Vaughn paid with cash. He couldn’t have a card- just in case. He went out to his car and put the things in the passenger side. It was an older, grey, 2015 honda civic with dark windows. He glanced to the duffel bag in the back seat, knowing inside would be various folders, weapons, clothes, and more. He glanced at the mask that was inside- one painted black with a grinning, gaping mouth, thousands of messily scribbled fangs in the mouth. It matched the figure almost. He glanced at the figure, then back at his mask. He wore that when killing. He zipped the bag shut.
Arlen pulled out of the lot, and headed home. He tapped his fingers on the steering wheel to the beat of the music. He needed to take a shower, too, he realized. So. Shower, then pass out while watching TV. That was his plan. He smiled a little, but kept his focus on driving.
Vaughn started the car and drove down the road to a nearby motel, getting a room for a few nights. He already had a target, he wasn’t planning to stay long. He carried all of his bags into his room and locked the door behind him, setting up things like his laptop and unpacking his bags. He kicked the duffel under the bed, not needing those for a moment. He could have sworn he saw something under the bed. He leaned down and when he did, a cold, rotting hand grabbed his wrist. A yelp left his lips and he jerked away, tumbling to the floor in a curled up position, hands shielding his head from danger.
Arlen, arriving home, wasted no time in getting into the shower, relaxing under the hot spray of water that beat down on his head. He hummed softly as he washed off, and changed into his pajamas when he was done. He fed his fish, then flopped down on his bed with a tired sigh, turning on the TV and putting on something he knew he could fall asleep to.
Vaughn eventually uncurled after a moment and looked under the bed again, seeing nothing there besides some dust and his duffel bag. It wasn’t real. But it felt real. It always does. He climbed to his feet and stripped off his clothing. Just another day. He wanted to make this quick. He dug through his clothes and found the slip of paper Arlen had given him. After a moment of thought, he typed the number into his phone and sent a message that read, ‘It’s Vaughn, from the supermarket. I’m glad I met you. Let’s meet up soon. xx’
Arlen groaned when his phone went off, and fumbled for it to answer. He unlocked it. 'Oh, hey. Yeah same. Sure, when do you have in mind?' he texted back, smiling a little. He wasn't quite sure why Vaughn had added those x's, but didn't really mind.
Of course Vaughn had added those x’s to show interest, but he wasn’t sure if Arlen had gotten the point. He huffed and tutted softly. He looked back at his phone and typed up another reply. ‘We could go to the movies or something like that sometime?’
Arlen raised an eyebrow a little. 'Are you asking me this as a date, or as friends?' He replied. He debated whether or not to send it, then finally hit send before he could chicken out of it. He bit his lower lip as he waited for the response.
Vaughn read over the text that he was sent and laughed softly. Silly Arlen. The male was so oblivious in a way. ‘On a date, of course, if you’re into that,’ he replied before setting the phone aside. He put a pair of sweats on and climbed under the covers before picking up his phone once again.
Arlen smiled. 'I swing both ways, so yeah, totally.' He replied, chuckling softly. He stretched, changing position in his bed to be a bit more comfortable. 'What movie did you wanna see? And what time?' He would have to check with his shift schedule before finalizing any plans, of course.
Vaughn licked his lips a bit as he skimmed over the letters on the screen. ‘I’ll see anything a bit more on the nice side. Violence and gore puts me off a little, I’ll admit. How about tomorrow around 7?’ He thought about his lie about violence and gore. Thought about the 11 men that had died at his hands so far, some even with his bare hands.
'Lemme check my shift schedule, but i think that'll work.' he texted back. He got out of bed, and checked. 'Yup, that works fine. Which theater?' he went back to his bed, snuggling into the covers.
Vaughn played with his bottom lip with his fingertips. ‘There’s a Regal theater on Madison. We could go there,’ he sent. The target’s house was on the way to that theater. He could scope out the place a bit before hand.
'I know the place. Sounds good. I'll find a movie?' Arlen replied, smiling. He hadn't expected to be texted so quick, and he certainly hadn't expected it to be with the offer of a date. He ran a hand through his hair.
‘Yeah, that would be great. Let me know and I’ll be there xx’ Vaughn sent in reply. He set his phone aside and licked his lips as he smiled a bit to himself. It was exhilarating to think that he’d be going out with a police officer who would soon be investigating the murders he would commit in that town.
'sounds good. C ya then.' He texted back. He pulled out his laptop and went onto the theaters website, humming as he scrolled through the options for movies.
Vaughn rolled over onto his back under the covers in the dark room, seeing little figures out of the corners of his eyes. He’d learned to try and not get too startled. No matter how real they looks, they weren’t real. They couldn’t be real. Nothing like the things he saw at times existed in reality.
Arlen took a deep breath, and picked a movie. He hummed softly as he watched his show after sending the details of the movie to Vaughn. He realized, after a moment, that he didn't actually know the other male's last name. Though that wasn't really a big deal, he supposed.
Arlen didn’t need to know his last name. Finley was an infamous last name across the country, associated with the brutal murder connected to it. It was the perfect example of domestic violence gone south.
He closed his eyes and turned the TV off, drifting to sleep. The blankets were pulled over his body, rumpled already from just a few movements.
(Yeah, we can time skip!)
It was currently an hour before Vaughn and Arlen’s movie date, and Vaughn was parked on the street near his victims house. He had the car off and was leaning back in his seat a bit to make himself less noticeable. The male was named Alex. He was 49. Recently out of prison for a demotic violence case. Just his type, of course.
Arlen had gotten home from his shift an hour ago, and had gotten ready. He had purchased the tickets online, and printed them, putting them into his pocket. He sent a text to Vaughn. 'ready?'
Vaughn watched as the man came out of his house, getting into his car and driving off. He had so desperately wanted to follow after. He wanted to just end the male’s life right now. He looked down at his phone when it buzzed. ‘Very ready! xx’
Arlen smiled. He had a half hour to go, so he drove aimlessly for a while, before arriving at the theater. 'Am at the theater now. What snacks do you want?' he asked, then tucked the phone back in his pocket.
Vaughn was nearing the theater when he received Arlen’s text. ‘Just some popcorn. I’ll be there very soon’. He concentrated on driving, gripping the steering wheel tightly with one hand as he pulled into the parking lot. He parked and got out, looking around a bit as he headed into the theater.