forum i need someone active later in the evenings (Open OxO)
Started by @lord-of-the-carnival group

people_alt 66 followers

@Eli-the-transboi group

(Ik XD but my dude works on cars and all kind as of tech so- yeahhhhh- I just wanted the funny part of the guy who just so happens to be good with tech and metal but then you add your character and you’re like- oh ok then my job wont do shit for this- CoOl-)
(ANYWAYS- XD don’t mind me- being a nerd-)

@Eli-the-transboi group

Name: Derik M’lark
Nicknames (Optional):
Age: 29
Ethnicity: Mixed Italian and American
Gender: male
Sexuality: Gay

Hair Color & Length: brown and black and barely at shoulder length.
Eye Color: blue
Height: 6ft5
Weight: 183
Skin Color: tan-ish
Face Claim (Optional):

Voice Claim (Optional): (don’t mind the vid- it’s just how he sounds-)

Basic Traits: A very sweet, yet stubborn man. At his part time job, he’s a kind father figure who loves his job. At his other job, he’s more playful and even a jerk. He’s been known to throw a wrench at people if they tick him off.
Biases: He’s found at one of his jobs, youth and adults alike have been mistreated to such an extent that they have had to come there to him. He feels obliged to make it known that many people, such as himself, have been wronged for too long. (You’ll learn about his jobs more soon-)
Political Lean (Optional): none. He’d be considered a leftist, but he considers himself open to anything.
Motivations (Optional): His ‘family’/chosen family and the people he cares about.
Flaws: He’s been known to be temperamental and rude at times. He’s definitely stubborn. Sometimes, you’ll get to see his soft side. And when he is soft, he can be seen as weak.
Hobbies: helping others, spending time with loved ones, building and fixing things.
Talents: he’s very crafty and handy. He knows how to fix just about anything.

@lord-of-the-carnival group

Standard Identification: HDZ Corp. Militarized Standard Asset No. 145692-HDX, Tactical Assault Series
Name: "Knight"
Manufacture Time: 12 years ago, looks like a 23 year old human man
Ethnicity: Bio-engineered military unit
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Unknown

Hair Color & Length: Oil spill black, medium length faded layers
Eye Color: Deep, bottom of the ocean blue
Height: 8'6 1/3" (without armor) 16'11 3/9"
Weight: 423.782 lbs (without armor) 804.64 lbs (with armor)
Skin Color: Burnt caramel
Body Type: Rectangle; very broad shoulders (about 48 inches across)
Face Claim (Optional): N/A
Voice Claim (Optional): Think thatbassvoice on YouTube and TikTok

Basic Traits: Literally lives only for war. Adaptive to any environment and condition.
Biases: None. His programming is not set for racism or bias towards anyone.
Political Lean (Optional): None.
Motivations (Optional): War.
Flaws: Tends to choose the simple path according to his conditioning: fighting.
Hobbies: Fighting.
Talents: Fighting, war, using weapons, hand-to-hand combat, strategic combat thinking

His fighting capabilities are unmatched by any other unit made by HDZ Corp., or any other military asset creation corporation for that matter. Think of him (physically) as a mix between Doomslayer, Master Chief and Martins Licis, except with the personality of a tank and the build to match. Due to his biological nature, he can't be hacked or "repaired." He automatically regenerates any lost limbs, cannot get sick, doesn't need to sleep. . . however, he requires a lot of food to stay active.

His armor-

@lord-of-the-carnival group

Knight stood in his black sleeveless tee, staring down the repairman in fron of him. It was obvious what the man was from his toolbelt and uniform.

Knight had been hiding in the thick walls of a building - an electrical center.

Which had just gotten someone dispatched to fix it.

Normally, Knight would simply kill whoever found him; however, this time, some flash of emotion he couldn't identify - curiosity? - made him stop and simply watch the man.

After a second or two, he speaks in his low, rock-hard bass.

"Do not scream. If I think you are about to, you will die before you can even take a breath." he says quietly.

@Eli-the-transboi group

Derik looks at Knight and scoffs, “Like I would you ain’t scary.” He sets his hands on his hips after wiping the grease off of them. “So. Whatcha doin’ here? Bein’ a trouble maker or just curious?” Derik smirks, trying to joke around. That was his usual self. Joking with everyone. Even ai.

Derik clicks his tongue, looking Knight up and down. “Tall ass mother fucker…” He mutters.

@lord-of-the-carnival group

(its fine lol)

"I'm. . . not scary." Knight repeats, turning it into a sort of. . . voided question. No tone as he just stared down the man.

"Yes. I am tall." he says blankly. He didn't understand how exactly that was relevant to the situation. "As for what I am doing here, it will not concern you if you ask no more questions about it."

@Eli-the-transboi group

Derik scoffs, “Aye bud all ya gotta do is answer the questions. I won’t tell on ya if you do.” He grins, still being playful. Derik had always had a rude sense of humor. Unless he was at the hospital he worked at. But that was a different story. Derik hums softly, “Anyways. Do ya want somethin’? And remember the more questions ya don’t answer, the more ya gotta hear.”

@Eli-the-transboi group

Derik chuckles, “You don’t seem as…well- ‘smart’ as you led on. Either that or you’re a straight to the point guy.” He taps his wrench on his workbelt. “Hmm…” He stood there, thinking as he looks Knight up and down.

@Eli-the-transboi group

Derik huffs, “And I’m the guy who you got caught by. Now answer my damn question.” He grumbles, “Maybe you shouldn’t have let yourself get caught.”

@lord-of-the-carnival group

Knight looks a bit annoyed now.

"You do not have the authority to tell me to answer a question." he says sharply. "And I never 'let' anything happen. I simply did not expect someone so soon."

@Eli-the-transboi group

Derik smirks. “You let it happen, bud. You did expect it yes but you shouldn’t have been sneekin’ around in the first place.” He sounded like a father playfully scolding his kid. A stern tone, but still keeping that playful look on his face.