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So I have consumed basically all the major cinematic Frankenstein content outside of canon that I could, and came across a movie called I, Frankenstein. It’s terrible and I beg of you, don’t watch it, but I thought it had some neat concepts and cgi so I decided to take some of the ideas of the plot but make them, like, better. And then take approximately one thousand creative liberties with the story to preserve the narrative of the original and like. Also just make it cooler/have more mystery to it.
Also yes I’m calling the monster Adam give me a break everyone’s done it.
So, we begin our tale a little over two hundred years ago. There was once a man named Victor Frankenstein, and he created a monster. He took the parts of dead people, sewed them together into an eight-foot-tall giant and then abandoned it for how horrific it looked. Wow, this is a really happy story isn’t it? Wait, it gets better. The monster, after living through a series of tragedies that really weren’t their fault decided to commit revenge on it’s creator and murder everyone he loved! Fun! But, and here’s where I start to take creative liberties, the Creature felt remorseful and ashamed of what it had done. So they decided to pack their bags, metaphorically as the only things they owned were the ill-fitting clothes on their back, and become the silent protector of humanity from all sorts of horrible things that could affect them.
Now, it’s the year 2020 but an alternate timeline where Trump isn’t in charge and COVID didn’t happen just for plot’s sake and to make life easier, forget I said all that but anyways, it’s the year 2020 and monsters are appearing from the depths of hell or somewhere at least, and they are out for blood. The Creature, or Adam as it named itself, having not aged or withered at all in the last two centuries, has to answer the call again and protect the world from danger.
So our story will probably start with them saving your character and then your character getting involved with events somehow, whether through stubbornness and a desire to help or just having nowhere else to go, or an angsty mix of both.
Does that explain it all? Good. So, I’ll be posting a template once someone joins. Rules are as follows:
Don’t be bigoted or a dick.
Romance can occur but doesn’t have to.
No NSFW, dirty jokes are okay if they’re funny.
Gore, violence, swearing, and dark themes may occur.
Don’t be overpowered or overly edgy.
Diversity is fun and cool and gets you cookies for basic human decency- if you can show respect to whoever you’re representing.
Be literate, and no one-liners!
Have fun!