"Yeah," Jax let his voice trail off before reaching the swings, "And they are pretty fun."
"Yeah," Jax let his voice trail off before reaching the swings, "And they are pretty fun."
Eric nodded, sitting on one and starting to swing.
Jackson sat down on the swing next to Eric and began to kick back and forth. He never got very high, just staying low to the ground.
Eric swang a bit higher, laughing a bit.
Jax gave a grin and started to swing higher. Just trying to get higher than Eric.
Eric grinned back, kicking to get higher.
Jax let out a little laugh as he kicked to get higher hearing the bar groan a little from the weight and moment of two teenage boys swinging with almost all their might.
Eric laughed, grinning as he tried to swing harder, head throw back.
Jackson was laughing as he tried to go higher, finding he was at the highest he could go.
Eric smiled at him, hair whipping into his face.
Jackson smiled back over at Eric. He started to slowdown, but only slightly, to help the bar holding them both up.
Eric looked up at the sky, humming. "Oh, hey, a helicopter."
Jackson looked up, "Yeah. Wonder what it's doing around here."
"Maybe there's an escaped convict!" Eric said, smirking. "And that's why the park's so empty!"
Jackson laughed as he finally stopped, "Maybe, but that's not likely."
Eric started to try to stop the swing. "Or is it?"
"I don't know," Jackson had a light smirk on, "Is there something your not telling me?"
"Why would I hide anything from you, angel?" Eric asked, smirking back as he managed to slow the swing to a stop. Except that I have a huge stupid crush that I kinda just noticed-
Jackson gave him a little smirk. He hadn't started it, and it would be rude to not to tease back, "I don't know, dearie, do you have a reason to hide something?"
Yep. Gay panic again. "No, honey, I don't believe I do." Liar
"That's great, darling," Jackson tried to hide his now growing gay panic. This was becoming a problem wasn't it?
Eric tried not to blush. "Why thank you, love."
"It was my pleasure, handsome," Jackson was failing a little less at hiding his blush.
Eric had not gotten that under control yet. "Pleasure's mine, beautiful."
"So what's new, babe?" Jax asked.
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