forum I'm Sorry, It's Not Your Problem// O/O // gAy // OPen
Started by @bubblegum

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Well, he was in hell, and this man was on a throne - so Gabe could only assume it was Lucifer. Satan. The devil. What have you. He nodded. "You're Lucifer, aren't you?"

@Rvan group

“You’re smart then, eh?” Lucifer smirked again, looking Gabe up and down. And he decided he wouldn’t mind this new little human to call him Lucifer. “So how did you die so young?”


"I'm…pretty sure Abby killed me. My girlfriend." He sighed the tiniest bit. "We didn't get along too well."

@Rvan group

“Oh.” Oh. He must be into girls, then. Lucifer sighed, looking at Gabe with a bored expression for a second before turning to stroll back to his throne, “Alright then. Might as well put you to some work.” It was rather disappointing too, this mortal was kinda cute. “Guards!”

@Rvan group

(I don’t really know what to do either cause Lucifer isn’t very sympathetic lol, maybe have Gabe talk to him more and try to convince him to not send him away maybe?)


((he's not really that cocky of a guy but sure this is gonna be rly weird. it would also be good for maybe lucifer to prompt something about him liking guys))
"Um…could you wait a second?" Gabe asked. From what he'd heard about hell, he kind of wanted to stall it just a little.

@Rvan group

(I don’t really want to rush it and force them into a romance, unless you’d rather them to fall in love quickly, which I’m also okay with if that’s what you want to happen(?))
“What?” Lucifer demanded with a bored expression as he picked at his sharpened nails.


((Oh no, you're fine, I was thinking perhaps he could prompt it unintentionally))
"I…" Gabe tried to think of something at least passable he could say that would keep him from moving on, but he couldn't think of anything. "I don't really know."

@Rvan group

(I actually had a decent idea for this last night when I was laying awake in bed lol, so yay)
A chuckle escaped Lucifer’s mouth before he could think twice. A genuine, small laugh. Another set of guards, in their human form, were walking in, but Lucifer held up a hand to stop them. He stared at Gabe for a second, a hint of a smile on his face. Something about Gabe made Lucifer want to continue, “Okay. Come with me then.” He began walking around the guards to the exit, not checking to see if Gabe was following.


((This looks good ))
Gabe looked around for a couple moments, unsure if this would end up better or worse, before following him, giving the guards a wide berth - and a polite nod. He was so used to doing it.

@Rvan group

Lucifer led Gabe down long, plain halls of his castle. Some walls had decorative banners, but for the most part they were a bland dark grey. Lucifer took them to a large oak door, twice the size of Lucifer, with rusted hinges. He was very familiar with these doors.
Lucifer yanked the door open to reveal a busy tavern (kinda medieval themed), not many paying heed to the arrival of their king, and strode in to a seat at the bar. He waited for Gabe to sit next to him.

(Just so it doesn’t get confusing later, Lucifer’s castle is connected to a lot of public places in the demon world, such as bars, movie theaters, etc (some styled from different time periods), so Lucifer (being the king of hell) has access to a lot of things/places)
(Sorry if none of that made sense oof)


((No it makes sense))
Gabe followed him, taking the entire scene in with wide eyes as he sat down next to Lucifer, remaining silent.

@Rvan group

Lucifer smiled to himself when Gabe sat down. It had been a long while since he did this with someone else. “Have you ever tried drinking when you were alive, Gabe?”


"Yeah. Not a lot, but yeah," Gabe responded, trying to push Abby out of his head. Even the slightest of mention of something remotely connected to her would set him off, and it had been even when he was alive. Whenever Abby would see abandoned alcohol anywhere - the curb, the riverbank, someone's closet, she would drink it without hesitation.

@Rvan group

The bartender approached gracefully, “Hello, my favorite customer,” The man purred as he leaned on the other side of the counter, not paying any attention to Gabe.
Lucifer responded sharply, “My usual, Alex.” He was quite familier with Alex, but he wasn’t in the mood. Despite Alex’s handsome looks, Lucifer wasn’t charmed. Alex was more of a distraction every couple hundred years.
“Oh fine, Satan, but we’ll have to date again sometime, you know,” Alex drawled, but Lucifer gave him a look to cut the act. The bartender sighed, then turned to Gabe, “So what can I get for you?”

@Rvan group

The bartender walked to the back to fetch them their drinks, so Lucifer turned to face Gabe in the meantime. “So why did you end up in hell?” Lucifer asked as he leaned against the table. If he really wanted to know, he could go find Gabe’s files in the Boring Division from So-And-So, but he didn’t care that much to go digging for it—much easier to just ask.

@Rvan group

“Oh?” Lucifer raised an eyebrow, just before his drink was set it front of him. It was a black reddish color, nothing fancy about it other than the otherworldly color.
Alex set Gabe’s drink down next to it, the bartender smiling at Gabe, “So how about you, hmm? Are you single?”
Lucifer rolled his eyes, “The mortal likes girls, now leave us alone Alex before I send you downstairs.” The bartender paled and quickly scurried away to finally leave them alone.

@Rvan group

“Oh,” Lucifer stared at his drink for a second, his mouth stuck in a small “o” shape. It quickly turned into a smirk, “I didn’t think you’d be into guys at all.” He took a sip of his drink, craving its effects.


"Abby…was only the second girl I ever dated," Gabe said, glancing around the bar before returning his gaze back to Lucifer.