"special?" She asked raising an eyebrow
"special?" She asked raising an eyebrow
“I… yeah. You were special. You were different.” Dylan insisted, his head starting to fill with a melody. “You… you were so different from the rest of crowd.” While saying that, he pushed out of the pool and started back up to the house. He had just gotten a new song idea, and needed to tell Payton.
She smiled with a blush " I'll take that as a compliment" she said
“It is… sorry I’m being spacey.” Dylan apologized as he patted himself dry quickly before entering his house. “Hold on a sec- Payton!” He shouted after pulling the phone away from his ear.
"yeah sure" she mumbled to herself
Payton peered around the corner, and he reached out to take her arm. Dragging her into the music room. “Apologies, I’ve got a song idea now.” Dylan told Crimson, writing down his ideas for her.
"ah well then I'll let you focus on that" she said
“No- no. I’m alright. I just needed Payton to figure out my thoughts for me.” Dylan laughed lightly, continuing to scribble down a basic idea of what he was thinking.
"Are you sure because I don't want to bother you" she said
“I’m positive, besides you’re the one who gave me the idea. And you get to hear how songs happen.” Dylan insisted, smiling just a little bit. “Thank you for that.”
"ohh what's it about?" She asked
"I'm not exactly sure yet. I just have a very basic idea." Dylan hummed in response, sliding the notebook over to Payton. Clearly his notes were really scattered, as she was incredibly confused when reading over it.
"well I'm sure it will be great" she said
"I'm sure too. And, once it's finished, I'll let you be the first to hear it. How does that sound?" Dylan hummed, smiling a bit as he waited for her response. Crimson did help him come up with it. So naturally she'd be one of the first to hear it.
"That sounds great" she said with a giggly smile
Dylan chuckled lightly, holding his phone with his shoulder as he hit a few keys on the piano to make a melody. "Like that…thanks sis." He informed Payton, before fully focusing on Crimson. "Anyways, yeah. I can't wait to let you hear it."
"I can't wait to hear it?" She said
Heading up to his room, he waved at his dad who gave him an annoyed look about the dripping water he was tracking through the house. Sorry. He mouthed, heading back up to his room. "Honestly I feel this song is gonna be special."
"Good, Good that's really good" she said
"Am I just making things awkward?" Dylan asked her softly, shutting the door to his room and locking it before grabbing clean clothes to change in to. "I can talk about something else, if I'm actually bugging you."
"oh no of course your not" she said
"You can be honest with me, I just don't want to bore you to death." Dylan insisted, turning his phone on speaker so he could change. "We'd have a problem on our hands then."
"definitely not bored" she said
"Because you're talking to a celebrity, or because you're talking to just Dylan, and you think he's interesting?" He asked her, running a hand through his hair once fully dressed.
" because I'm talking to Dylan celebrities are just people fans don't get to really know the person they just think they do" she said
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