forum Decaying Boy / OxO/ closed, pm if interested!
Started by @ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

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@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

Alex closed his eyes a moment, then looked back up at Logan.
"Please… Get me out of this place." If he had to rot away like this, he at least wanted to do it without people gawking at him, without people hurting him and taking parts of him as souvenirs.


He nodded, pausing before rubbing his eyes and placing a red rose in the other boys hand. “I’ll come back soon to get that…” he smiles, standing

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

It had been a few days since the boy had given Alex the rose, the petals dropping off one by one. Alex still had hope though. The boy said he would be back, right? Alex just wanted to see him again, even if just for a moment. He wondered, quietly to himself, how long he would be alive- until his body was gone, completely decayed into nothing? Or even past that, doomed to be aware of everything without being able to do anything at all.

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

Alex looked up when he heard footfalls, smiling softly.
"H-Hey," he croaked out, so relieved. "You… you came back." He did his best to smile. He was in even worse condition then before, his eyes starting to be eaten away. Alex had done his best to keep the animals away, but there was a chunk taken out of his left, leaving him blind in that eye.