forum i need someone active later in the evenings (Open OxO)
Started by @lord-of-the-carnival group

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@lord-of-the-carnival group

Knight sighs, backhanding Derik so hard his head literally just. Vaporizes.

"Whoops." he says, looking surprised.

He shrugs and does to the head what he'd done to the leg to restore it.

@lord-of-the-carnival group

"Sorry. Didn't think it was possible but you might be growing on me. Not in a good, sweet way. More like. . . an irreversable or unremovable skin disease or fungus." Knight shrugs.

@lord-of-the-carnival group

Knight gets up and brushes himself off, walking over to Derik. Some instinct in him was saying, "Comfort him, you messed up."

Which was strange, really. Knight had no recollection of that sort of programming being put into him. But, he'd act on it. Because he had nothing better to do, and he was just slightly curious to see if he would feel anything.

So he walks over and shifts Derik upright, wrapping his broad arms round the smaller man and holding him gently.

@Eli-the-transboi group

Derik gasps, his body abnormally tense. He stays quiet for a bit, shocked. He then snaps back to his senses and quickly tries to wipe away his tears, but they just kept coming back.

A small whimper escapes Derik’s throat as his sobs get more and more intense. He never thought that he would be the one being hugged. He was always the one hugging his kids when they broke down like this…not the other way around…

@lord-of-the-carnival group

Knight stays quiet, just continuing to hold Derik like that as he sobbed.

Huh. Well this wasn't anywhere within my programming. . . he thinks, even as he just comfortingly holds the man, letting him work all of his tears out. But. . . this is actually kinda nice.

@Eli-the-transboi group

Derik takes a moment, then leans into Knight. He hides his face in Knight’s chest, shaking slightly as he sobbed. He felt so weak…so small…he hated it.

He claws at his already reddened arm, letting out a pain filled, heartbreaking cry. It wasn’t physical pain…it was mental pain. He didn’t ask for what had happened to him, it just…happened…the poor mans mind was too clouded with flashbacks to even recognize that he was now holding onto Knight as if he were a frightened child.

@lord-of-the-carnival group

Knight gently takes hold of Derik's arms, making sure not to hurt him but also restrict his movement enough that he couldn't hurt himself again.

"It's okay. . . if you need to hit something, hit me. . ." he says quietly. "Or if you need someone to just hold you I can do that too."

@lord-of-the-carnival group

Knight leans back and stares at Derik softly.

"Derik M'lark, please. Breathe. Deep breaths. Don't try and struggle, you'll only get hurt more. Just breathe and let the emotions come out." he murmurs.

@Eli-the-transboi group

Derik started choking on air, coughing. He whimpers, still trying to pull away. The flashbacks completely took over his vision. Soon, Knight’s voice sounded distant and muffled.

@lord-of-the-carnival group

Knight holds Derik steady, thinking for a moment before sighing. He presses his fingers into the hollow between the collarbone and neck, putting enough pressure down to knock the man out.

He gently bundles his arms up in pandages and makes sure that Derik wouldn't be able to get them off before putting the man on his cot and covering him with a blanket.

@Eli-the-transboi group

Derik gasps softly as he instantly blacks out, slumping into Knight.

He stayed out all night, somehow looking quite peaceful. But that would come to an end at 6 in the morning when he started whimpering in his sleep. Of course, Derik always had nightmares. Every night in fact. Sadly he was used to it by now, but that didn’t mean it never threw him off. He would always wake up in a cold sweat, sometimes jolting awake and screaming. And this was one of those times.

Derik gasps after about 5 minutes of him just shaking and muttering in his seep, jolting upright and screaming; “STOP!”