forum Eyes Are The Window To The Soul (OXO Romance CLOSED)
Started by @ShadeStar

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"hey neither is history finals, I'll switch with ya," she offered with a grin as she grabbed a cookie off the tray


"No thank you," Myrah took a small brownie and punched her lunch,number in to leave, "I will take my lab any day over a final."


"YOu won't even reconsider?" She asked, pouting a bit "Darn, I was really hoping not to do a final." She laughed and put in her lunch code


Myrah chuckled, "Nope. Take your final yourself girl." She glanced around the lunch room looking for an open table before heading over towards it.


"I will." she teased, feigning confidence. SHe followed Myrah and sat across from her "you have any finals in any other class?"


"Not today," Myrah let out sigh, "Thankfully. I don't get why your teacher is giving you a final this early on?"


She shrugged and dug into her food "To get a heads start? don't know, Half the kids don't even look at the project until the day before it's due."


"And I'm that person in the back glaring at your head. Yelling at you when you ask what to do." She said with a smirk "Yeah, that burning sensation running down your back, that's my gaze burning into your skull."


She smirked, "Not aloud." SHe countered, taking a bite of the mac and cheese and shoving her food away "Nope, that was a mistake


She shook her head and glanced around. Once she saw that the coast was clear, she waved her hand and conjured a mini pizza and cheese sticks "I'm good. No offense but I think I take my food over the ink."


Myrah rolled her eyes and drew an identical school lunch on her arm before her eyes flashing it to life. She took a bite, "It doesn't taste like ink. It works just like real food would."


"Pretty useful if I say so myself," Myrah grinned eating as quickly as she could. The longer her eyes glowed while eating the greater risk she could get caught.


Myrah finished up in a timely mannered before handing the sunglasses back to Ferris, "You really have everything don't ya?"


She nodded "yep. I have baseball caps for outside too. Keep the glasses, you might need them again." She said, sliding the glasses back and finishing her own lunch


"don't mention it." She winked and stood, "time to head to class, have fun in Bio. Try not to get in trouble, Kay?"