forum Hey, wanna gay one on one?
Started by @CWPoofToxicRush

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"Yeah, I guess." He said, shrugging. "I got the new issue of the zine, by the way, if you wanna check it out?" He asked sheepishly, glancing up.


Jax returned to walking in silence. They weren't far from the park at this point, just had to cross one of the busiest streets in town.


Jax rolled his eyes and looked both ways on the street to make sure no one was going to hit Eric if he did something stupid, "Please don't. That would be more stupid then walking backwards off a curb."


Jax reached forward and gently grabbed one of Eric's arms. He pulled him back onto the curb, "Never, you are always a big idiot."


"Yeah, uh, are you okay?" Jackson asked with a light blush realizing there proximity, but not willing to let it go again.