forum "Hard-Headed. That's what you are." (O/O)(Closed)
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Stella gasped and landed on top of him. She sat there a moment shocked, before she started to laugh. She got off of him and pulled him back up into her.

Deleted user

"Molto audace," he said with a goofy grin. "So, are we gonna swim, or was your goal to see me A petto nudo?"

Deleted user

Stella turned red and pushed him back into the water before he could grab her again, "Swim!". She dove underneath the water.

Deleted user

He got back to his feet and dove after her, still grinning even as he was underwater.

Deleted user

Stella swam away from him, her heart beating wildly, she'd never had this much fun before.

Deleted user

Being the natural athlete he was, Dirk caught up with her in the blink of an eye, grabbing her by the ankle with a laugh of triumph.

Deleted user

Stella gasped and poked her head out from underwater, laughing as she was pulled towards him.

Deleted user

"You aren't that quick, Ms. Star," he said with a chuckle, treading water because he couldn't touch the bottom of the lake.

Deleted user

“I know…” Stella shrugged, with a laugh. She was treading water as well, it was a little hard because she didn’t swim often.

Deleted user

"Santo cielo, this lake is deep." He looked down at the water, but he wasn't even able to see his feet because of the low light.

Deleted user

“Yeah…it’s hard to swim, I don’t do it often.” Stella replies.

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He shrugged. "It's not hard, it just takes practice."

Deleted user

He chose instead to float on his back, dragging his legs up over the water and sighing, relaxing all of his muscles and letting his bod stretch out all the way to cover as much surface area as he could.

Deleted user

Stella popped back up, little ways away near some water lilies, it was shallower here and Stella could stand in the soft muddy bottom.

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"Very peaceful," he said to Stella, closing his eyes and sighing contently.

Deleted user

Stellas eyes flicked over to him, She nodded, "Mhm…"

Deleted user

After a few more moments of silence, Dirk asked, "Did you get your name from that beer, Stella Atrois?"

Deleted user

Stella shook her head, "No…I got my name because of its meaning, which is star. My mom is a star and that's what she wants me to be."

Deleted user

"That's a lotta pressure," he said, opening an eye to glance over at her. "You and your mom seem to be kinda tense."

Deleted user

Stella looked down, staying quiet for a few minutes before speaking quietly and harshly, "We are."

Deleted user

He flinched, nearly falling into the water. "Colpa mia. I have a big mouth, I know."