forum Fall into Feywild (oxo)
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Isa turns to Charlotte once she's paid and put away her purchases.
"You've got all your camping supplies now then? Do you want to see if theres anything else you need, or are you ready to leave the market?"

@FanfictionFanatic-The-Elder group

“I think so.” she nodded, giving Garyl one last grateful smile as she gathered her purchase. “If not, I can come back later. But, if you don't mind, I would like to look around and meet some of the people here.” Charlotte admitted to Isa.

Deleted user

"Sure. There's plenty of people worth meeting around here, and plenty to avoid as well. You just wanting to meet people for fun, or are you looking for anyone with specific skills?" Isa pulls out a old tattered journal, flipping through a few lists as he considers who might be here at the moment.

Deleted user

"Well, our options are: The Hags in the woods that probably will try to steal your soul or something…. There's Shade….You could Meet Olate, Lord of the Forgotten Woods, Or Syndra, who is sort of a friendly librarian. Just, there's not technical library. …. Yeah, lets go see Syndra! She's probably in the Living Bookstore today." Isa beckons Charlotte to follow, and on the other side of the town in a relatively normal bookstore, aside from it having big spider legs, and that it did talk when people approached it.
"Hi Isa!" The bookstore says. "Hey Liv. Is Syndra around?"
"Yup! She's inside right now actually." "Great!"
Isa turns to Charlotte to see how she's handling this most bizzare serving of Feywild vibes. "Come on Charlotte. Let us enter."

@FanfictionFanatic-The-Elder group

Charlotte was a bit shocked by Isa suggesting someone who would steal her soul but was certainly relieved when he chose the librarian. The others had been interesting but she had to admit her curiosity at the Feywild’s version of a library.
She followed eagerly, not wanting to get separated or lost. But she couldn't help raising a brow at the sight and discovery that the “living library” was in fact alive. Deciding to try to be polite, Charlotte gave a small wave at the… Liv and nodded at Isa. “Ok. Lead the way.”

Deleted user

Isa walks into the library, skimming through the New Releases shelf before remembering he's here to find someone. HE makes his way more directly into the sitting area, and waves to a pink-haired Eldarin. "Hey Syndra!" He says in a low enough tone to still be considered a whisper. Syndra waves back smiling. "Hi Isa! And Uh……Other….person…." She trails off awkwardly as she realizes she doesn't know who Charlotte is. "N-nice to meet you."
Isa nods at Charlotte, silently encouraging her to introduce herself.

@FanfictionFanatic-The-Elder group

”Nice to meet you too. I’m Charlotte.” she smiles, taking Isa and Syndra’s example of talking. A part of her was almost nervous to find out what would happen if she talked normally in here but a first meeting certainly wasn't the right time for that discovery.

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"I'm Syndra! Um…..So are you new in….plane? To the Feywild?" Syndra asks, nervously tapping her fingers along the book sat in her lap.
Isa hides a smile at Syndra being an awkward mess with new people. He sits down in a nearby bean bag chair and begins to write some notes in his journal, as he idly observes the introduction and conversation between the two.

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Syndra giggles. "Thats good. He's a good guide to have, most other fey would probably have some sort of ulterior motive. So what makes you want to stay here in the Feywild exactly?"

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"I think you'll find plenty of kindred spirits then," Syndra says. "I'm personally a fan of stories myself, but I understand peoples drive for that sort of thing. I hope you'll find what you're looking for here in the Feywild."

@FanfictionFanatic-The-Elder group

Charlotte smiled softly at Syndra’s kind words and nodded. “I think I have so far. But I have to say I'm going to have to get used to surprises.” she smirked. ”I wasn't expecting the library to actually be alive.”

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Isa snarks, "Of course the library is alive, what do you think it'd be, an inanimate building? What hogwash."
Syndra chuckles and explains, "Yeah, Liv can be a little unsettling at first, but she's a good egg! She gets a 9/10 on the scale of good sentient buildings!"

@FanfictionFanatic-The-Elder group

Charlotte blinked at the obvious tone Syndra used and raised a brow. ”I can't tell if you're joking or if I should start assuming that all buildings in the Feywild are alive.” she admitted before nodding at the assessment with a small smile. ”But Liv does seem to be very friendly. I’m already looking forward to coming back here.”

Deleted user

"Yes, its a very relaxing place if you can get over the initial oddity of it." Syndra says,
"It helps that Liv doesn't bother people inside the building as much."
Isa spreads his arms wide and says, "So welcome to the Library. Do you want to get any books, or are you two gonna just keep talking?"

@FanfictionFanatic-The-Elder group

Charlotte had to cover her mouth to keep herself from giggling too loudly. Though she would readily agree that Liv was an unusual sight whether or not you were prepared for it. ”I'm sure I’ll adapt the longer I stay.” she smiled. ”Umm… I wouldn't mind seeing what kind of books are here.” she admitted, answering Isa’s question.

Deleted user

Isa stands up and says, "Somethings stay weird forever though. Come on, I'll show you around the library. Bye Syndra!"
Syndra waves goodbye to Isa, "It was nice meeting you Charlotte!"
As Isa walks alongside the bookshelves, he asks Charlotte, "So what sort of books do you read? YA, Fantasy, Romance, or something else? Or would you prefer a comprehensive tour of the place?"

@FanfictionFanatic-The-Elder group

”Nice to meet you too.” Charlotte smiled back before following Isa through the library. ”Well, I was actually hoping to find some survival books or something similar since I was so unprepared for… all this.” she shrugged. ”I do enjoy reading for pleasure but right now doesn't strike me as the right time for romance and, as I said earlier, I would love to have an adventure instead of just reading one.”

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Isa says, "Alright then…Survival books are in the 'Travel' section back here…..The most boring part of the library if I'm honest. …I think I was back here one time ever, to get a book for a friend. I don't go back here if I can help it. But there's probably some useful stuff." Isa runs his fingers over some books, skimming the titles as he looks for something that fit what Charlotte was looking for. "So have you never been out in the wild like this before? I sort of assumed based on your preference for camping out on your own, that you were mildly proficient in it."

@FanfictionFanatic-The-Elder group

Charlotte giggled a little at his opinion of this part of the library and shrugged. ”I always found the travel section to be very interesting. All those new places to see.” she told him, looking over some of the titles. But she nodded at his reasoning. ”I do like camping but with how my parents tried to raise me, I only got so many chances when I was younger. So somewhat proficient in the normal realm. But I have no experience with camping in the Feywilds.” she added with a chuckle.

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"Oh right, that makes sense. The Feywild isn't that bad really, most things you deal with are more people, then monsters in the night. So long as you aren't sleeping next to the Jabberwockies Den or anything like that, you'll be pretty safe." Isa finally grabs a book called, Camping in the Feywild "This should work pretty well, yeah?"

@FanfictionFanatic-The-Elder group

”I’ll trust you on that. Though I don't think I’ve heard of a Jabberwock before so… hopefully I’ll know it’s Den when I see it.” she shrugged, not too nervous about the possibility yet. ”Oh, yes. That should help a lot.” Charlotte grinned when Isa showed her the book. ”Thank you.”

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"Jabberwocky", Isa corrects. "Basically a Dragon, but weird. Anyways, you want to grab anyother books, or should we get these checked out?"