forum i need someone active later in the evenings (Open OxO)
Started by @lord-of-the-carnival group

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@lord-of-the-carnival group

Knight continues to stare at Derik a moment longer before shifting and picking the shorter man up like a naughty kitten.

"No. Thanks. Good-bye." he says, placing the man outside and leaning against the door, making it near impossible to open.

@Eli-the-transboi group

Derik yelps, standing there in shock for a moment. He then grumbles and walks all the way around to the back door, walking back inside. “Asshole! There’s more than one door!” Derik calls, “fucker-

@lord-of-the-carnival group

(how wide could this room really be? like- 5-ish feet, with most of it being occupied by machinery? just trying to help continuity lmao-)

Knight simply stares at the man before repeating the same thing he'd done a couple seconds ago.

@Eli-the-transboi group

(Hm- ig so- idk im not so good with dimensions- I’m always confused on how big or small a room is)

Derik huffs, “Dude! Let me work! God!” He does the same thing over. “Gettin’ my workout I guess-“ He wipes the sweat from his forehead, then goes back to the piece of machinery he was working on.

@Eli-the-transboi group

Derik crosses his arms, “If you were here first, then you were here for a while. And I wouldn’t really give a shit. Just don’t bother me and we’re good. Now quit bein’ a jackass.”

@Eli-the-transboi group

Derik looks at him, raising an eyebrow. “How am I annoying you? You’re the one who barged in here in the first place, bud! Not my fault.” He turns back to his work.

@Eli-the-transboi group

Derik grins, “Well then. My apologies, your hind-ass.” He rolls his eyes, wiping the black grease from his hands. “But this place ain’t a hide out if that’s what you were wantin’. I don’t care what you do, but I’m gonna be workin’.”

@Eli-the-transboi group

(Ikr- XD)

Derik scoffs, “In fact I am. To the kids I take care of anyways.” He throws his rag over his shoulder. “You sure are sittin’ on a plastic throne here.”

@Eli-the-transboi group

Derik chuckles, “See ya later, fucker!” He rolls his eyes, going back to work. Derik hums and puts his earbuds in, focusing on the machinery he was working on. He just knew everyone at the hospital would be asking why he was covered in grease. Especially new patients. He snickers softly as he thinks of funny responses to tell them. His mind soon wanders to the tall robot dude he just met. He’d probably see him again. Maybe…