" good " she said
" good " she said
"So you can't walk?" He sighed scooping her up. "That's what I was afraid of…"
"will get caught you can't carry me"she said
"How else am I suppose to make this work?" He asked, looking to her with a frown.
" you leave me" she said
"Ravenna, I think I've made it pretty clear I am not leaving you." He said pulling her closer in his arms.
She smiled kissing his cheek
"Hold on-" He paused getting an idea. He set her on his bed and ran over to the window.
" what are you doing" she asked
“Looking for something.” He said back seemingly distracted.
"what" she said
"A way out." He said simply.
She sughed
"There, I see it." He smiled pointing to a spot on the glass.
" what Is that" she asked
"Our escape." He said turning to face her. "You can't fly either?"
" I might " she said
"Can you try- for me?" He asked holding his hand out to her.
She sighed taking his hand showing her pure white wings
He marveled at them, a smile spread on his lips. "They're beautiful…"
Ravenna smiled " thank you " she said with a blush
"I wouldn't want to lie to you." He grinned at her.
Shr smiled
“Alright, let’s see if those beauties can work.” He said, still starring at her.
Ravenna blushed once more her wings starting to flap her feet slowly leaving the ground
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