forum i need someone active later in the evenings (Open OxO)
Started by @lord-of-the-carnival group

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@lord-of-the-carnival group

"It isn't a waste if it's to keep your ass healthy, so either we go to that store or we go back because we aren't walking-" Knight checks a holographic map that he produces with a tap of the barcode on his cheek. "-13.2 gods forsaken miles. Or rather, you aren't, and I'm not carrying you."

@lord-of-the-carnival group

Knight blinks. "You are a petty bastard, you know that?"

He simply picks Derik up at this point and puts him under one arm like a football and walks into the store.

One of the store attendants hears the door open and the bell placed in front of it ring, and comes out from the back, stopping dead in his tracks as his gaze slowly travels up. And up. Until he's looking at Knight's face.

"Hey. My friend here is. . . roughly a size 21 in mens. Find some blue and/or grey jeans - loose enough for freedom but tight enough to comply with OSHA guidlines, some ankle cut socks and some briefs. I'll be paying, so don't worry about whatever he says." he commands.

the store clerk nods frantically and rushes off to find to colleagues, who, upon being informed of the behemoth in the main area, scatter off to find the other items of Knight's request.

@Eli-the-transboi group

Derik yelps, wiggling in Knight’s arms, but he eventually just gives up. He grumbles to himself, crossing his arms. “And you’re very self contradicting.”

He then smirks at Knight when he hears him say ‘friend’. “Awwww I’m your friend? How sweet.” He snickers to himself.

@lord-of-the-carnival group

"Me too." Knight smirks.

The store attendants come back with a few armfuls of stuff and Knight nods casually. He walks over to the pay desk and taps his cheek, causing a card to fold out. He slots it into the chip reader and pays for everything before smiling at the attendents. "Bag those up."

They rush to comply.

@lord-of-the-carnival group

Knight watches for a bit longer before shaking his head and looking back at the attendants, who were nearly done.

They speed up and blaze through the last of the clothes, bringing them quickly to Knight, who takes them and smiles at the attendants. "Shoo."

They scatter and Knight laughs as he walks out the door.

@Eli-the-transboi group

Derik looks up from his nearly finished swan and then huffs and goes back to what he was doing. “You’re still a rude asshole. But so am I do I can’t really say shit.”

@Eli-the-transboi group

Derik grumbles, somehow managing to dig into his pocket and pulls out his phone. He almost drops in, but sighs in relief when he catches it. “Think again, jackass.” He turns it on, humming softly to himself as he gets on some kind of game.

@lord-of-the-carnival group

Knight rolls his eyes and mutters something in Afghani before making sure that Derik would be as uncomfortable as possible by stepping into every pothole or just barely missing the curbs as he makes his way to the GAP.

@lord-of-the-carnival group

(btw i figured out the maximum limits for Knight's strength- he can comfortably hold a GAU-8 Avenger machinegun with a full feed system and drum, which makes the whole thing weigh roughly 4,029 pounds, including a full ammunition load lol)

Knight rolls his eyes and steps into the store.

"What kind of shirts do you normally wear?" he asks.