Emilia Voxx
Female, she/her
Underweight, typically looks like she hasn’t eaten a full meal in months. And she kinda hasn’t. When she’s at a healthy weight, she’s still pretty petite, but with slim curves. She's 5'5 and her skin is lightly tanned. Her brother’s skin is darker, and both of them joke that it has to do with her magic. Her hair looks like this, darker black roots fading out into a light blue and sort of blended here and there. Her style itself is cut to just below her shoulder blades, and wavy. The waves very quickly turn to untamable curls when she’s not careful. It's parted on the right side, and often falls into her face.
Her eyes are a light greenish/grey. Like, oddly light, and she has tapetum lucidum the way a cat does, resulting in red eyes in photographs, and light reflecting weirdly off of them. Her nose is crooked from being broken and not set right.
Has the Greek symbol of Inguz tattooed behind her left ear. A tattoo on her right arm and palm, of a tree with a lot of tangling roots. The leaves span most of her lower palm, and the trunk begins at her wrist, the roots covering her forearm. Her lower and upper lobe is pierced on both ears. And she has a navel piercing as well.
Has plenty of scars, mostly smaller ones here and there from all number of things. Herself(it's a part of the controlling paranormal 'creatures' thing), accidents, cats, you name it. There’s a set of three long and deep looking clawmarks on her lower back, a result of a run-in with a demon she couldn’t handle.
Bubbly and friendly–in a sort of quiet, not quite in your face way–and is almost always smiling or at least looking happy. She’s secretly got a lot of self doubt, about her magic, her weight, and her appearance. This feeds into the eating disorder she has, that causes her to have issues eating full meals, or anything more than a super light snack, honestly. Her brother is the only one who can occasionally get her to eat. Despite her normally very sweet nature, if you cross her or hurt someone she cares about, that’s it. With the former, you’re figuratively dead to her, with the latter, you’re literally dead.
Her home life was decent, if not as filled with love as it should have been. Her parents were constantly arguing and fighting, though it never came to blows, at least. They were just unhappy. Her older brother Caleb often took her out with him and his friends to keep her from having to deal with the negative emotions. Her parents eventually split, her father getting her brother, and her mother getting custody over her.
Feeling responsible for them splitting, Emmy slipped into a not-so-great place, developing a lot of issues herself. She was essentially cut off from her brother, and only reconnected with him five years later, when she was nineteen, and her mother passed away from and overdose. Though both of them had changed, they still had the same bond, especially with him being the only one to know about her magic.
Her father was killed a few months ago, effectively destroying her chances at reconnecting with him, and leaving her and her brother shattered. Though she's been on edge since, she didn't expect the same creature to come back for(if we want, it could, or something else could easily happen! it's all up to you considering it's your rp lmao).
Cat person? Loves cats a lot, and baking.