@ElderGod-kirky group
She pocketed her phone and turned to him, a sleepy smile on her face. "Just a friend," she purred.
She pocketed her phone and turned to him, a sleepy smile on her face. "Just a friend," she purred.
"oh? what'd he-"
the soft, fluttering knock on the door interrupted him.
"let me get this."
the door was opened to nik, leaning on the doorframe, the first three buttons on his shirt open and his hat shadowing everything except a chesire-turned-18+ smirk.
"hello, lucas. how do you do?"
the man faltered, glancing nervously back at tessa.
She grinned playfully and sauntered over to Nik and Lucas, sidling up to the wall next to the doorframe. "I thought I'd spice things up a bit," she said with a wink.
lucas was shocked for a moment, softly uttering 'amory?' while looking on silently, but eventually got himself up enough to speak. "that-that's fine. shall we go upstairs?"
nik looked to tessa, silently asking for her approval.
She looped an arm around Nik's and whispered in his ear, "Take him down when he least expects it," before smiling at Lucas. "Lead the way, signore."
his smile became determined.
"got it."
(timeskip to the takedown?)
(we're having a tornado drill brb)
(Yeah, time skip. And I hate those drills.)
(I have to go for about an hour. Going home)
(hi sorry)
nik was.. uncomfortable, but this was still his element. he currently had lucas pinned down on the bed, and just-so-happened to have placed his shin directly over lucas's kneecap. he waited for the signal from tessa.
(You're good. I was a little busy today anyway)
It was time. She could feel it. Nik was positioned perfectly, Lucas wasn't suspecting a thing, and Tess was ready to break some bones. She caught Nik's eye and gave a slight incline of her head. Now.
nik caught the signal, and flew. his elbow went to the throat, and he slammed his shin down. dislocation at the very least, and now the politician's crying.
"tessa, torch his shit first. you can have a go at him when we're done." he pressed his arm down further. "and i'm not trained in hurting people, so you might have to take over from a certain point."
lucas squirmed under him, face full of confusion, fear, and anger.
"I did say I wanted to spice things up a bit, darling, did I not?" Tessa cooed at Lucas, then went over to where she knew he kept his prized possessions. She tapped her lips as she made a show of making a tough decision. "Hmmm, what shall I destroy first… Maybe those precious medals of yours…"
lucas sputtered, pushing futilely at nik, who shushed him gently in favor of watching tessa work.
"melt em down and make some bomb-ass gauntlets. you could also do the briefcase with the ~important stuff~ in it."
She grinned and swiped the medals, then found a candle and set it in the display case. The flame intensified until it engulfed the entire display, destroying everything in it while she tucked away the medals. Then she strode over to the briefcase and dangled it from her fingers. "My, my, my. This baby'll fetch me a fortune should I sell it in the black market." She smirked over at Lucas and Nik. "Whatdya think, hm?"
"it'd fetch a good price with the syndicate, my dear. what do you think, lu?" nik purred, lessening the pressure on his windpipe, but redoubling all efforts everywhere else.
lucas coughed, croaking in a hoarse voice "please… have mercy,"
nik looked a bit disdainfully at him. "mercy? mercy's not for you. tell me, what's my name?"
lucas hesitated, whispering "…amory?"
"wrong. it's nikolas fischer, and don't you fucking forget it. tessa is going to take the reins now, once she finishes with the room. how about that?"
"Works for me," she purred, setting the briefcase aside then reaching into the flames to grab the candle. She trashed the room while poor Lucas watched. Once everything was in a pile, she tossed the candle into the pile and set it aflame.
She dusted her hands off and turned to Lucas, a cruel grin spreading over her lips. "Time for a lesson on the consequences of your sins. Nik, if you would?"
nik nodded, giving lucas a hard smack across the face before moving off of him and jerking him up to stand, almost like a ragdoll hanging from nik's grip on his neck. lucas was relatively well built, and after a few seconds nik switched his grip to a tight arm around the waist.
"got any specific ideas?"
"Hmmm." She stalked forward, crossing her arms over her chest. "I bet he'd be pretty devastated if I crippled his favorite part. Maybe I should just break some legs instead. "
"if you really wanted to go rough, you'd cut his dick off. but i mean, we're going non-lethal here. legs sound good. hey, and will you hand me my shirt before you go at him?" his ever-present smile had slipped from his face, and he had a look of steely determination.
looks like the kid has been waiting a while to take out his own hit list.
Tess handed Nik his shirt, then she found a metal baseball bat tucked away in the corner. She picked it up and took a few test swings. "Y'know, getting beat with a crowbar isn't a pleasant experience. But this'll do just as well." She positioned herself next to Lucus and swung back the bat, getting ready to do some real damage.
nik raised an eyebrow. "just don't hit me, chicka. break his nose." lucas had given up, nik still holding him tightly.
"I know how to aim," was all she said as she aligned her shot over Lucas's thighs, then swung back and brought the bat flying towards where she had aimed. She could hear a crunch as the bone was cracked. She swung again for good measure, then did the same for the other leg.
Once done with that, she tossed the bat to the side and sucker punched Lucas straight in the nose, breaking the cartilage in one shot.
nik looked impressed. "little league really payed off, huh?" after she was done, he laid lucas on his bed and left one last, painful bite high on his neck where it was sure to be seen.
"looks like our work is done. s' really a good outlet for anger, isn't it? are you gonna do your sigil thing?"
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