@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group
Gabe stretched as well, humming some as he looked around.
"This seems like a good enough spot for a house, yeah?"
Gabe stretched as well, humming some as he looked around.
"This seems like a good enough spot for a house, yeah?"
He considered the ground, then nodded. "Yeah. Good enough."
"Then let's decide how big it's going to be, and see how much wood we have to build with."
He nodded, looking over at the wood.
There wasn't much, with what they could afford, but they were able to build a very small home.
Alex smiled over at Gabe, tying his hair back and getting ready to work.
Gabe got ready as well, humming softly.
Alex smiled a little bit as they got ready to work.
Gabe smiled as well, turning to Alex.
"Shall we begin, then?"
Alex nodded a little. "Yeah."
"Perfect!" Gabe started his work, humming some.
He got to work as well, eyebrows drawn together in concentration.
Gabe did well with the work they had, staying chipper the entire time.
He was quiet as he worked, hair staying tied back.
Gabe was quiet as well, diligent as when he was working in the factory.
Sometimes he was a little unsure of what to do, but usually figured it out.
Gabe was… often unsure what to do, but he figured it out as he went along.
He started to sweat as the sun rose higher and the temperature grew, eventually stripping off his jacket.
Gabe, however, was used to working in sweltering conditions and managed to keep fully dressed and smiling as he worked.
"How you doing?" he did eventually ask, looking up from his work. Alex didn't seem the type to be used to all of this. "Need some water?"
He had paused, running a hand over his hair. He was sweaty and hot, and panting softly. "Tired." He replied, looking over at Gabe.
"Here, let's take a break," Gabe said. He wiped his brow off, moving over to Alex's side and offering the water skin to him.
"It's hard work, after all."
Alex took a sip, nodding. "Mhm."
"Love you, dear," Gabe said, smiling some. He kissed Alex's cheek lightly, but other than that kept his distance. It was hot out, after all.
Alex smiled back. "Love you too."
Gabe smiled, sitting down to rest. He closed his eyes, leaning back some.
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