@ElderGod-kirky group
"I'm already rich, but this shit does need to be exposed." She came up behind Nik so that she was peering over his shoulder to read the file. "I got a stash of the good booze in my hideout if you're interested."
"I'm already rich, but this shit does need to be exposed." She came up behind Nik so that she was peering over his shoulder to read the file. "I got a stash of the good booze in my hideout if you're interested."
"interested indeed. here, we can read this over when we get there."
when they reached her hideout, he looked quickly around.
"you are finding new ways to impress me every hour, hunt."
She grinned as she strode in. On the outside, it was an abandoned rundown building with no windows. The bricks were cracked, and vines and dirt attempted to claim the building as theirs.
On the inside?
It was decked out in expensive, fluffy comfort. Wrap-around sofa with loads of blankets and pillows, a computer station with bulletin boards littered with files and newspaper clippings, and a fully stocked kitchen on the far side of the first floor. A spiral staircase led up to the second floor, which was opened up so that you could see the first floor. A decorative railing kept you from falling to your death, and a bedroom and bathroom made up that floor. A gym, as well as a dance/music studio, was downstairs.
"Welcome to my humble abode."
"much more than humble, mein lieber freund. i'm even more anxious to see what qualifies as the good booze, now." he walked just inside, waiting to see which way she would go.
nik was definitely not accustomed to expensive decoration. he did spend nights with rich politicians, but he never got the chance to actually sleep there. he was always gone in the morning, one painful bruise left on their neck.
he looked at tessa sheepishly, unsure of what to do.
Tessa waved a lazy hand. "Make yourself at home. Booze is at the bar." She pointed to a section in the kitchen that looked as if a bar had been raided and then shipped over to her place. "I'm going upstairs to change into something comfier." She hopped up the stairs two at a time and headed to one of the two doors on the second floor.
"…okay?" he watched her go, and then hesitantly made his way over. he looked around, not having very much knowledge of alcohol.
the only time he'd had a drink other than cheap beer and a bottle of vodka he stole was when some girl bought him some expensive ass drink called ambrosia. claims to improve your cognitive skills, but he didnt believe it for a moment.
nik eventually picked up a short glass, looking at the labels of the bottles until he found something that looked promising.
when he had poured a glass and put the bottle back in its place, he went to the door to kick off his boots before settling on the couch with the glass and the files.
Tessa came back down in no time, her long and wavy hair spilling over her shoulders without any hair tie to hold it back. She wore a loose knitted sweater that just brushed her navel and leggings, and her feet were bare.
She smiled at Nik as she headed over to the bar and grabbed a random bottle, then came over to the couch and sat down next to him with one leg tucked beneath her. "So what do we have here?" She asked, leaning over to read the top file.
he watched her come down, (he was only admiring her hair a little, shut up) and tilted the files so she could see better.
"uhh… shiloh jones, shown to be immune to freezing cold temperatures. showed no response to cold water when initially dunked, only mild signs of hypothermia after an hour. many blood samples taken, nothing is shown to be different. they're going after his brain next."
nik pulled a face, sighing and taking a sip of his drink.
"this is gonna be a hard night.
Tess held up the bottle. "Prepare for a drunken mess tonight."
She flipped to the next page. "Milo Green. Spontaneous growth of plant life when emotions are running high. No soil seems to be needed. Plants vary in size and seem to have a mind of their own. Blood samples taken, nothing out of the ordinary. Brain scans show nothing abnormal…. Died on operating table. Fucking hell, the kid was only 11."
nik winced, taking another drink.
"athena collins. whenever she spoke, doctors would feel a gust of wind. reportedly one of the most confusing cases. everything was normal, her red blood cell count was a little low, and she died of suffocation in an airlock. age 15."
Tessa's face twisted in disdain as she read the next file. "Theresa Hunt, age 13. Fire amplification and immunity. She can intensify even the smallest flame until it consumes an entire room, as well as intensify explosives. By far the most dangerous test subject yet. Body temp abnormality high but no signs of sickness. Blood: normal. Brain scans: normal. Subject revealed to have an extra organ containing some sort of heated liquid. Subject resistant to most drugs and given viruses. No other tests could be made as subject killed 10 scientists and twice that many guards in a successful attempt at escape."
"there you are, you living legend. taking out 30 people, 20 of them trained in combat, at 13? i feel like i should be a lot more scared of you than i already am."
nik tucked the page under to reveal the next file.
"hazel allen, age… no. age 7. they fucking did not. 13, 11, and 7?" he was a mixture of completely shell-shocked and just plain pissed off.
Tessa scowled and took a big swig from the bottle in her hands. "They're ruthless. If they find something they want, they don't care about how they get it as long as they get it somehow. The government doesn't even view us as citizens until the ones like me cause trouble in public. Then again, not many are stupid enough to do so."
nik finished off the glass in one long drink, standing to go rinse it out and dry it off. he returned to the couch, a pained look on his face.
"ruthless indeed. i don't feel like the glass is entirely necessary, unless you're a hardcore germophobe. do you think any people are still at the facility? everyone so far seems to have died, except for you."
"They always have some at their facilities. Why do you think I've put so much effort in exposing and destroying them?" Tess silently offered Nik the bottle. Tonight would indeed be a long night.
he accepted it, taking a long drink and setting it on the coffee table before them.
"well, we're almost there."
(do you want to timeskip to when they finish reading the files and are Pretty Drunk)
(Yeah. This should be fun)
Tess was perched atop her desk, feet tucked beneath her as she gazed at Nik, eyes unfocused. "D'you think we should team up? That'd be so much fun! We could run around the city and blow places up, and raid McDonald's too!"
(She's a happy/melodramatic drunk)
(he's an honest drunk, and tends to speak in his mother tongue. i feel like this'll be hilarious. the german will be via google translate)
"we could, tess. i always thought it was a good idea. like, uhh… hintergrund herl, front girl, match gemacht … irgendwo schön."
he gestured when he talked, still folded up on the couch.
(Still makes absolutely no sense. XD)
Tess picked up the bottle and drank some more. "I have no fuckin' clue whatchya just said." She didn't really slur her words, as she could hold her alcohol decently well, but she mumbled a lot. "BUT, " she held up a finger dramatically. "I'm a sucker for foreign languages. They're so much fun to use and confuse the shit outta people. And for me–" she covered her mouth as she hiccuped. "Italian is like the sexy language, no? I could be cussing you out and you'd still be drooling." She smiled sleepily and hugged herself. "Helps I'm so gorgeous."
"mhmmmmm. sucks cause you could be telling someone you love them in german but it still sounds like you're cussing them out in gibberish. it is intimidating, though. some guy's- some guy's hittin on you and you pull out the german, now he's cryin."
he laughed lightly. his laugh tended to sound like a cough from the pits of hell, though, and he made a face.
"i am suddenly reminded of why i never do that."
Tessa pouted and pressed her hands against the desk to keep her upright as she leaned on them. "Don make that face. It's not your fun face. I like Nik fun face."
"oh, the smile?" he easily slipped back into his reporting persona, coy smirk fitting like a glove.
"the smile's great, it keeps me happy most of the time, but it gets weird. have you ever tried to be happy when you can't? like, when i see the watch, i have a hard time because they suck. but around you it's easy, cause i like you."
he uncrossed his legs, adopting a looser, more relaxed look.
She beamed. "I like you too!" She pointed at him and hopped off the desk, stumbling slightly but regaining her balance. She then flopped onto the couch, right next to Nik. "You're fun an' don try to tell me what to do." She pouted again, her bottom lip sticking out. "Ma friend tells me what to do. Says I can't cause too much trouble."
"i'm glad! and, there's no such thing as too much trouble, mein liebling. not in our situations. did i tell you why i hate the watch? prolly not, cause its morbid and there's no funny parts, but it's why i laugh weird!"
he pulled up his shirt, revealing a slim torso, but the main decoration was a smattering of sunken, scarred dips across his chest and belly.
"i was documenting a story, and a guy-a guy got too trigger happy. even though i was already half dead, he decided to take me to the fuckin' pound anyway."
nik dropped his shirt, holding out his wrists.
"dragged me by my cuffed hands for a mile! hurt like a bitch. i only just managed to get away."
She threw her arms around his neck and rested her head in his shoulder. "I'm sorry." Then she chuckled. "We both some pretty messed up pasts, hm? Must be why we're such a good pair, no?"
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