“Really, really. You just shut down like 95% of my brain a few minutes ago. I don’t even remember the last time that happened to me.” I grinned, a bit baffled still. “But I guess you get all flustered when I call you cute, so it’ll make it easy to torment you in school without drawing too much suspicion. Unlike me, on the other hand…”
"Don't you dare." I pointed a finger at Mercutio, only half-joking when I spoke again. "Joe will notice, and likely murder you. So please, no teasing me in public settings."
I sighed, realizing she had a point. “But I’ll miss you.”
"We'll always have our late-night texting conversations," I reassured him, despite how strongly I agreed, "And we can come here when we're both free."
“Yeah, I know.” I sighed, fidgeting with my glasses. “I like spending time with you though.”
"I'm glad," I teased him, "After all, you are my boyfriend. My secret boyfriend."
“I like it when you call me you boyfriend.” I admitted, taking a deep breath and exhaling slowly. “It feels right, you know?”
"Boyfriend," I repeated, shifting closer. "Boyfriend, boyfriend, boyfriend, boyfriend. My boyfriend."
I smiled warmly at her, a fuzzy feeling stirring in my chest. “Don’t know if I mentioned this before, but I really like you.”
"The feeling is mutual, Mercutio," I grinned, reaching forward to ruffle his hair.
It was as though my heart was being thawed out for the first time in my life. There wasn’t any ulterior motive. She didn’t want me for money. She didn’t want me out of lust. She wanted me… well, I don’t totally understand that yet, but I’m trying to. The whole concept warmed me up inside and out because there was a chance she wanted me for me. And that suddenly meant a lot more than I ever thought it would.
“I really love it when you do that…” I murnured fondly, pulling back.
“Do what?” I blinked a few times, snapping out of my daze as soon as she pulled away.
I leaned forward again to poke at his cheek. “That thing. Where your eyes soften, like you’re thinking about something really meaningful.”
“I was thinking about you.” I crinkled up my nose impulsively as she squished my cheek. “And how good you make me feel.”
“Aww…” I grinned up at him, pressing a hand to my heart. “That’s so sweet, Mercutio~”
“It’s true. You’re perfect for me.” I hummed, blushing again. “Once I get my red face under control we’ll be set.”
“Good luck with that,” I chuckled, poking his cheek one last time.
I flushed pink at her touch, but did my best to ignore it. “It’s my turn to ask a question now.” I hummed, already pausing to think. “What’s your favorite thing about yourself?”
I bit down on my bottom lip, contemplating his question. “Hard to say…” I mused quietly, “I don’t know. Maybe…”
“Maybe…?” I waited patiently, drumming my fingers on my leg. “I can list some things if you’d like.” I winked at her.
“Don’t you dare,” I laughed, “I enjoy keeping my composure, thanks. Do you want me to say a physical feature or something from my personality?”
“Both.” I decided, reaching for another small sandwich.
I pondered this for another minute, humming under my breath. "I guess I like how sarcastic I can be around my friends. And I'm really proud of some of my songs. Physically, though, I dunno."
“I like your hands.” I offered. “They’re small. Fit right into mine.” And they’re gentle. The sentence remained caught in my throat out of sheer embarrassment alone.