"Not particularly." She replied she had a light smile on her face as she did so, her voice ever so gentle.
Cassidy attempted to style his hair as it was the day before with her fingers.She seemed calm, calmer then she had been previously. She enjoyed playing with peoples hair, though at this particular moment she was resisting the urge to put small braids through out his.
"I was going to go find you but It would seem you beat me to it." She continued, brushing a few stray strands of hair from Calum's face before Putting her hands on her hips and tilting her head to the side.
"So, Are you here to say good morning or are you here to show off?"
"It seems I have." Calum hummed a little, giving her a light smile. When she pulled back from him, he couldn't keep from smiling.
"But about coming here, maybe I came to do both. Though I didn't do anything super impressive." He shrugged a little, reaching out to boop her nose. "Unless you found it impressive. Then it was totally something special."
Keeping up his relaxed joking manner, he continued to lean up against the frame of the cabin. He wanted to run a hand through his hair, but told himself not to. Cassidy had just fixed it for him.
"Any idea when your roommates will be up? I don't want to bug them."
Cassidy Smiled brightly, "Nope, this Lass is most definitely not impressed."
She glanced back at the cabin for a moment, "I don't think they're morning people." She answered, "And they were up later than I was, so they probably wont be up for a bit." She stepped down off of the porch, and spun around grinning.
"Their loss really, it's just right outside in the morning." She stopped spinning facing Calum, "So what's on the to do list for today?"
Calum wasn't sure if she was joking or not, with her first comment. But he didn't bother asking, not wanting to sound desperate.
"Well, breakfast should be in a little bit. An hour or so, at the latest. Besides that, I'm not sure. They'll probably announce it at breakfast."
Picking his skateboard up, he started walking off in a random direction. He didn't really know where to go; he was just walking, hoping Cassidy would follow behind him.
"You coming, lass?" He called out, giving her a bright grin.
Cassidy grinned in response to Calum's smile, "You think you can lose me?" She answered catching up to him.
The morning sun spilled over the leafy canopy over head, casting patterned shadows on the ground. Cassidy looked over at Calum before leaning on his shoulder a bit saying softly, " I think you succeeded in both of your morning goals. I found your skating most impressive." She pulled back from him, smiling, before turning her eye's to the tree's around them.
(I apologize for my slow responses.)
"Nah, I don't." Calum started, giving a light smile as they walked.
Though when she leaned up against him, and started talking, he felt his breath get caught in his throat. His eyes grew wider, and he started to bite in to his bottom lip. His smile had faded- as he was a little too surprised to keep it up.
"I- um… right." He stammered a bit, training his eyes on his feet while they walked. "Thank… thank you?"
Cassidy was completely oblivious to his sudden change , "What do you think is for breakfast?" She asked.
She was scanning the Forrest and the horizon line, searching for any wild life.
"What I would give for a traditional Irish Breakfast fight now, that's what I call a meal."
"Not sure," Calum mumbled a little. "But I have a feeling it won't be an Irish breakfast. I don't actually know what that is."
Glancing up at her, he let a small smile creep up. She was so cute.
"What's typically in a traditional Irish breakfast?" He asked lightly, setting his skate board on the ground and pushing off the ground to roll on down the path. But he kept it a slow pace, not wanting to get ahead of Cassidy.
"It's a long list, of foods." Cassidy began, keeping in pace with Calum, " Bacon, Sausage, Black and white pudding, though I'm not a huge fan of black pudding myself, Eggs, Mushrooms, a tomato."
At this point Cassidy paused counting the Items on her fingers trying to remember them all.
"Where was I, Mushrooms , a tomato… Oh! Hash browns, Toast, Baked beans, and Tea! Also Orange juice depending on the person, I'm an Orange juice person myself."
She counted again on her fingers ensuring she hadn't missed anything before continuing, "I like to think of it as a Hobbit Breakfast."
"It sure sound like one. I'd be down to eat that, at least once in my life." Calum hummed lightly, glancing over to her as they strolled along.
It was a beautiful day outside, and even better with Cassidy at his side. He had no idea why he was so drawn to her, but he was. And didn't seem to mind it in the slightest. His smile was friendly and relaxed as he went to speak again.
"Have you found it anywhere in the Americas? Or is that only an Irish thing? Because I'd love to go somewhere, and get that for breakfast."