(I shall introduce my girly soon! I’ve got got some chores to do rn)
(I shall introduce my girly soon! I’ve got got some chores to do rn)
Full Name: Tomas Geron
Nickname(s): Tom, nerd, ass.
Age: 22
Sexuality: Gay and Poly
Patient Number(PN) (###): 127
Place of PN Tattoo: Considering he is known as a high danger, it is clearly visable on his neck.
Date of Birth: April 14
Gender: Male
Species: Human, as far as you know.
Height: 5'4
Appearance: Tomas has black hair with some brown roots peeking out as he has been in the hospital for a while. His skin is pretty pale and he has a mole right under his left eye. Speaking of his eyes, the left is a golden brown and the other is blue.
Distinguished marks: his eyes and the pin tattoo, nothing else grabs the eye.
Piercings, tattoos, birthmarks: he has a nose piercing, but he was forced to take it out when he was sent to the hospital.
Strengths: He's pretty smart and he has an intresting personality.
Weaknesses: He's also a dumb bitch.
Power: (Limit of three) He can impose his want on people, bassicly he can mind control.
Limits of Chosen Power: Uh, I'll explain in the rp.
Backstory: Nah bro
(Let me know if I should make any changes.)
Full Name: Luna Rebecca Andrews
Sexuality: Bi
Patient Number(PN) (###): 375
Place of PN Tattoo: Her right wrist
Date of Birth: April 3rd
Gender: Female
Species: Human
Height: 5’8”
Weight:126 lbs
Appearance: Light blonde hair, tan skin, electric blue eyes, thin, but an athletic built body.
Distinguished marks:
Piercings, tattoos, birthmarks: sun birthmark on her right arm
Strengths: She has pretty good strength, and she knows seven different languages aside from English (Latin, Spanish, German, Italian, French, Chinese and Japanese), which she can speak and write in.
Weaknesses: She’s nearsighted and needs glasses to see things far away. When she shapeshifts, it takes a lot of energy, and she gets tired if she shapeshifts for too long.
Power: (Limit of three) She can talk to the dead, can mimic anyone’s voice, and she can shapeshift into any creature that she makes contact with (when she shape-shifts she has the same sight as the creature she shapeshifts into).
Limits of Chosen Power: First Power: She can only talk to the dead if she’s meet a person, dead or alive, who knew them. Second power: She can only mimic the person’s voice if she’s heard it before. Third Power: She can only shapeshift into someone she’s made contact with like a hi-five or something.
Likes: Singing (in private),
Dislikes: People who keep anyone in captivity (this includes animals and all other creatures),
Backstory: Her life was pretty normal. She made friends with this girl Emily and her sister Felicity. The weird thing in that is that Felicity died four years prior to meeting Luna, and Emily was confused when she brought her up. They had a conversation about it and Emily thought she was insane, so she told Luna’s parents. Long story short, they sent her to a therapist, who recommended she be sent to a mental hospital. Her parents and the people at the mental hospital don’t know about her other powers.
@Lori_wants_to_sleep Yep to both of them!
Thank you @izzyandgrace uwu
@Reed Explain "He's also a dumb bitch". In what ways is Tomas a "dumb bitch"?
@ShadowNights Hey! Luna looks pretty good, except that in her weaknesses, you didn't mention one for shapeshifting into "anything". Either edit that part out, or please add a weakness! Other than that, Luna is a pretty interesting character!
Full Name: Madelaine Butlier
Nickname(s): Maddie
Age: 16
Sexuality: Bisexual
Patient Number(PN) (###): 1008
Place of PN Tattoo: Left wrist
Date of Birth: October 13th
Gender: Female
Species: Human
Height: 5'4"
Weight: 122.4 lbs
Hair: Her hair is a deep red colour accompanied by some lighter, strawberry blond streaks littered throughout. It goes down to about the middle of her back and is normally up in a ponytail
Eyes: Her eyes are a light, golden brown with an emerald green shade in the center of her iris'. Her eyes are big and doll-like and are framed by gorgeously long, thick and dark eyelashes/brows the same dark red colour as her hair.
Skin: Her skin is a porcelain colour due to her lack of sun exposure and is also littered with freckles. The freckles are the most condensed around her nose, cheeks, cupids bow, chest, shoulders, knees, elbows and backs of her hands. Her skin is pretty good and smooth overall, although she does get breakouts every so often.
Body: Her body is quite plum in places such as her thighs, rump and chest and thin in others, such as her arms, stomach and sides. She has a pear-shaped figure with a smaller bust, narrow shoulder and waist and a larger rump+thighs.
Distinguished marks: As said, her freckles, but she also has a faint birthmark on the side of her face next to her eyes and then one on her left lower knee that's a bit darker. She has bruises everywhere on her legs constantly from being clumsy and scar marks on her lower arms, thighs and wrists from self-harming she'd done in the past.
Piercings, tattoos, birthmarks: She has her ears pierced with little studs in her lobes but she was forced to take them out when she entered the hospital.
Strengths: She is fairly good at shoving down her emotions, which also leads way to one of her weaknesses. She hates bugs, terrified of them. She struggles with anxiety, mass depression, minor paranoia, and suicidal thoughts.
Weaknesses: She can't deal with her emotions and has a 'later' mentality, thinking she'll deal with them when she's alone but just ends up shoving them so far down and so much that she just had mental breakdowns instead of dealing with the problem while it's at hand.
Power: First; Basically the farce but only able to use it on objects and other animals, not humans. (ex: she could lift a chair up without even moving a finger.
Limits of Chosen Power: For her 'force' basically Eleven in Stranger Things. She gets a nose bleed, it uses up a ton of her energy and she can only use it for a couple of hours at a time before passing out.
Likes: Books, calm spaces, quiet, long conversations with people she trusts and is easy to talk to.
Dislikes: Loud, disruptive spaces. Casual interactions with strangers. Smiling at passers-by.
Backstory: Develop
Other: She ok?
@Honeybee_ Yeah that 2nd power is a bit much… but other than that Maddie is interesting!
Alright guys! I'd like to start off the RP soon! Everyone make your last changes to your characters now! (And, do all of you have Discord? I'd like to try to move this to a Discord server, but… if y'all don't have it, then that's fine. It's just that responses come in faster on Discord than Notebook.ai without refreshing)
(I don't have Discord.)
(nah, i can't afford a phone yet lol. Sorry 'bout that qwq)
Alright then, we'll just keep it on here.
Heh I'm liking everyone's interest in this! @Emmylove-is-Sherlock-Holmes I'm not sure what you mean by "Kaeuvgiru no?" Please elaborate
Lmao sorry that was just me being anxious over not knowing what to write in that section
(Coukd this maybe use another member? (Sorry i joined an RP like this, but it died before it could even start so I'm like…super sad about that.)
Heh I'm liking everyone's interest in this! @Emmylove-is-Sherlock-Holmes I'm not sure what you mean by "Kaeuvgiru no?" Please elaborate
Lmao sorry that was just me being anxious over not knowing what to write in that section
Heh oki
(Coukd this maybe use another member? (Sorry i joined an RP like this, but it died before it could even start so I'm like…super sad about that.)
Sorry, no. But if you want I could literally just copy over this entire thread again and have that open for other people… @Qxeensryche-is-bored-again, if this interests you let me know.
(Oh no it’s fine! Have fun with this!!)
( @_Write_Where_I_Wanna_Be You sure? It's no problem, there's another person already interested in this but missed out…)
( @_Write_Where_I_Wanna_Be and @Qxeensryche-is-bored-again welp I did it anyways. Here ya go. https://www.notebook.ai/forum/limited/copy-diagnosis-anxiety-depression-and-mental-illness-1x1-or-small-group-open-rp )
@Reed Explain "He's also a dumb bitch". In what ways is Tomas a "dumb bitch"?
@ShadowNights Hey! Luna looks pretty good, except that in her weaknesses, you didn't mention one for shapeshifting into "anything". Either edit that part out, or please add a weakness! Other than that, Luna is a pretty interesting character!
He is emotionally dumb, someone could have an obvious crush on him and he'd think they were just good friends.
Ah. Thanks.
(Sdjfhvbwrit I called dibs on telekinesis, and now there's two of ussss. I guess hers is more limited than my girlie's. Eh, well, we'll manage.)
Oki, I'd like to get this RP started soon. Should I post a starter, or does someone else want to?
Could you do the honours?
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