@Rainy_day_artist_classic group
I swear I’ll change the title, but @Write_Is_Tired_but_is_still_going2_write
I swear I’ll change the title, but @Write_Is_Tired_but_is_still_going2_write
I like it actually!
(Oof ahah, we’ll see if it sticks. Would you mind starting?)
Okay, so what's the setting currently? Highschool right?
Also, I'll start it tonight. Im at a basket ball game right now
(Both is fine! My internet is still being screwy, so writing something out will be difficult ahah. Have fun!)
It's fine! We'll just have to wait a little bit until the games over if that's okay with you.
(That's fine! I think I might duck out for a bit, so I'll see you later!)
Okay! Have fun with whatever you're doing! <3
(Eep, I gtg to bed for the night, but it looks like I'm going to be pretty free tomorrow, so I'll talk to you then!)
(Alrighty! See you then!)
The small walls of the off-white apartment building surrounded as he sat up on the small bed and ran his big hands through his blonde mess of hair that fell into his dark face and over his yellow green eyes.
“Man…. i lived much better than this a while ago” he mumbled to himself in a slight accent no one could ever put their finger on. He’s held onto it since the 1800s. He quite liked it. Maybe from Britain? He never let anyone know, but it sounded as royalty. He was a duke after all.
He stood and raised his arms, stretching. The lights still on from last night flickered as it shined on his dark skin. He forgot to pay the bill. Once again….
it was fine, once he got ahold of all of his money that he hid about 50 years ago, he can go to a nice life. Back to a nice life that he used to know if not nicer.
But now….. he had the first day of school. He wasnt really looking forward to this
He slipped on jeans and a black sleek turtle neck sweater with a nice overcoat. He still loved to dress nice.
Raking his fingers through his curly hair to tame it a little, he grabbed the keys to his car off of the small marbled counter and cracked the door open a bit before trying his best to hear anyone approaching.
Once he didnt, he stepped out with his bag slung over his shoulder and took the elevator downstairs to the first floor as quick as possible.
Getting down to the parking lot out back behind the small apartment building, he approached his silver and black car, the early morning sun shining down on it. Hopping in and starting it, he made his way to the school building. Letting the cold air rush by on his skin, sending a shiver down his spine as he rolled down the window. Cars are quite nice he decided a while back. He was never quite fond of them until recently when the nicer ones started to come back.
He watched as the people passed by just like they’ve done for about 200 years… Just how long was he going to go on living like this, stuck in an eternal loop for the rest of eternity?!
No… he was going to go insane if he let himself think like that. Just try to survive another day. Another week, another month and another year. Thats all he needed to do for now. He was fine living his lonely little normal life. But he was afraid that was about to change today. He had already picked a personality to withhold for the school year. Hes tested it out about a hundred times and hes found this one was the best one.
He found the schools building and then their parking lot. Driving in, he looked around at all of the students flooding in and some making out by their cars.
They took romance for such granted and he only scowled. Opening his silver and black car door after rolling up the thick window he stepped out and stood tall as his sea green eyes glazed over the parking lot.
One long step after the other, he held a smile to his face and brilliant posture. Really, how long did he have to keep this up before he dies? But he knew that wasnt going to happen soon.
As he walked through the hallways, eyes were on him. His unique looks and his length drew more attention than being the new kid. Though he still found it stupid that he was doing this in the first place.
He soon found the school board with all of the activities, news and such. He looked at it for a second, his slightly pointed tongue running back and forth over his fangs behind his lips as he studied it. He didnt think he was going to join any clubs. Not this year around. Last few times in highschool that was a complete and udder disaster.
Nope, not again he said to himself as he thought about it more and more.
Finally finding the classroom, he slid open the door and stood tall above the sitting students as all eyes were on him and suddenly, as it happened every year…… he was nervous….
Harmony sat in the back seat of the sleek black car with her legs folded over one another. That was her, miss prim-and-proper. Or that's what she lived up to be. Straight back, wrinkle free clothes, not a hair out of place in it's short pony tail fashion, that's what she was told to be. So she made it that way.
Her sister on the other hand, not so much. She was slumped in her seat, head and eyes cast down, no smile in sight. She wasn't a sour, or even miserable girl, just insecure.
For years Harmony tried to tell her sister Chasity that she was practically perfect, there wasn't anything wrong with her, but she never believed her. So Harmony kept her mouth quiet after one of the last times she had tried.
"I am sure you will have a good day today." Harmony told CJ, a smile spreading across her full lips. Her blue eyes were bright, as she looked to her younger passenger. A slight mumble came in response, but nothing more. So with a sigh, Harmony turned to look out the window at the upcoming school.
'My Junior year… this is going to be interesting.' She told herself, her frown falling. Whenever the word interesting was involved, something bad almost always happened. No matter what it was. She could be getting ice cream of an interesting flavor, and something bad would happen.
Most said she was just paranoid, others said she was superstitious.
Though she herself had no words for it, besides bad luck. Though how bad could her Junior year be? It was just high school, not the worst thing the universe could throw at her.
The driver pulled up to the school, and both girls got out by the doors. "Thank you sir, we will see you around four." She smiled once more, waving. The man nodded curtly, before pulling off and leaving the girls there.
CJ was already half way up the steps, by the time Harmony was just starting, so going at a quick pace, she flitted up the stairs and towards the door. She had caught sight that traffic had made them a little later than she preferred to be, so she was going quickly to get inside on time.
'I can not be late, I do not want to start a habit.' Telling herself, she lost focus to who was around her, and the fact CJ wasn't following her anymore. She was off to her locker, and she was focused solely on that.
'Maybe I can keep things from becoming interesting.'
But what were the chances of that? The blonde female strutted over to her locker, and opened the door of it to put some of her books in there. For the second half of the day at least. Everything was tucked into her messenger bag, and she was off to get the day started. Her heels clicking on the tile floor as she walked.
(We don't have to write this big of responses each time, ahah, just thought I'd get a decent one as well)(Also, great intro!)
(Yeah its fine, and thank you!)
(I just do my starters like that. Its kind of a policy for myself)
(Anyway, i cant reply now, due to having to write about 5 more starters for more roleplays lol)
(But i will try when i get home. I’m so sorry)
(It’s fine! I have other things I need to do rn ahah. This can also be a really chill RP, so it can be the one that waits if need be~)
His yellow eyes flickered to each of the students. Three boys spread out in front, probably purposely separated. All in either sweatpants or basketball shorts with a most likely dirty t-shirt.
A girl with twins buns, straight across brown bangs and round glasses as she doodles in the back, she caught his eye but it was only because of her huge buns on either side of her head that flopped whichever way whereever she looked, popping her head up and looking around like a rabbit.
Another small group, two girls and a boy talking, the teacher not even bothering to shut them up. They were most likely taking apart the calculators from the looks of it.
His ears picked up the soft clacking of heels on the schools tiles, and before she came into the room, he mopped out of the way. A gift he was giving when he was little by his mom. Its nothing big, but it was useful.
Whenever he would walk into a room, about 20 seconds beforehand he sees the first 10 seconds of the future of what happens in that room. He didnt care for it that much. It was a fact of life for him. Nothing new. Hes had it for over 200 years. Hes used to it.
The teacher sat up from her desk with a smile and had him introduce himself.
“Hello. I’m Cassius Avian THomas Sandoval. You can call me Cass or Cassey though if you’d like” he smiled kindly at the students as some seemed intrigued and some either bored of their minds or asleep. He couldn’t tell with their steady breathing and their head in their arms.
Glancing at her watch, she was quick to come up to the classroom. She knew she would get odd looks, but this was Harmony Hollow we were talking about, practically known, maybe liked, by everyone. If anything they would use it to pick on her for being Ms. Perfection, being late one time to class. But if that's what made thing 'interesting' so be it.
She took a hold of the class room door handle, and pushed it down before yanking it open. Once in the room, she felt the gaze rest on her, and she flitted her own to the boy at the front of the class.
"O-Oh! I'm so sorry! Please do forgive me, I didn't know we had a new student." She apologized immediately, her accent slurring her words ever so slightly. Most days she tried to cover it up, but she was in a semi-embarrassed state so it slipped through.
Fiddling with one of the bracelets on her wrists, she walked over to an empty desk and sat down. It was in the middle, off to the side, and she slipped a little lower than usual.
Her face was warm, and she sat there fiddling with the same bracelet while biting her lower lip.
'Well, that was awkward.'
He turned around, expecting what happened to happen for about five seconds before he moved out of the way before she bumped into her.
He smiled at her kindly with a small wave and took a seat next to the girl with the bracelet.
She was pretty, but he never minded that. She was polite and kind. That he never ignored.
He could smell her sweet blood stronger than the others. He guessed she had more sugar in her blood than most. He only could clench his fist in order to not keep smelling it. Taking one deep breath and relaxing…. well trying to anyway. That smell…. this was going to be interesting.
Hopefully she didn't have to die soon. For her sake at least.
She could feel the gaze was still rested on her. Everyone was watching her, or so she thought.
The truth of the matter, almost nobody cared, so why she felt this way? She had no clue. Everyone was doing something else to occupy their thoughts, whispering, doodling. A boy in the back always had a camera on him, because he wanted to nap in class. The ginger-haired boy always hid the camera, and filmed the lesson to watch for later. Most rolled their eyes, but he was probably the smartest kid in the room because of it.
Harmony was pretty sure his name was Seth, but she wasn't really sure. No one ever really talked to him.
Her own gaze turned to rest on the new boy, and instantly she liked him. He was unique, with his yellow-green eyes, and blonde hair with his darker skin. Though he was odd, something Harmony never get in her way of making a new friend.
"Hey," She whispered over to him, turning her head back to the teacher.
Currently he was thinking about what he would do during lunch time. Make friends? No, not yet. It was only the first day. Maybe he should slickly slide into a friend group? Maybe not.
Oh he was overthinking again. Of course. But he had to distract himself from the smell of that girls sweet blood. So this is what he turned to doing..
Until he heard her voice and he turned to the girl. “Oh….hey” he says back, mentally cursing himself for pretending he didnt hear her. Why oh why did he have to be nice.
"I really am sorry." She whispered back, trying not to get caught by the teacher.
Things like that always bothered her. She hated getting interrupted herself, so why would she do it to other people? It was hypocrisy if she did so, so she avoided it at every cost.
"Truly, is there anyway I can make it up to you?" Harmony asked, tapping her wrist against the table, creating a slight clicking noise. "Say the word, and I'll get it somehow. I promise you that." And anyone that knew Harmony, could assure you her promises stuck.
His mischeviousness kicked in for a split second. He could have said something cheesy like "your love" or even better… "your blood"
But he wouldn't have. So he just got a little confused. She didn't even do anything wrong in the first place. What was she apologizing for again?
"Um… I'm sorry but I don't recall you ever doing anything wrong. Would you like to elaborate please? "
She blinked, her head jerking some in surprise.
"I thought I interrupted you?" She questioned, her light brows furrowing. "I did, did I not?" She asked again, before turning back slightly towards the teacher. She didn't understand how someone could forget so quickly. Maybe it wasn't really that big of a deal."
"no not really. I don't mind. And sorry, I'm a tad forgetful." he lied straight through those white teeth of his. He's lived for over 200 years and he remembers quite a bit.
"anyway, you're totally fine." he waved it away. "so, what's your name? "
"Harmony, Harmony Hollow." She smiled once more, her white teeth showing. Everything about her seemed to be a bright, and friendly, even when she wasn't trying to be. Her blue eyes were already a sharp icy blue, but when she smiled, they seemed even brighter.
"What is your name?" She inquired, her voice still pretty low. Though it was never really high, she kept it at a calm tone.
He let out a little chuckle and ran his fingers through his soft messy hair
“Cassius Avian Thomas Sandoval. You can call me Cass though” he smiled at her, his fangs visible I felt you looked hard enough due to his mouth being cracked open slightly
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