forum Hello Darling, (Loki one on one, closed, stalkers are always welcome)
Started by @Festive_Fenrir

people_alt 76 followers


(lol XD)
he glanced at her with a smile and nodded "yes, it is. we should come at night, it's better when they light the lanterns along the streets."


She smiled brightly, "I'd love to see it," She saw someone out of the corner of her eye that caught her attention but she ignored them, going back to looking at the buildings and the sky.


"That sounds like a good plan," She said with a small smile, glancing in a shop window and seeing a necklace that caught her eye, "Hey Loki?" She asked, "Could I go take a look at that necklace quick?'


She smiled and entered the shop, careful not to touch anything. There were a few people in the back, talking quietly amongst themselves. They glanced at her every so often and then went back to whispering, watching as she walked around the shop looking at the jewelry.


Loki looked around the vendors on the street, shaking his head politely when they offered him something to buy. He glanced every so often at the store Avalin went into


Avalin stopped and looked at a bracelet, not aware of the people that were slowly surrounding her. One of them walked up behind her and pinned her arms to her side, clapping a hand over her mouth before she could scream. Her eyes widened and she twisted from side to side, trying to get free but not being able to. The one that was holding her nodded to another one of them, causing them to come up and quickly stuff a gag in her mouth and tie her hands behind her back. They nodded and quickly forced her to walk to the back of the shop, opening a small wooden door and shoving her out into an alleyway, pulling her down the alley as quick as they could make her walk. One of them pulled a blindfold over her eyes as they reached the end of the alleyway as they continued along.


Loki walked into the shop minutes after, noticing that Avalin was taking a bit. He glanced around the shop, not seeing her. A sliver of dread entered his consciousness but e remained calm. he walked up to the clerk "excuse me, have you seen a young lady with a green and blue dress come in here?"


The clerk nodded "She was just in here," he walked to where she had been standing and furrowed his brow, "Maybe she walked out?" He suggested with a small shrug, going back to a small counter, "Sorry sir." He went back to his job without a second glance at Loki.


he shook his head "definitely didn't walk out." he muttered to himself. He flicked his hands in a circle, performing a tracking spell "no, no, no, no, no…" he ran out the back door, following his spell


"Where are we bringing her?" One of the people asked as they pulled her through the streets, narrowly missing people. "The bridge, boss said the bridge. Someone's going to take her from there." A deep voice said, another one of her kidnappers she decided. Avalin fought as she walked, stopping or kicking out her legs to slow them down, only to be shoved forward or sideways so that she stumbled back into walking. They were walking quite quickly, almost jogging as they pulled her down side streets and through alleyways towards their destination.


He saw dashes and thicker lines in the magic, signs of a struggle. "I swear if you've hurt her in any way!" he ran faster, not knowing or caring where he was going, just as long as he was getting closer


She did her best not to freak out, slowly starting to panic despite her best efforts. "Once we get her there we're off the hook," the deep voice said again, "Only a little ways now." The others started to push her along faster and she could tell they were getting close to the edge of the city, the conversations and crowds becoming fewer. She stopped once again and the deep voice growled, "Just pick her up, they don't care if we have to bring her there unconscious, they just said alive and with as few injuries as possible." She squeaked into the gag as she felt herself being lifted off her feet and slung over a shoulder. They got to the bridge much quicker now that she wasn't fighting and she felt them stop, "Set her here," the deep voice said, causing Avalin to be picked up off the shoulder and set roughly on her feet.
"Thank you, here's your payment, now go on your way," A firm but gentle voice said. The person talking was clearly male and she heard the jingle of coins. "Alright, hello," The voice said and she felt her hands being untied, "I'm not going to introduce myself, but I know who you are Avalin. I'd advise you not to try to run if you'd like to live, but I need you to look as comfortable as possible while not giving away who you are. I'm going to place a cloak over your shoulders and a hat on your head, your hands will be united as well as the blindfold, but i'm going to keep the gag in, I don't need you giving away where we are." the roped around her hands were untied gently as well as the blindfold and she could soon see that they were at the bridge at the entrance to Asgard.


He got to the edge of the city "have you seen a woman with a green and blue dress, probably with a group of people?" he asked frantically. when they all answered no, loki continued on "please, my love, please…."


Her eyes widened and she took a small step backwards, the man placing a firm hand between her shoulders and talking close to her ear, "No running, I have a small dagger next to your side right now, I would like to avoid using it as much as possible." She just nodded lightly, feeling him pull a heavy cloak over her shoulders and a large hat on her head. He stepped in front of her and fastened the cloak, keeping his head down so that she could only see his curly black hair and the edge of a sharp nose. "Now, were going to walk to the edge of the bridge and you're going to come with me quietly and without fighting." He stepped next to her and she felt a sharp prick of a dagger near her side, causing her to flinch ever so slightly. He placed his other hand in the middle of her back and gently pushed her forward, walking alongside of her and humming a light tune.


He appeared a level higher than the bridge and saw them. jumping down he landed in the center of it "I suggest you unhand her and I'll let you walk almost alive," he growled, already conjuring magic


"I can't do that, sorry." He said calmly. He poked the dagger into her side harder and she flinched again. "Every time that you do magic or try to free her or hurt me, she's going to pay for it. I'm not stupid prince, I know how much you adore her." He pushed the dagger closer again and she pressed her eyes shut momentarily, opening them again and focusing on Loki.


The darkness consumed him as his magic flared out, his eyes shining green "what do you want from her?" he asked with a growl. His hands itched for his daggers but he remained a stone


The man nodded "Fair question. I need her for a few reasons, the first being a bet," He glanced at her and the focused back on Loki, "Well, two bets, both bringing me a decent amount of money." He raised an eyebrow and motioned for him to back up while still holding the dagger to her side, "Do you want the second reason?"


"They're both basically about how I'm not clever or strong enough to kidnap one of the Asgardian royalty, they never specified if I have to bring them a live person, but they did say that they had to be living when I captured them." He shrugged and kept a close eye on the prince, taking a few small steps forward and motioning for him to again back up. Avalin focused of Loki the whole time, her eyes round from fear. She didn't dare run or fight as she man guided her forward and stopped her with another poke in the side.


Loki was breathing hard out of rage, "so why her, hm? Have something against the two princes of Asgard?" he said getting cocky as usual "I'm sure whoever made the bet wants royal blood, not royal married." he continued "and wouldn't that be the ultimate prize, capturing one of the princes?"


The man chuckled lightly, "I figured that someone would notice if you or your brother disappeared. They never made a rule of how they were royalty, and yes it would be the ultimate prize, but I'll get the same amount of money for a quarter of the work if it took her." He glanced at Avalin and then back at Loki, "Your beloved looks a little scared, I wouldn't blame her either, this dagger is quite sharp and one move could kill her." Avalin's breathing was ragged and she tried to take shallow breaths since the dagger stabbed her with every breath.


He laughed harshly "you know nothing of fear." He held his gaze with a Avalin, promising this would be over soon. "Oh and I'm sorry, did I say she was a royal? No, no, no, I mis-spoke. She is by no means only a royal, she. Is. A. Goddess." Behind his back, he snapped his fingers, blunting the dagger at her side.