forum Come, My Good Bitches. (Private Rp)
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@HighPockets group

Name: Leah Cobalt
Age: 16
Gender/pronouns: Female, she/her
Sexuality: Demisexual
Species: Human, turns to a siren after she drowns
Role: Pirate turned siren
Peaceful or vengeful: Vengeful
Appearance: Average height, about 5'7", skinny. She's quite pale with a long oval face and red-gold hair. She has whiskey-brown eyes. Always has a sort of concerned resting expression. Has a wooden left leg from the knee down. One she turns into a siren, her scales are a deep, dark blue with almost no reflective qualities. She also has a bit of coloration on her elbows, around her shoulders and her collarbone, and some on her lower back.
Personality: Leah is quiet and reserved on the surface, but beneath she is constantly thinking. She has a strong sense of self-preservation and isn't above doing whatever it takes to get higher ranking. Ambitious to a fault.
Status within their nation: Grew up broke until she joined the pirate crew at age 13.
Voice: Low and a bit raspy, deep. Resounding. (Think Brittain Ashford for reference)
Other: Leah is a cabin girl on the ship.

Deleted user

Probably regular pirate era? like 1600s 1700s- ish?

Deleted user

(I forgot to give Oona clothes…. throws seashell bra at the siren who hisses at me)


Name: Morrigan Corvis
Age: 18
Biological sex and gender: Female, female
Sexuality: Honestly doesn't even know at this point, questioning a possible attraction to females.
Role: Pirate
Alignment: Chaotic Good
Species: Mostly human, but with faint, very diluted, demigod bloodlines
Powers: Crows are usually attracted by the faint traces of primordial blood in her veins. She can usually sense when someone is about to die, but it's more of a strong gut instinct than an outright indication due to how watered-down her power is. Occasionally, ghosts speak in her dreams.
Appearance: Long, wavy, thick, and tangled black hair falling halfway down her back and in a slight side part. 5'10", a figure that's less typically feminine and curvy, but rather athletic and subtly muscular. Olive complexion, skin marred by countless scars and burn marks, a few notable ones being the jagged scar running across the bridge of her nose, the gouges down her back, and the self-harm scars criss-crossing up and down her arms. Eyes so dark they appear to be black, high cheekbones, very pronounced, fierce facial features that are strangely beautiful in a warrior-like way. A tattoo of a crow feather with the tip dissolving into small birds curls up from the centre of her chest to the place where her shoulder and neck meet, and she has another huge tattoo on her back of two crows, one white and one black, the black one suspended in mid-air around the back of her shoulder and the white one falling from the sky diagonal to it. Also some flowery skull tattoos and Celtic runes on her arms, as well as a white snake on her left forearm.
General Attire: Usually decked out in silver ear piercings, a stud above her eyebrow, a silver lip ring, a battered black jacket to cover her arms, and any form of black leggings or pantaloons that are easy to move in. Will occasionally go barefoot, but typically wears simple, short boots.
Personality: Seemingly tough and territorial, sharp, quick-witted, very gruff, and very, very sarcastic. Swears a lot, has adopted a sort of 'tough love' way of comforting others. Dry sense of humour, inwardly a mom friend, will defend the few that she loves to the afterlife and beyond. Super protective and closed off, doesn't like large groups or socializing much. Inside she's much more fragile and scared that she'd like to admit, but she hides that side.
Status within her nation: An escaped criminal. Before she ran from her father and ended up on the streets, stealing to survive, she was fairly high up on the wealth/social scale.

(anything I should change?)

Deleted user

Yeah, just waait a moment, I'm a bit wired at the moment, i dunno,
everythings fuzzy around the edges

Deleted user

Kydah swam out of the cave where she had been sleeping, spear clutched in her hand. She looked around, making sure there were no other mer or sirens in the area. Okay, time to hunt then. She thought, letting go of her spear with one hand so she could feel the water currents. "Mhm…" She mutttered.


Morrigan sighed, slumping against the wall. Her eyelids drifted shut in a half-hearted attempt to bring about a few moments of sleep, but as usual, it didn't come, despite her nearly overwhelming exhaustion. Every time she was met with darkness, lightning flashed in her mind's eye. Storm clouds, conjured up by one of her many recurring dreams, parted to make way for a burst of blinding white light. Screams filled the air…

She sighed, opening her eyes again. After so many sleepless nights, one might have expected sleep to come rushing in. But not for her…

@Moxie group

Kane leaned over the railing of the ship, breathing in the salty air. With the last lookout shift of the crew, his mornings always started early. The sky above him was slowly but surely turning from black to a light purple. Almost everyone else would be getting up soon but until then Kane took the few quiet moments to himself as he cleaned the cannons, preparing them for the day.

Deleted user

Oona was doing a morning patrol of the clans borders. Something about the ocean water around her seemed off. Restless almost. The way it caressed her sensitive scales was harsher than usual, almost as if the ocean itself was telling her something was coming. She frowned a bit, flexing her tail as she came up beside Kydah. "You feel it too?" She asked, her voice passing between them like a swift current.