forum fall apart without me, body (o/o, urban fantasy with a classic lit twist)
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“Not incapable of thought. But they…. they don’t feel. I think it’s about glands. Really, I’d give anything not to feel like them, but it can’t be helped.” they said.

Adam stood up suddenly, ears perking up. “I hear something. We must have been followed.”


"Followed?" Emmy asked, lowering her voice. Shifting on her feet, she glanced to the windows and the door, sighing slightly. "There's really no end to it. Is it too much to ask the mystical powers that be to give me just a second to rest my ankle? God damn." She muttered to herself, slipping closer to the window and carefully glancing out. "Any ideas on where they are?"

Deleted user

“All I heard was the crunching of leaves. No animals around here except the Oracle’s cat, and the cat… well, the cat is usually silent. So it’s probably…. well, another monster.” Eden swallowed.

Deleted user

(I hope I’m not a bother, but I just wanna check in. It’s just been a while since you responded. Sorry!)


((no you're good!! studying for my ged kinda like fried my brain, and then get this. apparently you need a state issued id to take said tests, so now i'm studying for a whole new test to get my learner's permit. which i was planning to get AFTER i had officially ended any academic shit. so yeah, fried brain lmao. i'll try to be better about at least responding a couple times a day!))


"Okay. What can I do to keep you out of the way of any fighting?" Emmy asked, glancing to Adam. Her eyes flickered to the injury, before she focused back on the window. "Because there's no way I'm sitting by while someone who can barely stand deals with another one of those bastards."

Deleted user

“I don’t want you getting hurt, now stay back. I’ll be fine, I’ll scan the perimeter and figure out what to do once I’ve located the threat.” it said, moving towards the door. It walked out, and was immediately pounced upon by a cloaked figure, knife to the back of their neck. Adam groaned at the sudden contact, and yelped as it was pushed to the ground with great force.


Emmy snuck her switchblade from her pocket, rolling her eyes at the instruction. "Absolutely idiotic. This is how people die in horror movies." She muttered, not seeing Adam get attacked, but hearing the commotion. She whipped around at the yelp, heaving a sigh as though their lives weren't possibly in danger. "You know, this is why we don't split up. Can I help now? Strange mystery attacker, would you like to take a second to explain what the hell you're doing here?" Calling out, she moved slowly towards the door, doing her best to prepare for any sort of sudden attack.

Deleted user

“Aww, you have a human friend! She’s sooo cute, can I have her?” the being leapt off of Adam, moving to examine Emmy closely. They were fairly tall, but certainly much shorter than Adam, with skin the color of ink and thousands of eyes all over their body. “Cecelia, stop it. She isn’t for you, she’s for herself.” Adam groaned. “I’m glad it’s only you. Were you followed?” they asked, looking incredibly miffed.

“Ah, no. Well, I was, but it was just a Hunter and I killed the beast pretty quickly. People should learn not to mess with Watchers. Are you sure I can’t have the human?”

“I’m sure. Emilia, this is an idiot. Cece, meet Emilia.”


Emmy tilted her head, examining the being named 'Celia' with the same interest they showed her. "You have quite a few eyes. It's kind of cool." She said, lifting the hand holding her blade in a small wave. "Emilia, as I've been introduced. I assume you're friend enough to not be super wary around?" As she lowered her hand, she glanced to Adam, making it obvious the answer could come from anywhere. Tonight had to mark one of the weirdest nights she had experienced, veering far from the scariest. Just weird. She should have expected things like this to happen, things getting weirder, but a small part of her had hoped that her life would get a bit more normal. That was, apparently, asking too much. Vessels didn't get to live normal lives, apparently.

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“See? She even likes me. Where’s that Oracle of yours? I need her help.” Cecelia asked.

“She isn’t around right now. You know how she is. Come in, I’ll make us some tea.” Adam said, looking overtired and worn. “Sorry about the injury, I had business.”

“I’ll heal it, friend. Come on, human, Adam makes the best wormgreen tea in, like, the universe.”


"I don't think I've ever heard of that type of tea." Emmy commented, dutifully following the many-eyed creature. She had to admit, they seemed friendly. They looked cool, and knew Adam, which put them on a list of people she felt she could trust. Considering her track record with new people, it took a familiarity with someone she knew was okay to even consider relaxing. "But trying new things is always fun. Most tea is new to me," She said, huffing a laugh. "To be entirely fair. I only just started drinking it, thanks to my dad."