forum Forever Young? //MxM//OxO//CLOSED
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"Yes, but there's fire." Rowan grinned and headed over to their usual station. "And I love food. Grab the mortar and pestle, will you?"

Deleted user

Atlas giggled and followed Rowan to their station. Nodding, he grabbed the mortar and pestle, handing it to his boyfriend. "Well, I guess this is the experiment for you then."


"Mhmm." Rowan read over the instructions and started crushing things up. "Can you fetch the matches, Atlas?"

Deleted user

"Now be careful, love. I say I should do this part." Atlas said, opening a drawer and grabbing the matches. This time he didn't hand them to Rowan.


Rowan huffed indignantly and crossed his arms. "But I wanna set things on fire…" He whined.

Deleted user

"Oh don't whine like a baby. I'll let you set it on fire if you promise not to burn anything else down besides the materials for the experiment." Atlas giggled and went around the counter to Rowan's side, leaning himself up against the other. "And if I can stay right here while you do." He smiled up at his boyfriend.


"Ugh, fiiiiine." Rowan snatched the matches from Atlas and pulled one out, striking it against the box once it was free. He stared at the tiny flame, clearly enamored with it.

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With a silly smile, Atlas blew out a quick breath that put out the flame. His smile grew as he looked from the match to his boyfriend.


Rowan looked over to Atlas, clearly pouting. "Atlaaaaas…" He whined. "My fiiiiire… it was so pretty, too."

Deleted user

"I love youuu!" Atlas said in a child's voice. He was obviously enjoying this more than he probably should.


Rowan stuck his tongue out at Atlas and lit another match, keeping this one well out of reach of Atlas.

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Atlas grinned and blew in the direction of the match, even though it was well out of his reach. Many of the other groups already had the fire burning, some with their smores almost done.


"Noooo!" Rowan tossed the match into the mortar so that the contents would catch fire, a process that he watched with great interest.

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Atlas watched with interest as well, although, it was more cautious than genuine interest. "Well, I guess it's about time we got that part done. What's next, love?"


"We make smores, apparently." Rowan grabbed a marshmallow, stuck it on a wooden stick, and held it in the fire.

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"Well duh. I was wondering if there was anything else to do before we did that." Atlas said as he grabbed a marshmallow and stuck it on a stick. He held it over the fire, watching it roast quickly. He liked them burnt, strangely enough.


Rowan didn't like his marshmallows burnt, but he did love watching them burn, so he was currently admiring his flaming, completely black marshmallow.

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"You know you only get one marshmallow, right? That's gonna be literal charcoal in about a minute." Atlas stopped roasting his, satisfied with the burn level of it. He assembled his smore, letting it sit for a little to melt the chocolate.


"I'm just gonna eat the chocolate." Rowan continued watching his marshmallow burn until it inevitably melted off the stick, at which point he began burning the stick.

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Atlas sighed. "If you commit arson and get arrested, I'm not bailing you out, no matter how much I love you." He picked up his smore and took a bite, smiling.


"I'll drag you in with me somehow and you know it." Rowan watched the flame on his stick for a bit before slowly moving it towards his sleeve.

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"I knooowww." Atlas' eyes widened as he saw the flame. He blew to put out the fire before trying to yank the stick out of Rowan's hand. "I vaguely remember saying I'd rather us not start a fire in the school."


Rowan huffed indignantly. "Setting my shirt on fire wouldn't set the whole school on fire. It's fiiiiiine."

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"But if you set fire to your shirt, you could hurt yourself, and we don't need that. I'd rather you burn down the school than your shirt." Atlas set the now flameless stick on the counter and looked back up at Rowan. "But don't think that gives you permission to do it."


Rowan stuck his tongue out a bit. "Nothing a little neosporin couldn't fix… I've been burned before and it's not that bad."