happy sigh leaving his lips. He wished he could stay like this. He wished that the world would disappear so it could just be them.
Lucien danced with him for the next few songs, holding the other male close. The girls who had come in the hopes of becoming the next queen were becoming more and more upset with the fact that the prince was spending his time with Aki.
Aki tried to ignore the angered glances, buring his head further into Lucien's shoulder as he danced with the other. He danced, not saying anything. He was happy like this, happy to be with Lucien. He wasn't sure how he would feel if he lost the other to a woman.
Lucien steered them to the edge of the dance floor to take a break. He kissed the top of Aki's head softly. "I love you." he said softly. He looked up to see the King walking over, and sighed softly.
Aki leaned into the other, his smile growing a little bit. "I love you too." He whispers as he looked up at the other. He noticed the king coming over to them and he hesitantly let go.
Lucien smiled at him, and tugged him close again, letting out a breath.
"What are you doing?" the king hissed as he came close. "You cannot spend the whole ball dancing with…with the head mage. You need to dance with these girls." he said.
Lucien clenched his jaw. "I don't want to." he replied stubbornly.
Aki leaned into Lucien, hoping to hide from the king's rage. When he was mentioned, he looked up shyly at the King. He was so scared that he would get yelled at. "Lucien… maybe it's better if you listen to your father." he says quietly, holding his hand tightly.
Lucien held onto Aki's hand, but stood his ground.
"It doesn't matter whether or not you want to." the king replied, shaking his head a little bit. "You need a queen."
"I don't want a queen!" Lucien snapped.
Aki held his hand gently, his eyes wide with fear as he looked between the king and Lucien. He glanced at Lucien. "Lucien, please…" He whispers quietly.
Lucien glanced at Aki for a moment, and kissed his forehead softly, then looked at the king again.
The king frowned. "Well you need a queen." he replied firmly, crossing his arms.
"Why?" Lucien challenged. "Why do I need a queen?"
Aki smiled weakly at the kiss to his forehead before looking up at the king. He clung closer to Lucien, trying to make himself look as small as possible.
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