(alright. Do you care which?)
(alright. Do you care which?)
(Anton leaving would probably be more interesting)
(Alright! Shall I handle the skip, then?)
Later that day…
Ellis waited anxiously near Lloyd. Anton was leaving soon, and Ellis didn't know how to feel. Didn't know what would happen.
Lloyd stuck close to Ellis, pulling him to himself protectively when Anton came in. He glared at Anton coldly and remained silent for now.
Ellis huddled into Lloyd, eyes flashing to Anton for a moment, then away again. Anton glared at Ellis, shaking his head at Lloyd.
Lloyd shielded Ellis from Anton's glare, wrapping one wing around Ellis to protect him. He kept his eyes on Anton to make sure he wouldn't try anything.
Anton picked up his suitcases, looking over at Lloyd and Ellis, a sneer twisting his lips.
"Farewell, Anton." Lloyd said coldly, keeping Ellis hidden from Anton with his wing.
Anton snorted. "Have fun with the slut." He replied, walking out the door. Ellis flinched.
"He's not a slut!" Lloyd growled, pulling Ellis closer to himself. "Don't listen to him, El…" He murmured to Ellis, making sure Anton couldn't hear him.
Anton closed the door, not replying. Ellis took a deep breath.
"You okay?" Lloyd asked softly, looking down at Ellis.
Ellis shrugged, turning and pressing close to Lloyd.
Lloyd sighed softly and rested his head against Ellis's. "You're gonna be okay… he's gone now."
Ellis let out a shaky breath, holding onto him.
"C'mon." Lloyd led Ellis away, eventually leading him to his bedroom.
Ellis was quiet, letting Lloyd lead him.
Lloyd opened the door to his room and closed it after they were inside. Then, he headed over to his bed and lay down. "I-I don't want to make you uncomfortable or anything, but you can lay down if you want."
Ellis shrugged, and snuggled in close to Lloyd.
Lloyd flushed and held him close. He hadn't actually expected him to accept.
Ellis closed his eyes, letting out a breath.
"Um… is this helping?" Lloyd asked softly, laughing a bit at his own awkwardness.
Ellis nodded a little bit.
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