"Are you honestly?" the god repeated, sending a wave of golden warmth towards the Prince.
"Are you honestly?" the god repeated, sending a wave of golden warmth towards the Prince.
(Sorry I've been away!!)
(It's fine, I understand, take your time, you should take care of yourself first)
Hyacinth relaxed just a bit, not realizing the other was using his magic. "I–um–a bit…?"
(I really appreciate that, thank you)
"A bit at ease…" Apollo clucked. "I can work with that."
And with a snap of his fingers they were sat in a field of prim white flowers.
(No problem!)
Hyacinth let out a small sound of surprise, looking around and trying to get something out. "I—" He let out another sound, close to a sigh, considering he knew something like this would happen. "Why am I here?"
(hmm. Could I undo that last reponse and go for another direction?)
"A bit at ease…" Apollo clucked. "We can work with that."
In an invisible movement the god stood in front of Hyacinth, gazing down at him with a sweet, warm expression. He leaned down and, cupping one side of the man's face, kissed him lightly on the cheek.
He pulled away, smiling. "I'll let you mull things over."
(Lowkey feel like this is going to happen at some point)
If Hyacinth's face wasn't red, then this wasn't a dream. Which meant it clearly wasn't, since his face was burning and fully red while his heart had probably stopped beating at this point. "I—umm—o-okay then…" He mumbled, covering his face with his hands.
Apollo melted away into the shadows of the sun then, leaving the blushing Prince to his thoughts.
(Lol thank youuu)
Hyacinth kept his mouth shut tight after the God left, his hand covering the lower part of his face. What just happened? A God came down–and a beautiful one at that–and talked to me then proceeded to kiss my cheek and leave?
The very second Apollo popped back into existence on Mount Olympus, Artemis was waiting for him with a grim expression on her face.
"You did it again," she said coldly, staring at her twin.
Apollo shrugged. "Did what?"
Am I dreaming? Hyacinth thought, deciding to pinch himself a bit, wincing in pain after. Nope, definitely in reality.
Quick as a flash, Artemis had her brother pinned up against the wall, collar pulled tight in her delicate steel-strong fist.
"You promised," she hissed, eyes shining with anger and scared tears. "You seem to have forgotten the last crisis that occurred out of a god mingling with the mortals, brother."
Apollo flinched under his sister's burning gaze, but his eyes didn't leave hers.
"And what if I told you that this one was worth it?" he asked her softly, his tone quietened further in contrast to the anger rolling off the goddess in waves.
(Aaahh, I'm so sorry for taking so long to respond! Forgive me! Again, I'm really sorry, life has been kind of hectic)
Hyacinth would have probably gone insane if he had thought about the matter any longer, but did he stop at all? No. But, his siblings had come in at the right time, almost like they knew about it. They smiled warmly at Hyacinth, not having a clue about what had just happened. "How's the most handsome prince in Sparta doing?"
Hyacinth couldn't help but chuckle softly, a small smile flickering across his face for a second. "I don't know, how are you guys doing?"
(You're fine, don't worry! I'm glad it hasn't died ^^')
"That's what you always say," Artemis hissed, pushing off Apollo and starting to pace with a frustrated sigh. "She'll find out, you know? She'll find out and you know how she handled human affairs. Do you really want to see your prince killed? Because that's how it'll end."
Apollo watched his sister move to and fro in front of him, sadness casting a shadow on the passion he'd felt earlier.
"I'll do what takes, sister. Love is powerful, don't you know that?"
"Love?" she scoffed, whirling on him. "You don't love him. You don't know him."
"You don't know that!" he roared, marching up to her in a surge of anger. "I am sick and tired of your control over my life, and I will not give up on this rare chance for joy! You know hard it is for me, right?"
(Thanks for understanding and for being so kind!)
One of them flushed crimson, and the other just chuckled, answering with a small 'I'm fine' that was stuttered out like there was no tomorrow. "Way to make him embarrassed, Hyacinth."
Hyacinth couldn't help but smile, his siblings always made him happy no matter what they were doing. "Why thank you, I've been practicing, you know."
"Hard for you? Really? We're all immortal powerful beings, you're not the only one it's hard for," she snapped.
Apollo took a step back. "You know very well what I mean. The kind of relationships I have with mortal men are not yet part of this world, and this generation don't know how to react to it, and therefore don't. I've looked further, you know," he told his sister as she pursed her lips. "I've looked into the future and it only gets worse. So please, please, while it's possible, let me love this man."
"Oh, really? Might I ask what else you have been practicing that made you flush so much when we came?" One asked, raising an eyebrow.
Hyacinth's face flushed a bit, licking his lips before opening his mouth to speak. "I…I was exercising." He answered, trying to seem confident. Everyone might think he was crazy if he said he had seen Apollo.
Artemis studied her brother, anger still evident on her face. “I won’t protect you when this goes wrong. As of now I know nothing of this affair. It is on you and you alone. Deal?”
The god’s shoulders sagged with relief, and he nodded. “You have my word.” The goddess turned around and walked off, leaving her twin alone in Hestia’s domain.
(Heyyyy, so I know I haven't been on notebook for a long time, and I was wondering if you still wanted to keep this going? I just read through the rp and their relationship is so cute and I love it)
(If you're up for it, I'd love to)
(I would absolutely love to!)
"Oh, really? I'll let you go back to exercising then," Argalus said sarcastically, looking shocked before dragging Daphne with him.
Hyacinth sighed in relief when they left, going back to questioning his life.
Apollo stood alone in the room, all of his charm having disappeared– he was deeply rattled, made nervous by his sister about the admittedly dangerous affair he was leading. And yet the Prince, Hyacinth, was too precious a find. He'd have to fight, and so be it.
Hyacinth stared furiously at the floor as if it was it's fault as he mulled over things. Was that a one time thing or something more…?
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