forum I'll be your Sweet Radio Demon
Started by @Demigod_Fenrir

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Alexander gave him a questioning look. It's like 9 in the morning… Alexander did know that Faybian was right, he was an important factor in the experiment, he just didn't want to admit it. Alexander moved over so Faybian could have the space to dry the dishes. "Let's say I am a need factor…" he broke the silence. His voice was calmer and more relaxed like it was every day. "Then what? I'm not good at analyzing emotions let alone mine. So, let's just call this experiment a failure since it didn't prove anything. Laster on today, I am so testing why your eyes turn red." He took his cup of coffee and entered his bedroom.


"you are a factor." Faybian corrected as he set a glass plate to the side to store away for later. He relaxed his tense stance in response to Alexander's softening tone. He shook his head, a laugh escaping him. "What kind of experiment is that? Only one trial?" He questioned, finally taking a look at Alexander. "I've already told you, high emotions cause eyes to flow." He replied flatlet, trailing Alexander as he walked off towards his room. Faybian huffed a frustrated sigh, mad at himself that he had actively interested in in Alexander's so called experiment, even if had been for a moment. He looked down at his hand, tinged with bkack and purple coloring. He clenched it hard and growled softly, debating whether it was worth smashing the plate, maybe that's help him feel nothing.

@rui group

Alexander slammed the cup down on his glass desk. "Fine, let's do another one then, huh." He held out his hands. His hands were pale like his skin. There were burns and scars on it from past eminent that he didn't mind. "Let's test this again. Tell me how you feel, and I'll tell you how I feel. More or less." Alexander leaned to the side a bit and raised an eyebrow about why his hand was black and purple. He shrugged and turned his hand, so his palm was facing up. You could see cut marks on his wrists up the middle of his arm. The lines on his palm were distinct and clear. "So?"


Faybian gave a side glace to the hand offered to him then flickered his eyes to Alexander's features. He scoffed softly as set the plate and drying rag down on the counter. "And they call me confusing." He muttered, taking one long look at the human in front of him, eyes trailing back down to his hand. A frown tugged at his lips when he spotted the scars and burns, all too similar to Faybian's near invisible burns and scarring, a testimony to how he had died as a human long ago. A low, inhumane growl rippled through him as he rolled up his sleeve slightly. "Fine." He sucked in a breath and awkwardly took Alexander's outstretched hand. He stood their for a few second's, neither tightening or lightening his hold on Alexander'd hand, merely leaving it lightly placed there. Despite that, Faybian could feel every point of contact. He was surprised to find he didn't actually immediately hate this. It had been so long since he felt another willing human's touch, far longer than the hundred year ban from the living world. He managed to keep a neutral face as he slightly shifted his stance but didn't remove his hand. "You first this time."

@rui group

Alexander looks at his hand and then back to Faybian. His cheeks were slightly rosy. His hands were much smaller than Faybian's. He couldn't understand what he was feeling. ALexander sucked in a breath as he moved one of his hands, slowly intertwining their fingers. "I don't-" He ripped his hand away, the other one still holding on. "I'm sorry, I don't know why I did that." he huffed a laugh and then cleared his throat. "Your hand feels warm, safe, and rough. They feel like you've been through a lot." His free hand moved to Faybian's again with a satisfied sigh. "Why do I like this?" he whispered. He looked up, clearing his throat once more. "Your turn now…" he trailed off looking to the side.


Fabian stood there, confused and slightly lightheaded. He had never, not in his 26 years of life, nor his hundreds of years of death and demonhood had he ever been described as a particularly safe or comforting person to be around. If he thought about it hard enough, he would never really understand why people were cautious around him. As a demon now, he could understand but as a human it usually made him feel isolated. He didn't necessarily like this very human feeling of want. Not demon lust or violent urges but a simple want to be around those who made him feel wanted. The exact same desire that had driven him to his death so many years ago. He slowly pulled his hands back and shook himself out of that mentality. He moved around Akexander towards the living room and grabbed this coat. "No." He growled softly. "You do not get to know my thoughts. I am a demon Lord. I don't need to answer anything, especially to a human in my contract." He yanked open the door "I need to go kill something, I won't be back until later." With that he silently left the room, the crackling radio static surrounding him as his firm changed once again. His teeth turned needle sharp, eyes a glow with reds and purples. He had been described by his killers as a snake before his death, and that is exactly what he had become, but far worse than what they had ever could have imagined.

@rui group

Alexander stood there in silence. Watching him leave. "But you said you would-" He was cut off by the door closing and making a loud bang echo through the room. Alex bit his bottom lip nervously. He could say anything, there was nothing he could say. "Just forget it. It doesn't matter." He whispered and shut the door to his bedroom. He sat at his desk and opened his computer filled with notes and tabs that had been opened beforehand. "He said he didn't believe me that I wasn't a needed factor and here I am, trying to figure it out, but he won't even say a word to me." He rested his head on the desk. There was a pain in his chest that he couldn't seem to get rid of. "I hate this!" he groaned.


Faybian stalked the streets of the city, hands fidgeting at his side, the urge to strangle, main, or kill something. He wanted to erase that warm, fuzzy, human feeling that lingered in his chest. He had half the thought to go back and kill Alexander but that would sully his hellish title. Only desperate, incompetent should would be so shallow minded to kill their own contracted. Faybian wouldn't stoop that low, at least not yet. He could get through this, would get through this. Without strings attached. He turned a corner and made his way into an ally way, glaring as beggars and miscrients scuttled away from what they knew was inhuman.thoygh one did try to reach out to him. Faybian paused, staring at the hand outstretched towards him, mind flashing back to Alexanders for a moment.
"Our Lord is back, The fallen angel is here," the man declared, voice scratchy and worn with years if smoking. Faybian fully turned towards him and crouched down, a slow smile slithering across his lips, almost charmingly handsome if it weren't for the promised death in his eyes. "No, dear soul. Unfortunately I'm not who you think I am. Close, but Luc is far superior to me. If you'd like, I can help you meet him." He purred, suddenly grasping the man's forearm, watching as the man struggled to be set free. That did nothing as the human in Faybian's grasp started to rot and smoke, the fines rising from the corpse far too sweet to be natural. Faybian slowly let go and stood, continuing his walk down the alley, not even giving the now dead man a second look.

@rui group

He thought back to the moment where Faybian said he need to kill someone. He stood up from his chair and gasped. "Shit!" He took his phone quickly shimming on his pants and socks. He ran to the door slipping on random shoes before running outside off the dorm apartment. He brunched up his hair with his hand looking both ways. He couldn't figure out where he had gone until he saw him turn the corner. He didn't even bother to put on a sweatshirt, it was cold that you could see his breath as he ran towards the alleyway. He looked down at the decaying man and covered his mouth. The sight made him want to throw up. Did Faybian really… he felt it come up again and shook his head. No he wouldn't right? "F-Faybian?!" He called out in a shaky breath. He held his stomach to stop him from throwing up. He didn't have his glasses on and all he saw was a tall figure or at least he thinks is Faybian. "I saw you walk in here, so don't try lying." He yelled once more.


Faybian continued down the long stretches if alleyway and backstreets, leaving trail of half tortched and rotting humans in his wake. With every killing, his firm slowly evolved until he was truly the Demon Lord of the Rath Rath ring. Broken, black feathered wing hung limply from his back, useless to him but a constant reminder of his glorious decent. An angel, to a demon. He had broken them long ago to discourage any and every inkling of desire to return to the heavens, though that urge never had returned since then. Now the maimed wings only served to tell his story, one of hell-bent revenge, and loyalty to his home and king.
He slowly glanced over his shoulder at the sound of his name, eyes widening in amusement when he spotted Alexander, standing among the corpses. He shook out his limp wings and turned around completely, eyes glowing violet and black as ash, gold rimming his irises as he came into his full power as the Demon Lord. He spread his arms out and have a sweet grin. "I wouldn't lie, dear. Not about this. I was starting to wonder how long it would take for me to get to this point. Turns out longer than any other human contract I've had. Congratulations, you've managed to not piss me off for a week." He gave a narrowed eyed glare and slowly started forwards towards Alexander.

@rui group

Alexander swallowed his puke and gulped. He looked around, seeing the dead and rotting bodies. He swallowed his fear and didn't move a muscle. He didn't know how to calm a normal human down, let alone a demon. He wasn't quite sure if the pissed-off part was true. His eyes kept shifting to everything decaying around him. It wasn't the sight anymore; it was the stench that stemmed from it that made him want to puke. "So what are you going to do now? Kill me? Make me decay like the rest of the bodies you decided to kill." he took a step forward and started to walk slowly toward him. "Go on a killing rampage, see how that turns out when you end up back in hell with everyone you decided to kill." The more alexander walked forward, the taller Faybian seemed to get, and soon his figure was towering over him. He stopped at his feet and looked up. "I told you before, and I'm telling you again. I will never be scared of you."


Faybian laughed softly and shook his head. "I don't want to kill you, Alexander." He replied, pressing a bony hand to his chest in feined offense. He cocked head slowly to the side, a slow grin spreading across his features. He snapped his fingers and set the bodies in the alley way ablaze. "They'll be fine." He reassured eyeing the fire curling up into the air. "I'm touched you're concerned about my job but I can assure you half these souls won't end up in hell." He shugged and brushed pass Connor, waving a hand in the air to extinguish the flame, leaving only ashes on the ground. "You can lie to me all you want dear. It makes no difference to me." He shrugged, feathers falling from his inky black wings. In jerky stuff movement, faybian shifted back to his human form, demon features gone, now replaced by more human ones, save for his eyes. "That was very freeing. Who knows, maybe I'll do it again?" He mused with a shrug, clasping his hands behind his back as he wandered back out onto the streets.

@rui group

Connor gave a sigh of relief once he turned back to normal. He scoffed when he said he might do it again. "I guess your right. You really are a monster. For a second I thought he's not that bad. Then you go out and do this all because I touched your hand and asked you how you felt. Honestly…" He shook his head and walked into his building. "Do you do this with everyone who summons you? Push them away until they don't want you around anymore. Pull shit like this just so you have a reason to leave. I don't get you. What is wrong with me touching your hand?" He turned around to face Faybian. "What is so wrong with trying to get to know someone. What is so wrong with just being around someone who isn't dead and actually wants you to stay?" Connor ran a hand through his hand frustrated. "You know what…forget it. It's like you'll tell me anything anyway."


Faybian rolled his eyes at being called a monster but merrily kept walking as Connor spoke. He turned in his healnto face Alexander but kept walking backwards. "It wasn't just because you touched my hand. You and I both know it's far more than that." He gave a shrug and ran a hand through his unruly hair. "Usually those I contract tmdont want to get that close to me. We usually have mutual understanding. I do my job in keeping them safe and fulfilling their wants while they try as much as possible to limit interactions with me." Faybian blinked and stopped in his tracks. "Are you seriously asking me why I don't prefer the company of the living?" He growled out softly, crossing his arms over his chest "the last I was around anyone who desired my presence it didn't go so well as you can clearly see." He narrowed his eyes at Connor, confused as to why the human reacted in such a way. "Why do you want to be around me. Of all people, you wishto spend more time around a demon that another human."

@rui group

(I just realized that his name is Alexander and I've been using Connor for the last like 7 posts lol sorry about that)

Alexander nodded his head. "So, when I asked you to help fix me, what you thought that meant to live in Antarctica and watch my life from there. Little interaction is inevitable. So what because I'm so close to you, you think I'm going to kill you. Somehow find a way to kill a demon who kills people like me abandoned you when you literally own me? Like you have my soul Faybian. Somehow rat you off to the police even though I would sound like a crazy person. Like you think of any way I can possibly harm you and I can think of a way it won't work out. The reason why I want you around is something I already told you. When you first came to my apartment I already told you. It's our deal."


(oh fudge I think I've been doing the same! It's all good!)

Faybian shrugged, "believe it or not, whenever humans find out we're real, they usually want nothing to do with us. That it they're way too interested and we force a separation." He tilted his head curiously, mouth set in a thin line as he held in a low growl. "You can't kill a dead thing. Though you can torture us." He smirked, eyes glowing slightly, barely even visible in the daylight. "Though that might be more enjoyable than actual torture. He turned back around and walked on back towards the apartment. "You wanted a roommate, Alexander. Desperately so, that you summoned me. I agreed to that deal. Not to feel or, much less, want anything more. That's not how this is supposed to work." He glanced down at his hand and clenched it beside his form, his smirk turning into a frown. "You can't be so desperate as to fall for a demon, Alexander. You truly shouldn't be." He warned softly over his shoulder, yanking open the door to the apartment builing and disappeared inside.

@rui group

"Listen, no one is falling for anyone here. I didn't ask you to feel anything, but the least you can do is not kill anyone and possibly have me arrested. I would also like you to at least talk to me." He took a deep breath and walked into this dorm room. "You said that you would tell me what you felt or why it felt different. You said it didn't make sense only to do one test and be done with it. You asked me to say what I felt first, and I did. Then I asked you, and I'm the one who made a mistake. I was going to drop it. Then all of a sudden, you get the need to kill someone. If you don't know, say you don't know. This entire thing you did just now was like a baby throwing a tantrum. You can't do what you want, Faybian. This isn't whatever time you died in. If you know that, then why would you be so reckless. You want to kill so bad, then kill the person who brought you here." The pain he felt earlier was gone, and it now just felt empty. He preferred this over what he was feeling before. He started walking to his lab. "I know you want me dead. Call me when lunch and dinner are ready. I'll be in my lab." He shut the door behind him, put on his gloves and coat, and started working.


Faybian crossed his arms over his chest as he leaned against the kitchen counter, too late in realizing it probably didn't help his case. The light humming he had heard a few hours ago started to come back. He took a deep breath, a sharp, giving a humorless laugh. "Believe me, I know that. Now it's far better. What a better time to be reckless than now?" He questioned, tilting his head and grinning. Do you honestly think the police will care about the people I killed?" He shrugged and started pulling bowls and food from the cabinets and fridge. He glanced over his shoulder, amusement glinting in his purple eyes. "Now I wonder why I didn't think about that before." He replied sarcastically twisting around and dating a step closer to Alexander. "I unfortunately didn't get to kill my murderers. They died before I got the chance to reach them in their living forms. But i did get the satisfaction of torturing them when they came to hell. He gave a sweet grin, slightly off compared to his more human features. "Let's just put it, they're not doing too well. Most sould genuinely get to enjoy their time in hell. Other times, they'll wish to die over and over again, fully well knowing that's not an option." faybian faintly heard a crackling noise behind him beyond the static in his ears. He slowly leaned back and silently went back to preparing a small lunch, ignoring the broken glass on the countertop beside him

@rui group

Alexander poured liquids into beakers making solutions he had never tried. However, he was ranting to himself. "He's insufferable. He doesn't care about anyone else but himself. Talking about I'm falling in love. Who's falling in love? Not me, I can tell you that. Self-centered little-" he got off my glass breaking from the other side of the table. He growled in frustration as he marched over to the glass. Alexander snatched the dustpan from the cabinet and started sweeping the glass. "He talks about, 'oh, you really think the police care what I do?' of course not because I'll be the one in jail for mass murder. Honestly, who raised him so unbearable, there are cameras everywhere, and you know, before the bodies burned up, guess who was seen surrounded by them. Yours truly!" he yelled while knocking the dust-pan against the garbage can. Alexander winced, the dustpan dropping from his hand. His hand started bleeding from the glass shards, and he just cleaned up. He sighed and slid down the wall pulling his knees up to his chest. He looked at his hand, the blood dripping on the ground. "I wish he would just disappear…" he whispered. He thought back to the time when Faybian gave him his jacket. He looked over to the wall where it was hanging on the hook. "I'll give it back later…"


Faybian silently cleaned up the glass that he'd also broken in the cabinets, ignoring, or maybe savoring, the pain that sliced through his hand as he scooped up shards of glass and carefully put them into the trash. "oh that really set him off." He muttered, laughing to himself with a small sigh as he listened to Alexander rant, Evan as a frown pulled at his lips. He forced himself to keep making food, flinching when he heard the yelling. Faybian had always hated that feeling, more than his annoying bursts of want and affection, he hated feeling guilty. He didn't regret killing those people. In his mind, he had considered it courtesy, putting them out of their misery. Besides, he really, really didn't want to tell Alexander what he had felt when he had touched his hands, when he had laced their fingers together. There was no way like they'd be able to go any farther anyways, even if both wanted to, Alexander was nothing more than one of his contracted souls. He braced himself against the counter, rocking back and forth slightly to clear his mind. He conjured a paper and pen and scribbled down a note before turning the stovetop off and heading out of the apartment.
Went out for groceries again and for new cups. Don't know when I'll be back. Lunch is on the stove top.
PS I likes it as much as you did.

@rui group

Alexander stood up and unhooked the jacket from the hander, his hand still bleeding as he walked. He didn't care whether he was bleeding or not. "Hey, Faybian here's your…" he looked around to see an empty room and a note on the table. He sighs dropped the jacket on the counter. He picked up the note and looked confused. He looked on the stove and started eating but he say on the table instead of in a chair. "He liked it?" Alexander blushed remembering what he said about it. "He liked it…" He whispered that to himself while he ate. "The same way I like it." He had the pain in his chest again, but it felt good this time. "He smiled to himself, but he never realized he smiling.


Faybian tucked his cut hand into his pants pocket as he entered the grocery store. He gave a polite nod to the front cashier, surpressing a cringe as he grabbed a basket and strode through the isles, taking his time, even if he didn't necessarily need anything from there. Had he truly admited to liking physical contact? Not only that but with his own contracted soul. He shook head and have a frustrated sigh. He had been away from the living world for far too long. The lack of human interaction had rendered him naive to their whims. But Faybian couldn't deny liking how shy Alexander seemed to become when sometimes around Faybian. Even if it was a rare occurrence, it made Faybian's heart swell, knowing he had that affect on the human. He sucked in a sharp breath and looped back around the store to the pay for the food he had gotten. His next stop was a normal retail store for some replacement glasses, hoping this time he wouldn't break these. Arms full with bags, Faybian headed back to the apartment dorm by the afternoon. He nudged open the door, flicking his gaze around before catching Alexander's gaze. He quickly averted his eyes and set down his bags if groceries on the counter. He waved unceremoniously to the bag of glasses "it hard to find sciencey beakers and stuff." He muttered in annoyance, though he didn't genuinely feel that

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Alexander gave a confused look. He hopped off the table, taking the bowl with him. Alexander opened up the bag so he could see more of it. The bag was filled with 2 or 3 beakers in the exact shape he needed. He set down the bowl and finished chewing. He swallowed and looked up to Faybian. "But why…" he remembered the broken glass he had to clean up and looked at his hand now dried with blood. "Thank you," Alexander's voice was quiet like it usually was. His cheeks were rosy as well as his ears. "You're uh…your jacket is on the table. I forgot to give it back from that one time. Thank you again for the stuff." He was grinning uncontrollably not because Faybian got it for him more of just he got really excited whenever he got new things he could use to do experiments. He thought for a moment and managed to make eye contact with Faybian. Maybe it wasn't just the beakers entirely. "About what I said earlier. I'm sorry, I was mad, and I-I didn't mean most of the things I said. Thank you for telling me." He said, referring to the note Faybian left. "If you don't want anything to do with me, then you can just make me breakfast, lunch, and dinner and that will be it. We don't have to talk or interact or anything of the sort. I'm realizing I'm at fault for most of this." he nodded his head slowly and turned around. "I'll be in my lab then. Just come in when you if you need me.”