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forum I Just Want A Cute Romance RP That Won't Die In A Week IS THAT SO MUCH TO ASK FOR??
Started by @Elder-God-Jacks347

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I like her!! Also if you have questions on Skye I am more than welcome to answer, (And yes I copied and pasted this from another RP….)

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Yeah I read. I like him! He's cool!

I probably missed a few details, so those will just be revealed later.


(ahem Sorry, just have to get my narrator voice out of the closet)
"Get back here thief!" Crystal could hear the shop owner call again, still chasing her. She only ran faster, darting through the familiar streets and alleys, hoping to lose him. All this commotion over a couple pieces of fruit? Geez, people need to get their priorities straightened out. She shook her head, flipped her hood up, and just kept running.

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Skye was relaxing on the rooftops, Ah it's good to be home! he thought, No more stuffy meetings. No more annoying people. Just the quiet life on the city streets. he thought, flopping back as he munched on a sandwhich he'd stolen.


She veered off into an alley and jumped through a broken window, landing softly as to not be heard. She heard the shop owner run past and she sighed in relief, slipping out again. When did her life get this crazy? She shook away her thoughts as she grabbed onto the uneven bricks and climbed up to the roof, relaxing a little as she watched the city.

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Skye turned as he heard someone climb up, grateful he was hidden he pulled up his hood to hide his hair.


(Sorry, had to shower)
She sighed quietly before biting into her apple. She was tired of running. Tired of being a common criminal. But it's all she had. So, she did what she always did when she needed a distraction from her thoughts. She started to sing the lullaby her mother had taught her to sing to her brother. "You are my sunshine. My only sunshine. You make me happy. When skies are gray. You'll never know, dear. How much I love you. Please don't take my sunshine away." It was simple, but it showed off her beautiful voice.

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Skye stopped when he heard someone singing, Why would someone be singing out here?? he thought, poking a head up to see a ragged looking girl, singing on the rooftop, not 30 feet away from him.


She smiled to herself, pulling her hood down to brush her hair out of her face. Her right eye was black and blue and purple, clearly someone had punched her in the face. She had scratches and scars everywhere and the longer a person looked at her, the more they could see.

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Skye stared, he could spot more scars on the skin that showed, more than should be possible. She's pretty, but… scars? he put his face in his hands thinking of what to do.


She squinted up at the midday sun and sighed. "Oh Dad, if only you could see your pretty faced princess now." She muttered quietly. "You'd be more than a little disappointed in her, I'm sure."

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Skye finally stood up, "I don't think anyone could be disappointed." he said quietly, turning to face her, the sun shining on his dark skin.

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"Calmate!" Skye said raising his hands into the air. "I was up here when you came up, I'm not gonna hurt you ok?"


"How do I know that?" She backed up slowly, tense and prepared to jump and bolt. She wasn't used to people not wanting to hurt her so she wasn't going to take any chances.

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(Ok! See you in the morning!)
"You have my word, I'm not going to hurt you." Said Skye, keeping his movements slow as he stepped out in the open.