forum "Hard-Headed. That's what you are." (O/O)(Closed)
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Deleted user

He tilted his head. "Why not? I mean, the property's huge. Gotta be something to do out there."

Deleted user

Stella narrowed her eyes, "Walking?" She muttered, "Thats all I've ever done out there."

Deleted user

Dirk sighed out of his nose. This was starting to get frustrating.
He turned off the TV and stood up. "Well, I'm going to go for one of those walks. You gonna come with?"

Deleted user

Stella shrugged her shoulders and rose from the couch, "Yes, I suppose…there's nothing better to do."

Deleted user

He nodded, then walked over to the door despite being completely barefoot.
"Anywhere interesting close by? Like a garden or something?"

Deleted user

"There's a pond and a garden near it." Stella stated slipping on some shoes, "Do you need shoes to wear?"

Deleted user

He shook his head with a grin. "I used to walk barefoot on concrete in the summer. This is nothin'."

Deleted user

"Oh…" Stella was confused, Walking outside without shoes? How odd.

Deleted user

He opened the front door, blinking a few times until his eyes got used to the dark.

Deleted user

Stella quietly and quickly followed him, slowly, taking in the darkness.

Deleted user

"What direction is it?" he asked, squinting at the moon-lit hills that surrounded the huge house.

Deleted user

"This way," Stella started leading him to the right on a mossy stone path. They arrived a few minutes later at the gorgeous moonlit lake with a bench swing nearby.

Deleted user

"Damn…" he whispered, pausing to admire the lake with wide eyes.

Deleted user

Stella looked over at him and stifled a small laugh, at his face that was full of wonder.

Deleted user

"This is the type of stuff a walked about getting as a kid." He made his way down to the water's-edge, bending over and lightly running his fingers through the water as id he'd never seen a lake before.

Deleted user

"Yes it is very nice." Stella smiled for the first time that day a real one, not forced. She bent down as well.

Deleted user

Dirk straightened up again, his back cracking a few times as he did so. "You said there was a garden, right?"

Deleted user

"And where is that?" He was obviously struggling to see in the low light.

Deleted user

"Through these trees…" Stella lead hum time a flowery garden with thousands of flowers and a path with with a few benches and arches.

Deleted user

He let out an impressed whistle. "How much did this cost?"

Deleted user

"A lot…" Stella said heading up to a bed of roses.

Deleted user

"I don't understand how people afford this type of stuff." His voice had a breathless tone of wonder as he continued to study the various flowers.

Deleted user

"I don't either. My mom just seems to have endless amounts of money…" Stella agreed pricking her finger and pulling back as blood dripped down her finger

Deleted user

He glanced over at the sharp movement, frowning. "You alright?"