forum Broken Dreams and Haunting Memories// Closed!// 16+
Started by @ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

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@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

Mia opened the door to the bedroom, stepping in.
"Hey, how you doing?" She asked, moving to sit next to Simon on the bed. She figured he'd been worried while she was gone, just not to what extent.


Simon pulled the blankets up around the two of them. But he had no plans on sleeping, at least not quite yet. He wanted to keep an eye out for a bit, make sure nothing was going to happen. It definitely wasn’t an excuse to not sleep.


“Goodnight.” He responded quietly. He was glad that she was feeling good enough to sleep. He was honestly a bit afraid of going to bed. Today (or the last part of it at least) had been so good, and he didn’t want to ruin it with another night terror. So he stayed awake, waiting for Mia to drift off completely.


Simon sat up a bit once he’d figured it wouldn’t wake her, determined to stay awake so he wouldn’t cause any problems. But after about an hour or so, he began to feel remarkably calm. It was a sort of aura that had begun to fill the room, telling him to relax. Normally he would’ve been bothered by this but…he just couldn’t. He somehow knew he was going to be safe. He knew there was someone else in the room now besides him and Mia, even though he couldn’t see them. But still, he didn’t panic. He instinctively lay back down. As he did so, he thought he heard a gentle voice, near the side of the bed, humming out the tune of a lullaby. And as he closed his eyes, he could feel someone sit down next to him, and feel gentle fingers running through his hair, the person still singing a quiet lullaby. In that moment he knew then that it’d be safe for him to go to sleep. After all, that’s what always happened when he felt this presence. But he’d forget about them all over again by the time the morning came.

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

Mia pressed closer to Simon when he laid back down, curling up close.

Astral was in the living room, getting ready to go to sleep. He hadn't… Hadn't been able to go back into his bedroom. He hadn't gone anywhere near it since Simon and Mia left this part of the palace. His head went up, though, eyes narrowing.
Someone was there that wasn't supposed to be. The god managed not to lose his cool, making his way towards where he felt the intruder. When he found himself standing in front of Simon and Mia's room, he paused. What was going on? When he felt for Simon, all he felt was… Calm. Peace. Not on p what I've would expect from Astral's position.
So, the god silently took the door handle in his hand, opening it without a sound to step in.


It appeared at first glance that no one was in the room besides Simon and Mia. That was because at the moment, they simply weren’t visible. Their humming came to an abrupt stop when Astral entered the room. But still, they didn’t leave Simon’s side. They didn’t want to if they didn’t have to. But they knew it wouldn’t take Astral too long to notice the imprint left behind on the bed from where they’re sitting.

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

When Astral didn't see anyone in the room who want supposed to be, he started looking with a scrutinous eye to find any discrepancies. When his eyes finally fell in the bed, his eyes narrowed.
"What are you doing here," the god said, keeping his voice soft for Simon's sake.


“I don’t want any trouble.” So apparently that’s what he was leading with. “I was just here to help him sleep, and then I’d be on my way.” He said, still not moving away from Simon’s side, running his fingers through the man’s hair. He still hadn’t made himself visible, in case Simon ended up waking up. “Really it’d be a win for all of us. Poor kid hasn’t gotten more than 7 hours a night in months.”

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

Astral stayed in the doorway, looking in the general area that this person was in.
"You can help him?" The god asked, his eyes going to Simon's sleeping head. If this… Whatever, probably a minor god, could help Simon, Astral wasn't inclined to let them leave.


“I can’t do much. It doesn’t just make the trauma go away.” He very much didn’t like how Astral was reacting to this. He didn’t know what he was expecting but it certainly wasn’t this. By this point, Simon had fallen into a deep sleep, so the spirit gently pulled his hands away, standing up as well. He finally made himself visible. He couldn’t have been taller than 5’4, but he didn’t seem the slightest bit intimidated by Astral. He was very much angry at the god. Emile didn’t look like a particularly threatening spirit. Along with his height, he had a pretty thin frame and brown hair. The only thing that appeared slightly out of the normal about him were his eyes, one blue and one green. And those eyes were filled with so much hate for the god in front of him. He knew Alec had said not to fight Astral, and make no mistake, Emile knew he wouldn’t win. But he still wanted to stab a knife deep into the bastard’s chest.

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

"Some is better than nothing," Astral said. When the spirit before him finally showed themself, the god was unaffected by the malice he felt directed at him. He knew he deserved it, but it didn't matter.
The god looked tired, worn, deep bags under his eyes that seemed to still be red from the tears that hadn't been able to stop.


Emile felt no sympathy for the god, at least not right now. He of course didn’t know of Astral’s feelings for Simon. If he did, maybe then he’d be a little more understanding. But right now, Emile just saw him as the dickhead that had taken advantage of his baby boy. “So can I take that as a you’re gonna let me be to do what I do or is that too much to ask?”

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

"I would never stop someone who's able to help Simon," Astral said quietly. He looked back to Simon, holding back a breath. He had so much regret… But he couldn't let any of it show. He deserved no understanding, no sympathy. No matter how much he wanted this child, he couldn't bring himself to look anywhere but Simon's head, his face.


"Yeah I find that more than a little hard to believe." He knew he should probably just shut up, but he really couldn't find the ability to do so. He'd never be able to understand why people would hurt someone as sweet and kind as Simon. Especially since Astral had fucked with the one thing mortals couldn't, what would happen to Simon after he died.

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

"I don't blame you for that, after what I've done…" Astral looked away then. From the spirit and Simon alike. He couldn't understand any more either, couldn't understand why he had wanted someone as sweet and good as Simon.


((pardon while I go cry in the corner))

Emile almost wished the god was angry instead. It was a lot easier to deal with and interpret then whatever this was. "If you really feel so torn up about it then why aren't you actually doing anything to fix it, hm?"

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

"I don't know how…" Astral kept his gaze away from whatever sort of being he was talking to. Even though he was the god, he was the one who would be able to control the situation… His voice was small. Weak.
"I've… Never wanted to fix anything…"