He eventually refocused on the movie, leaning his chin on his hand, and his elbow on the arm of the couch. The movie was, he figured, nearly halfway through. Once it would finish, he would check the time, and see if he could make it to the front office in time to ask about his room keys.
Another twenty minutes passed by, and Finn nearly jumped when he heard the sharp knock on the door. He exhaled shakily in relief when he realized that it was just the food- it wasn’t the movie that had scared him, just the sudden noise when he was so into the storyline. No, definitely not the movie. Regardless, he hopped up to get the pizza. Having already paid online (one of the internet’s many wonders) he just thanked the delivery man, handed him a few bucks, and closed the door once again.
He laughed a little at the way Finn startled, getting up and pausing the movie so that they wouldn't miss too much of it, coming over to Finn to get some pizza. "Thanks, by the way." it sounded as if he was pulling his teeth out while speaking, but it was still a thank you, at least.
He rolled his eyes a bit at Waylen’s laugh, though he cracked his own smile once his back was turned to the couch. He slid the box onto the counter and flipped it open. “Yeah, you’re welcome. It’s about time I got a real ‘thank you’. Given that I saved your ass and all.” He grabbed a slice, blowing on it lightly before taking a large bite.
He rolled his eyes. "Yeah yeah, you can stop rubbing that in." he retorted, shaking his head as he grabbed his own slice of pizza, sighing faintly. "I get it, you "Saved my ass" and whatever, doesn't matter." he took a bite of his pizza, flopping down on the couch again.
He pointed his slice of pizza at Waylen accusatorily. “Hey, I did. If I hadn’t offered to let your sorry ass inside, you would’ve been stuck out there in the wet cold until you figured out something else to do.” Finn hopped up on the countertop, swinging his feet back and forth lightly as he ate.
"Yeah, well." he shrugged his shoulders. "I would've figured it out, it's fine." he sighed, taking another bite of his pizza, then reaching forward to play the movie, not really wanting to talk anymore. He was already tired of talking to Finn.
“…You’re here right now because you couldn’t figure it out, but all right.” With a soft chuckle to himself, he hopped back over to the couch to continue the movie. If Waylen wasn’t half as annoying as he was, this might’ve been a pleasant evening, really. In a way it was already sort of therapeutic. He’d barely thought about anything negative for the past few hours, at least, and that was a win for him.
Waylen rolled his eyes, continuing to eat his pizza. He didn't speak, and just grabbed another piece when he finished the first one. This was…nice, much as he hated to admit that. It had been relatively peaceful, and so long as they were both relatively quiet, there wasn't too much arguing or fighting.
The movie was reaching the good part now, the plot twists revealed and the characters beginning to understand what they needed to do to escape the monster’s grasp. Finn watched with mild interest as he ate, still tired but overall- as much as he hated to admit it- comfortable in more ways than one.
He remained quiet as the movie came to its climax and finished soon after, the credits rolling across the screen as music played. Waylen stretched, finishing up his piece of pizza and shaking his head, neck popping as he moved.
Finn stretched as well, cracking his knuckles and setting aside his plate. “So it’s pretty late. Did you want to check with the front office about your room, or..?” He didn’t voice the second option, leaving it as an implication and not an explicit offer.
He checked the time, frowning a little. "I think the office is closed for the night, so…" he trailed off, frown deepening. "Shit." he glanced over at Finn, then at the door, grimacing a little as he realized he was going to have to stay the night. If Finn let him.
Finn was silent for a second, processing the new situation. He obviously wasn’t going to kick Waylen out on the street, but… “Yeah, you can stay here I guess. For tonight.” One night on the sofa wouldn’t kill him, he figured, and Waylen would owe him a favor for the future at least.
Waylen nodded a little. "Thanks." he finally said after a moment, not wanting to be horribly rude but also not really wanting to stay here. But he didn't have much of a choice. It was this or the street. "I'll talk to management in the morning." he just hoped it didn't thunder tonight; he'd left the melatonin in his room and he'd have a hard enough time getting to sleep as it was. Thunder would just make it that much worse.
“Yeah, you owe me though.” Reluctantly getting up and crossing the room, Finn grabbed one of the pillows and the thin blanket from the foot of the bed. He draped them over the sofa, kicking Waylen lightly. “Go on then, get up.”
Waylen pulled himself out of bed, making a face at Finn as he took the blanket and pillow, setting them on the couch for use later, when he went to sleep. He tugged on the hem of the t-shirt, the one Finn had given him that was still far too big for his frame.
Finn adjusted this things on the sofa until he was content with how they sat, strolling to the front door and locking it. He double-checked that it was secure before heading back over and dropping into his makeshift bed for the night. It was getting late, so he was rather sure they would be turning in soon. Tugging the blanket over himself and shifting slightly, he grabbed his phone and checked a few things. The sofa wasn’t the most comfortable thing, but it wasn’t horrible either. Strictly average, really.
(wait I thought Waylen was on the couch??)
(shit- i was playing Finn like he assumed Waylen would want the bed and started getting everything set like that lmfao-)
(uhhh but it's Finn's room?? so??)
(I mean, uh, he can be on the couch? I just thought Finn would probably do something like that.)
(sksjdhbs okay)
Waylen looked at Finn in confusion. "I, uh, thought I was on the couch." He said, looking at the bed, then where Finn lay stretched out on the couch. "So, uh…" He trailed off, rubbing the back of his neck awkwardly. "Is that not the case?" His eyebrows were pushed together in uncertainty, his lower lip caught between his teeth.
Finn blinked a few times before the embarrassment came full-force. He awkwardly glanced away, redirecting his gaze a few times as he spoke. “Did- did you not want the bed?” It made sense that Waylen wouldn’t, actually, now that he thought about it.
"Well, it's uh, your hotel room, so I figured it was your bed?" Waylen said slowly, awkwardly, not quite making eye contact with Finn. "I just…I don't know. I assumed I'd be on the couch?" He frowned, his hand resting against the back of his neck still, though he had stopped rubbing.