@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group
Hey, so anything in particular you'd like to do? A g/t, reboot of the other one, or something else?
Hey, so anything in particular you'd like to do? A g/t, reboot of the other one, or something else?
I wouldn't mind a G/t
cool! Which one would you like to be? Any dynamics you prefer?
Honestly, I like being the small one but if you would rather take that, I can be the big one. I don't think I have any dynamic preferences.
I'm good with being the big one! It's my favorite lol
So, more on the fluffy side or more on the fearplay side? Just general ideas aha
Ok! I definitely like fluff but wouldn't mind some “adventure” or something. Not really sure about fearplay.
Yeah, I get that! I'd love some fluff too. And it'd be interesting to see a giant and a tiny joining up for an adventure of some kind!
Great! Do you want to use a template or go in blind?
I've got a tiny template to use
Three personality traits:
Two sentence backstory:
Very nice! I’ll get mine up soon.
cool! I'll get mine up afterwards
Name: Mara
Age: (do you have an age range you want to use?) for now, I’ll say 18
Gender/Pronouns: female. She/her
Appearance: 4” tall, medium length auburn hair, bright green eyes, with an athletic build and somewhat pale from hiding. She often wears dark-colored clothes to help avoid being seen.
Three personality traits: ironically, Mara is a bit of a spitfire for someone so small but she's also cautious out of necessity and creative as in she makes a lot of her own belongings.
Two sentence backstory: She grew up with just her mother and father until she was separated from them and they had to move away. She now lives on her own and ended up building her new home in your character's house.
Other: (What kind of world are we using? Like normal everyday mundane world or is there something else you had in mind?)
(Well, I think 18 is good. My character will probably be a bit older just to ensure they live on their own, like 20)
(And I was thinking a normal everyday would be good for this!)
Name: Darius Peterson
Age: 20
Gender/Pronouns: Male, he/him
Appearance: 5'9" tall, with a pale complexion. He has medium length brown hair, bright green eyes, and a build more on the lankier side. He also has thick glasses.
Three personality traits: Darius is kind, usually doing his best to help others, naive, and withdrawn from the current state of the world.
Two sentence backstory: Darius grew up in an upper-middle-class family, going to private school. Now that he's moved out, he's trying to find his own way in the world with help of his family's money.
Other: He's got two mice named Smoke and Ash, and they are the loves of his life.
Ok, that all works for me! He looks great and I can't wait to start.
Shall I get the starter up? Or shall we discuss how they're going to meet?
Either one works for me. Do you have any ideas for them to meet?
Hm… well, I've got a few different ideas.
I’ve actually done the first one already with Iris in a private RP… But I do like how the second one could play out!
Wait their one too??
Cool! I'll get a starter up soon then!
Can't wait!
(:000 There is,,, no way I'm not bringing this up with them now XD)
Darius stumbled into his apartment, his new stack of schoolwork teetering dangerously in his arms.
"Je-sus," the man mumbled to himself, back bent back to try to balance. He prided himself on keeping his home somewhat clean, but right now his biggest bother was trying to find a spot big enough for his stack of books.
Mara sighed softly to herself, a little bored as she started to unpack some of the things she had just gathered. It wasn't much, a cracker, salt, sugar, and a couple of herb leaves. But it would be enough to last her a while when she rationed it right.
Darius thought he had it. He'd found a spot, making as much of a beeline to it as he could. What he didn't expect was to trip over his own feet, dropping his load, and the sudden loss of weight sending him back into the wall- his head punching a very painful hole into it.
Mara gave a slight yelp in fear as she jumped her equivalent of a foot in the air when her whole house shook. Her heart racing, she looked around and tried to find what might have happened. It was obvious to her that the only thing that could have made such a ruckus would be the giant on the other side of the wall. Though it didn't make much sense to her why he would do that. Normally, he didn't bother her and she didn't ever bother him.
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