@Toxic_Persephone group
“And you do and you will. Stay by my side. I’ll make sure you’re here with me, safe. No one will ever touch you with the intention of harming you.” He smiled gently.
“And you do and you will. Stay by my side. I’ll make sure you’re here with me, safe. No one will ever touch you with the intention of harming you.” He smiled gently.
Could he really make that promise? People did what they pleased, if they really wanted to. But she almost believed him, somehow, that he could really keep that promise. "I'll stay. I promise."
Nordali was rather insecure. He worried she would actually leave instead of keeping her promise. He really did like her, he found her comforting and soft. He didn’t want her to leave. He didn’t want to be left again.
“Thank you… please do stay.”
Amira studied his features for a moment, before deciding on how best to at least soothe his worry temporarily. "Seal a promise with a kiss." She murmured, before capturing his lips with her own, soft but decisive in her movements.
Nor processed her words only moments after she pressed their lips together. He too was soft and careful as they kissed, wrapping his arms around her tighter. For a moment his head was only filled with her scent and her touch
Amira smiled into the kiss, fingers running along his jawline and never touching his neck. Every time she touched him she was careful of that. A happy hum sounded in her throat, and her fingers moved to play with his hair as her lips worked against his gently.
Nordali swore on his life he would never forget this soft encounter with Amira. Who knew another person could be so warm… so soft…?
There was so much he had never known. So many emotions he didn’t know he could feel. And Amira was showing him many of them.
Amira pulled away slowly, just far enough to breathe, but still close enough that her lips brushed against his everytime she spoke. "I will stay right here, for as long as I can. I will do whatever I can to show you what you need."
Nordali suddenly pressed her into his chest, nuzzling his face into her cheek and letting out a faint sound that could only be described as a sort of gruff whine. “Stay, Amira. I would like to have you around.” He murmured one last time before his body relaxed, and he loosened his grip on her. “Is there anything that you don’t like?” He asked softly, almost too quiet to hear. The sounds of the guild around filled the quiet for a moment before he spoke up again. “You’ve been good with noticing what I don’t like… I want to make sure I know what you don’t want me to do.”
“I’ll stay.” Amira promised again, perfectly fine promising over and over until he believed her. When he loosened his hold, she didn’t move, happily staying tucked against his chest. “Hmmm…my thighs. For whatever reason, please, avoid touching my thighs unless I am actively bleeding out and there’s a wound that needs mended. That is all I can really think of right now, especially since you are someone I trust to touch me, but I will let you know if something pushes it. And Zar, I avoid what makes you uncomfortable because that is the right thing to do. If I ever did not, surely, one could easily call me a bag person. And I would like to avoid that.”
Nordali pulled back to look at her as she spoke, his silver eyes trailing over her face for a moment. “I would never touch you indecently or without asking. And I will avoid your thighs. I will do all that is in my power to keep away, meaning I will have Shah or another woman come to your aid if the situation isn’t life threatening.” His cold eyes hid nothing. Nor was a man of his word. Though he had been taught that touching anyone at anytime was a right he had; he had also been taught that harming a woman or touching her inappropriately was something a gentleman and monarch never did. It was so deeply ingrained into his head that he even steered clear of the brothels and such of each city he visited.
“Thank you for respecting my boundaries. I only ask you do not touch my neck or cover my mouth.” He murmured softly, pressing a kiss to her cheek.
“Does kissing you count as covering your mouth?” Amira asked, shifting to catch his lips for a moment as he went to pull away. “And thank you. That is where o have been held the most roughing in the past.”
“Not at all. Kissing is perfectly fine. It’s cloth that makes me panic.” He murmured gently. Her kiss brought that pink hue back to his face. “Then you won’t be touched, Amira.” He let out a soft rumble after that, almost as if trying to comfort her.
"I do not really have a reason to cover your mouth with cloth, and cannot think of any scenario where I would need to for any reason. Feel comfortable in that knowledge." She said, his rumble bringing a small smile to her lips. "I appreciate it. Thank you."
He laughed softly. “I don’t know, maybe you’ll want to kidnap me again sometime.” He said with a laugh, shaking his head. “Anything for you, Amira.”
“If I were to kidnap you, all I would do is ask nicely. If I needed to, I’d just knock you out.” She joked lightly, playing with the fabric of his shirt as she lay there next to him.
"Why thank you. How polite of you." He laughed softly and pressed a gentle kiss to her cheek. "I hope you'll be so kind as to warn me, Amira. I would come almost always willingly." He wasn't lying. He really would go if she needed him to. The only time she'd have to fight with him is if she tried to drag him into his kingdom.
“Mm, that’s good to know. Because I have something planned that I would love some company for. Just us, alone and taking on the world.” It was her turn to press a million light kisses to his face, his cheeks and mouth and nose and forehead and eyelids all not safe from her onslaught of kisses.
He rumbled in pure delight, laughing softly at the kisses she gave him. He scrunched up his face, tangling his fingers in her hair once more. “Just us huh?” He murmured between the kisses.
“Mmhhm.” She hummed, pressing into his hand and continuing with her kisses. That rumble of his was just even more reason to keep kissing him, the sound making her giggle. “Just us. No extra responsibilities.”
“I like the sound of that.” came the soft response as he attempted to press as many kisses as he could in return to her face. “Your kisses are like butterfly wings.”
“Butterfly wings, huh? That is what I feel when I am around you.” She said softly, pausing her kisses to allow him to catch up, before continuing. It was so nice, warm and soft and like being at home, wrapped up in his arms like this.
He laughed, shaking his head playfully as she continued to throw her off a little. “I feel them too. It’s nice isn’t it?” His smile was much more genuine, his beaming face showing the man he used to be.
“It is. Very nice.” She agreed, allowing her kisses to dwindle until her lips were pressed to his shoulder, closer to his chest than neck, as she spoke. “It has been a while since I’ve been able to feel like this.”
He played with her hair as she settled at his shoulder, his smile never wavering as he listened. “I haven’t felt this way in a long time either. It’s nice to finally relax.”
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