Finn took a seat next to Abe, a smile on his face. He started looking through the first scene he was in, since he had been absent for the first reading. Then, he had an idea and turned to Abe. "Hey, you wanna work on one of our scenes?" He asked, hoping the other would agree.
“What, like run lines? Yeah, sure.” Abe nodded, pulling out his script. They didn’t have to be off book for another month, but he was studying his lines religiously so he could be off book ASAP. “We’ve got a few minutes. What scene are you looking at?”
"Perfect. Let's see… maybe…" Finn was trying to find a scene where it was mostly just their two characters without many others. "What about scene 3?" He asked, looking back up at the other. Finley is pretty good at memorizing lines and learning things quickly. With doing stuff like that for a very large majority of his life, it's natural to pick those things up easily.
“Uhhh, yeah. Scene three, act two, right? Circus McGurkus?” Abe flipped through his script. “Technically we’re just.. on stage together and both talking. No real dialogues together, but that’s the best we have. We can work on How Lucky You Are circus reprise and the actual Circus McGurkus..?” He furrowed his brow, adjusting his glasses so he could read a little better.
"Hmmm yeah." He mumbled looking through the scene. "K so yeah sounds good." Finely said louder, actually directed to Abe. He flipped back to the beginning of the scene. He started off with the first of their lines.
(Shit, this is hard lol, not knowing anything about it)
(yeahhhhh, i was debating whether or not to tell you that the Cat and Horton don’t actually interact verbally lmao)
Abe began his own lines, and it became clear why he was cast. The combination of his modified diction and verbal cadence created a sense of character, even without a costume. He was already trying to skim the lines and respond without looking at his script.
(Ahhhh now I feel bad lol.)
Finn was impressed by Abe's acting. He was already embodying the character with his whole self on the second day of rehearsal, ever, on this musical of course. In the first week, Finn wasn't pushing himself too much, just getting super familiar with the whole plot and everything involved.
(No don’t!!! It’s a weird setup where the two leads don’t actually ever talk, lmao, I was surprised too!)
It was a method that had worked well enough in the past. He watched recordings of the show on Youtube and listened to the soundtrack more times than he could count, so Abe was already intimately familiar with the musical’s plot.
(That is a weird setup. Good to know though lol :)
Finn usually didn't watch the show. He was one of the weird minority of theatre kids that felt bad about watching bootleg recordings. However, once the musical was announced, he immediately started listening to the soundtrack. He may not have his lines yet, but at least he knew every song by heart.
Before they could do much more, Ms. Nobles got everyone's attention and started speaking. Sometime between then and when Finn and Abe started talking, everyone had arrived.
“Good afternoon, sweet-peas!” Ms Nobles chirped from her desk, walking over to shut the classroom door. “I can see that a handful of you are already running lines, thank you for that! I’d just like to remind you all that you all need to be 100% off book by next month at the latest. The sooner, the better.” She continued, looking at her copy of the schedule. “Today we’ll be putting the whole show on its feet. No blocking, just lines and doing whatever feels right to you. This is your first week of the show, I want you to play around and get a feel for it.”
Finn was smiling, beyond excited. He would say he loved this part the most, but that would be a lie because the whole experience was just his favorite thing almost ever. "So what does that mean exactly. Like are we going to the auditorium and just standing on the stage and stuff? Or are we staying in here, or what?" One of the freshmen asked.
“Yes, thank you for asking that! Today we won’t be going to the auditorium, we’ll start that next week. Today we’ll just be rehearsing in here so you can get a basic feel for what you want to do!” Ms Nobles clapped her hands together, stepping out from behind her desk. “I think we’ll start the day with a theatre game to warm up, how does that sound?”
The freshman nodded, muttering a quiet "thanks". There was then a round of different variations of "good". Some people started standing up and moving away from the circle of chairs they had all taken a seat in. Finley stood up, but he hesitated, not knowing if he should go or not since Ms. Nobles never said what game specifically.
“Circle up!” She woofed, joining the students. “Since it’s just a warmup, we’re gonna play Zip Zap Zop today, for simplicity’s sake. Does everyone here know the rules?”
Abe joined in the circle, easily one of the tallest. He didn’t hate the game, it was fun, but it got boring after a while.
Finn quickly joined the circle. He looked around and saw the freshmen whisper around to see if they knew the game. After a little of that, most of them shook their heads as well as a few sophomores and one or two upperclassmen. There were definitely games he liked a lot less than this one, but similar to Abe, it wasn't the most fun to play after a while.
Ms Nobles glanced at all the reactions. “Alright. Well! As a refresher, Abe, would you mind explaining the rules?”
“I can, sure.” Abe began to explain how the game went, using Dot and a few other upperclassmen as examples of how to play.
Finn watched as Abe explained even though he knew the game very well. He glanced around at the circle again, trying to place a name to a face. He isn't the best at that so any chance he gets, he goes over everyone's name in his head. As Abe explained and demonstrated, the freshmen as well as anyone else that didn't know that game were the ones that paid the most attention.
(That was a shit reply, sorry lol. I'm a bit out of it tonight.)
(it’s all good, i get it!)
“And that’s the basics. Ms Nobles, are we using any modifications this time” Abe looked at the teacher, trying to figure out if he was done or not
She shook her head. “No, not right now- maybe later, but we’re just getting the basic game down. Is everyone ready to play?” Ms Nobles looked around at the cast.
( Thank you! Also, not sure if I know this game or not. I've played some theatre games but my drama teacher usually doesn't use names. But maybe I haven't idk, I'm basically a theatre baby lol)
There were nods and mumbles of "yes" around the circle, Finn included. Everyone looked at Ms. Nobles, probably expecting her to start since she was the teacher.
(it’s super fun, you should ask if you can (when quarantine is over, lmao), but it’s hella easy! it was my first theatre game, actually)
(also i’m not gonna try to describe the game, lmao, i can guarantee that wouldn't be interesting for either of us)
And start, she did. Ms Nobles only played for the first minute or two, simply waiting for the game to actually kick off before backing out of the circle. Abe and his buddies were clearly into it, trying to get people excited and warmed up.
(I most certainly will! Idk the name of my first theatre game, because as I said she never told us a name. But it's also pretty simple and fun. And that's totally okay lol, I get that.)
Finn was among one of the people that were into it. Even if it got boring after a bit of playing, he always kept up his energy to get anyone and everyone involved and excited. Most of the people who hadn't played it before were starting to get the hang of it and were also pumped.
Ms Nobles cut the game off after five-ish minutes, stepping into the circle. “Alrighty, mighties- we’re all warmed up, I think, so who’s ready to start? We’ll be rough blocking Act One today, fingers crossed. Remember to play around, have fun!” She chirped, clapping her hands together.
(I know I haven't replied for a couple days, but I also won't reply for the next week, possibly two. I've been having trouble replying to things and I've been out of it for a few days. So yeah, I'll be inactive for a week, possibly. Sorry about that.)
(it’s no trouble, man, don’t worry! please don’t force yourself, real life always comes first!)