forum A Hunter's Curse (Closed o/o with Nyx)
Started by @Anxietyfilledcinnamonroll group

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@Anxietyfilledcinnamonroll group

Nathaniel excitedly ran down the hall, scampering down the stairs and taking a sharp left to another set. These stairs lead to a gruesome part of the castle. It was dark with a brush of cold air hitting the skin. The wall was dark limestone and as you neared the end of the stairwell, it opened up to a wide room. This room resembled an abandoned hospital with tools and blood scattered everywhere. Nathaniel hummed a little tune as he walked past this hellish room and into the next. It had multiple cells and was bleak all around. The room’s only light source was a few flickering torches. He looked behind to see if Ember followed and then spoke. “Who wouldn’t want to ask that question?! Torturing an angel is the best pastime!” A few guards were guarding two cells. One with a man in white and the other with a muzzled demon.

This demon was chained to the wall, screaming as Nathaniel walked past him. Intricate patterns all over his face and body glowed orange. Rattles of the chains echoed throughout the room, the demon pulling against them. “This, dear Ember, is Typhon. A discord demon who tried to end my entire bloodline. He’s been chained here ever since I was born.” Nathaniel moved on to the other cell, smiling at the frail creature in white. “And this— this is Rasiel.” The angel hung his head, a mop of black hair obscuring his face. He was pitifully thin and covered in blood. Demonic chains were wrapped around his wrists, burning them beyond repair. “He’s my little test subject!” The king grinned madly, staring at his prize possession. “Angel blood is useful and little Rasiel has been providing it for me. Isn’t that right?” The angel slowly nodded his head, trembling as the king spoke to him. “I’m going to need more. And some information he hasn’t given up yet.” The white clothes were tattered, falling off of the angel’s emaciated body. He sat in the fetal position, wrapping his arms around his legs. His hands brought the chains to his legs, burning them but the angel didn’t seem to care. “Going to help me, Ember?” Nathaniel belted a crazy laugh, staring at the helpless creature. He was so cruel to the poor thing, but there wasn’t much Ember could do.

@Nyx-is-with-frost health_and_safety brightness_7

Ember was in fact following close behind him as she listened to him and shook her head "oh I don't know maybe not half the people in the world definitely not any of my kind that's for damn sure. " she jumped when she heard the demon yelling muttering under her breath "Jesus" she turned and looked at the cell that held the angel her face had pity written all over it the poor thing looked petrified she just looked at him only snapping back to reality when Nathaniel asked his question "um.. Sure" she didn't really want to but she didn't have much choice she had to get used to this sooner rather than later

@Anxietyfilledcinnamonroll group

Nathaniel shrugged, clinging onto the bars to the angel’s cell. “Most people on Earth are oblivious, Ember. They don’t believe I fucking exist! And your kind? They abandoned you to follow the Devil home. Come on, let’s be real. Did no one tell you I am a fate worse than death?” The demon studied Ember as her face twisted with pity. “Don’t. Don’t give him any pity! These dumb angels are the reason I am like this! THEY ARE THE REASON I WANT TO MURDER ALL OF THEM! ALL. OF. THEM!” Wild emotion clouded his voice, turning it into a dark growl. His scowl turned into a convoluted smirk. “But it’s okay. I’ll make them pay.” His voice trembled, nose scrunched up. Titling his head, he smiled gleefully at the angel with one of his eyes squinted. The demon looked ill.

Nathaniel opened the cell, entered it, and kneeled in from the angel. “You’ll tell me what they’re planning right? You always had a habit of helping the hunters. Didn’t you.” Rasiel shied away from the devil, glancing away slightly. His trembling got worse and ceased when Nathaniel grabbed his jaw, forcing the angel to look at him. Rasiel’s golden eyes were dull with clouded pain behind them. “Now why don’t we be good and tell me what the HELL THEY’RE GOING TO DO TO ME?! GIVE UP, RASIEL! YOU’RE ONLY HURTING YOURSELF!” The angel parted his lips but glanced away. No sound escaped the angel’s mouth as Nathaniel’s hand tightened on the angel’s jaw. Rasiel didn’t give.

Nathaniel rolled his eyes and punched the angel twice maybe three times. “Useless as always, aren’t you.” Opening his hand, his scythe materialized from purple mist. The demon cuffed the blade around the back of the angel’s neck. “We can do this one more time or.” Nathaniel scrapped the point across Rasiel’s neck. Rasiel’s jaw tightened. “Kill.” Was the only word that left his mouth. Nathaniel removed the scythe blade from around Rasiel’s neck. “Well, I figured as much. But they can’t do it without the knife of Haiti. Nothing else can kill a greater demon.” Nathaniel turned to Ember. “Ember, will you be a dear and get a few vials from the next room over.”

@Nyx-is-with-frost health_and_safety brightness_7

(Sorr this one is like extremely short)

She shook her head "trust me everyone knows about the 'king of the underworld' they just don't know it's you, they know of you." She was a little taken back at his sudden anger she should be used to the outbursts by now but this… This was different once he was in the cell she brought her attention back to the angel she couldn't help but feel bad for him he looked pitiful she couldn't help but feel bad for him she sighed a nodded "okay sure what do you need? "

@Anxietyfilledcinnamonroll group

Nathaniel stepped out of Rasiel's cell, propping his scythe against the wall, and slammed the cell closed. Rasiel flinched, scooting closer to the corner of the cell. "I'm not Hades, Ember! That's an old myth. I don't rule the underworld. This is literal hell!" He sighed. "I don't expect them to know I am behind their damnation, but I don't care anymore. It's behind me!" He crossed his arms, eyeing his guards with a devious smile. He untucked a clawed hand, thinking about how disposable his demons were. These two would be satisfying to kill. To let all my anger out on. Slash open their chests. The king crept closer to the demonic guards. "You go grab the vials, dear, I'm going to have a little fun." The angel looked up at Ember, looking deep into her eyes, and shook his head as if to say 'you made a mistake'. Nathaniel glared at the guards, holding his hand up to his face with the clawed finger spread out. "Why don't we have a little play fight, eh?"

@Nyx-is-with-frost health_and_safety brightness_7

"I know your not Hades, Nathaniel but hell to them is considered the underworld they'll call it and you whatever they want that's how it's always been-" she turned around to see wht he was he was looking at and looked bad at him "I don't think you should just be killing your guards like this…" She saw movement in the corner of her eye it was the angel she didn't understand what he was trying tell her but it made her uneasy she wanted to defuse Nathaniel but in a way that her own safety was at risk

@Anxietyfilledcinnamonroll group

Nathaniel shifted his gaze to Ember. "I've never heard hell referred to as the underworld. That is mythos speak. Humans never express gratitude to the other half. It's always praise the heavens." He rolled his eyes and returned his attention to his guards. He wrapped his clawed hand around the guard's neck and pushed the claws in. "Why? My security guards are disposable. They are aware of this. They've known since they began working for me." He pushed the claws in even further. "It helps take the edge off, and I'm really pissed right now." Nathaniel grumbled as he slit the back of the guard's throat. He then pushed his hand into the guard's chest and extracted their soul. As the king turned the soul around in his hand, the husk fell to the ground. It was red, with small pieces missing. It resembled a chipped vase. "Now, Ember, the vials." Rasiel kept staring at Ember, shifting his gaze between her and Nathaniel. It was as if he was saying, You really like him? Do you really wish to remain here? Take a look at how cruel he is.

@Nyx-is-with-frost health_and_safety brightness_7

Ember just shook her head and went to the room with the vials she came back a few more minutes with them she was quiet but not in a rude way she just had nothing else to say her opinion was irrelevant even though age was asked to keep him calm she's just been letting him kill whom ever he wants she brought him what he asked for and leaned against the wall her hair hung just at she shoulders as she looked at the angel a look of annoyance on her face as she tried to avoid his gaze she knew he was cruel but she had nothing else ever since the.. Blood she'd felt a strange feeling towards him that she couldn't shake no matter what she or he did

@Anxietyfilledcinnamonroll group

Nathaniel flicked the blood of his guards off his hands and smiled. “Oh this is beautiful!” He closed his hand around the soul and it shattered into little fragment. “It’s—relieving to shatter a soul. The enjoyment one can get out of murdering someone for eternity is— more than I can explain!” He grabbed the vials from Ember, smiling crookedly at her. “I see the way you look at me, girl. I’m not that cute, am I? I mean, many think I should be executed. My life is apparently a threat to them.” Nathaniel leaned over and kissed Ember on the cheek. “Apparently to others, my life is worth more.” There was a twinkle in his eyes. He turned and sauntered over to the angel’s cell. Rasiel looked up at Nathaniel, petrified. The king unlocked the cell and stepped inside. He pulled a knife out of the either and kneeled before the angel. Nathaniel took Rasiel’s hand and slashed his wrist. The blood well up at the site of the cut, dripping out a golden-red. The demon gathered the golden blood in the vials, one by one. The angel’s face twisted with pain as the process went on. Nathaniel got the blood he needed, stood, and stepped out of the cell. He locked it tight and turned to Ember. “I’ve got what I need.”

@Nyx-is-with-frost health_and_safety brightness_7

She kept her mouth closed when Nathaniel asked that question had he really noticed her looking at him all those times? just the thought made her blush and when he kissed her chest she knew she was done for her eyes were glowing bright but not because she was scared or angry this was a knew felling as well she closed her eyes and shook the thought away and when she opened her eyes all that could be seen was the natural glow that her eyes let off she watched curiously as the angel bled into the vials and once the king was finished she pushed herself oof the wall and walked forward a "okay what exactly are you doing with that? "

@Anxietyfilledcinnamonroll group

Nathaniel smiled, watching Ember flush the perfect shade of pink. "Have you been falling in love all this time?" He smiled mischievously, his blue eyes glowing in the dim light of the prison. “It's a strange feeling, isn't it?" He noted the natural glow of amber her eyes emitted. They seemed to be brighter than before, like a spark has been lit in the girl. Nathaniel pocked the vials of angel blood he had collected and started to leave the prison room. "I just need to store it. I do a lot of blood experiments, Ember. It's personally fun for me. Especially injecting angel blood into a demon. It burns them from the inside out." The king trudged up the creaky steps that led out of the cellar. He emerged on the first floor, right back in the grand hall. Nathaniel took a breath of fresh air. "I always think the air in the cellar is too musty. At least for my taste." He turned to face Ember face to face, staring deep into her eyes. "Have anything to say to me? Especially after I gave you a kiss."

@Nyx-is-with-frost health_and_safety brightness_7

Ember just kept her mouth shut and gazed at the floor her own body had already betrayed her this wasn't going to do she followed after the king once she left giving one last glance to the poor angel that was curled in on himself and walked upstairs she was greeted by Nathaniel at the top of the stairs where she almost ran into him she looked up at him which caused her eyes to glow again she looked down at the floor quickly and closed her eyes and shook her head "no" she didn't want to look at him she knew if she did some part of her body would react and that wasn't good she didn't like not being in control of what she did

@Anxietyfilledcinnamonroll group

Nathaniel shook his head, turning away from Ember and running up into his study. It was still a mess from a few nights before. Books scattered the floor and papers laid torn from their spines. The king's anger swelled, and he grabbed the demonic book. The one with the peeling cover and broken spine. Flipping through the tattered book, he found the page he had summoned his ancestor's strength with. "Ego te voco! Maiorum!" Quaint voices whispered, their voices echoing in Nathaniel's head. "YOU SAID YOU WOULD HELP ME!" He hissed. "BUT YOU HAVE CAUSE NOTHING BUT TROUBLE!" The voices grew louder, infecting the king's mind with the rambles of the dead. "SHUT UP! I DON'T WANT TO HEAR IT! I AM NOT YOUR SON." He whistled through his teeth. Nathaniel tried to close the book, but a strong force gripped onto his wrist, pulling it away from the book. He looked up to see a figure sitting on his desk. Shit

Not so fast, It mumbled is a distorted tone. The figure talked to the Ruler of Hell through his mind.

"What do you want Haiti? You're supposed to be long dead, your soul evaporated. And don't tell me I can summon you because I hold pieces of you. I'm your great-grandson, not your actual son." Nathaniel snorted, pulling his hand away from the ghost of fallen angel. Haiti did not speak to him again. The dead king was silent, watching Nathaniel cleaning up his study. Book after book, the dead ones stayed silent. I want you to accept my guidance. Nathaniel snorted. "You're guidance? I've been doing just fine without you. Every generation has. Who's the fallen angel here?"

Haiti looked Nathaniel in the eyes for a good minute and rolled his. Both of us. Have you lost your mind?

Meanwhile, another demon had been spying on Ember, and as soon as Nathaniel left, he appeared in front of Ember. "Hello little wolf." This demon was taller than the king. He had gray horns curling over his ears and short black hair. His purple eyes glowed in the dim light. "I'm Azazel." He bowed, keeping eye contact with Ember. "Having issues with my dear ruler? I can help you, but you can't tell anyone I'm here." Azazel put a finger to his lips, signaling Ember to stay quiet. Ember has now been introduced to the forger of demonic weapons and general of the fourth legion. The scapegoat demon, Azazel.

@Nyx-is-with-frost health_and_safety brightness_7

Ember watched as he ran off and let out a sigh of relief not at the fact he was gone but she couldn't stand the betrayal her body was doing to her she stood there for a minute and when she finally figured out where she was going she was startled by Azazel who had just jumped in front of her her eyes glowing bright as soon as she looked up "what the hell- " she stopped talking when she saw the signal and just shook her head "I'm not interested in anything that's going to get me into trouble with Nathaniel I'm sorry" after saying this she simply started towards her room

@Anxietyfilledcinnamonroll group

Nathaniel turned his head, watching Haiti's apparition closely. He threw a book at Haiti, but all it did was pass through the ghost, flickering his form. "Yes, Haiti, I have lost it! Are you coming back to haunt me? Have I deviated from your ideals or something." The king ripped one of the old texts in half, papers with strange symbols fluttering to the ground. Haiti frowned when he saw the destruction of his books. The apparition held out his hand and pointed his palm at Nathaniel. The king was thrown into a bookshelf, many old scrolls and diaries spilling to the ground. Others hit Nathaniel's head.

Do NOT tear apart my things, Nathaniel! I am simply of your mind, nothing more. You know I'm dead— You know I cannot come back. Nathaniel held his hands to his temples as Haiti's voice rasped in his head. After all, you are of my legacy. And you're destroying it! Nathaniel got to his feet, scrambling over to his desk. What are you doing, boy? Haiti hissed. Nathaniel combed through each drawer, slamming them shut if he couldn't locate what he was looking for. He opened the largest drawer in the middle of the desk. A silver hunter's knife that he had neglected to place in the spoils room was found within. "I'm getting rid of you!" The silver blade was positioned over the king's extended palm. He slashed across his palm with the silver blade in place. Nathaniel's flesh began to sizzle and burn as he was at the blade's mercy. Both Nathaniel and the Haiti's ghost began to wail. Pressure built in Nathaniel's chest as the figure began to waver. It appeared as though what was left of his spirit was being expelled from his body. His shouts had an ear-splitting harshness to them. When the figure vanished into thin air, the demon removed the blade with a bloody spit. "I'm not requesting assistance ever again." Nathaniel watched as a fresh scar developed while he stood frozen in place.

Azazel raised an eyebrow, following Ember up the stairs. "Get in trouble with Nathaniel? No. It won't get you in trouble with him." The demon reappeared in front of her. "Please, tell me, what's troubling you. It's not like you made a deal." He guided Ember down the grand stairs, hoping to get the girl to listen. "The king respects me. He'll understand, after all, your face says it all." Azazel took a small breath, fixing the cuffs on his suit. "I can help soothe all your troubles. Nathaniel will be relived to not see you on edge. The transition between werewolf and demon must be rough. Some humans are screaming throughout the entire thing." This demon talked through his teeth. A nasty burn scar encompassed the bottom half of his face. It looked similar to Nathaniel's.

@Nyx-is-with-frost health_and_safety brightness_7

Ember shook her head stopping in her tracks "I assure you I'm perfectly fine and if Nathaniel thought this would help he would have told me now if he's really okay with it why don't I go talk to him right now we both can just me and you on a little trip to see that king " she had a smirk on he face as she looked at the demon in front of her before loosing any expression on her face "or we can go our separate ways and I'll never speak a word of this to anyone, take your pick"

@Anxietyfilledcinnamonroll group

As he sat in the chair at his desk, Nathaniel turned to face his hurt hand. He seemed so desolate. The king turned to look at the shelf he had just crashed into, where books and scrolls were protruding from their shelves and paper was all over the floor. He had such vacant eyes. He coughed out more blood as he returned his focus to the book he had used to call forth his forefathers. Could the book be a cursed one? He had no idea. The only thing Nathaniel was aware of was his terrible dizziness. Please, Nathaniel, don't faint again. People require you. Blood trickled down his chin and onto his hand. A pool of blood was visible on the desk when he shakily glanced down at the splatter. The king's eyes rolled in the back of his head. He was knocked out cold as soon as he hit the hard ground, falling from his chair. He had vanquished Haiti, yes, but it cost a piece of him. Strands of dirty blond hair stuck to his forehead, and a small breeze fluttered around the room. The king was in real trouble now.

Azazel glared at Ember, growling at her with the corner of his lip pulled up. "You don't seem fine. You're acting souless each and every hour!" He lifted his hand up, calming himself down, and brushing down his suit. "Nathaniel doesn't tell you everything, girl. You don't think he's lying sometimes? He does." He stepped closer to Ember, grabbing her face. "Yes, let us go talk to my dear king right now. I'm sure he'll be happy to see me!" Azazel was dead set on wiping the smirk off her face, but instead ascended the stairs. "He's probably in his study or room. He rarely speaks to us anymore. Not after you came along. Can you believe he's dead set of marrying you? Sheesh, you're lucky."

@Nyx-is-with-frost health_and_safety brightness_7

Ember just glared at Azazel and shook her head "I'm acting how I usually do! " she snapped before realizing what she had done she took a breath and looked up at him "everybody lies Azazel, how am I supposed to know you don't? " she shoved his hand away from her face and growled at him "don't fucking touch me unless you want to walk away missing a hand" she started toward the stairs on her way to Nathaniels study "I'm well aware of his plans thank you. "

@Anxietyfilledcinnamonroll group

Azazel huffed, rolling his eyes. "Acting as you usually do? Girl, you're getting caught up in a dangerous force. Look at the way you shutter when you snap. You're scared, aren't you." He kept climbing the stairs, making sure Ember was following him. "Because." The demon's purpled eyes shifted colors in the light. "I never lie to a person in need, no. I'm a scapegoat to their sins and crimes, why would I lie? To make contracts for their souls? Maybe. After all, taking the blood of a demon is— a sin." Azazel reached the second floor, making his way down the hall to Nathaniel's study. "Feisty little wolf! Keep that for Nathaniel." He smirked, watching Ember out of the corner of his eye. "As for his plans… no, you're not aware. That's not part of his plans, it's because he's fond of you. Loneliness does a lot to a person." Azazel knocked on the king's study. There was no response. "Come on, Nathaniel. Open the damn door." Another knock. No response. Azazel kicked the door in to see a passed out Nathaniel. "Well, it seems he's played with the book too much. This is not my issue, but yours." And Azazel disappeared.

@Nyx-is-with-frost health_and_safety brightness_7

Ember walked close behind him listening to him talk gave her a headache "I'm not scared and I seem to remember Nathaniel telling me not to talk to you… Got anything to say to that? " she stopped nin her tracks when they reached the kings study she stepped forward to see what was in the room after Azazel disappeared and saw Nathaniel on the floor something inside her made her run over to him "Nathaniel what happened?! "

@Anxietyfilledcinnamonroll group

Nathaniel flicked his eyes open, breathing harshly. He looked up to see Azazel standing in the doorway. He growled at Azazel the best he could before the demon disappeared. Looking up at Ember, she ran towards him and he smiled. The king wiped the blood that was pooling out of his mouth away. He seemed to have lost a lot of it lately. “What happened to me?” He rasped. Nathaniel nodded to the book with the peeling black cover. “That book is a dangerous one— it allows you to call upon your ancestors. Demonic ones anyway.” The king coughed, trying to sit up. “But— I– I had to.” He showed Ember his scarred palm. “I had to use a hunter's silver knife on myself. That book brought out my great-grandfather..the first king. He’s a part of me and it brought out his essence.” Nathaniel sat up, breathing harshly. “It’s..not easy to explain what happened. But I basically fought a part of myself.”

@Nyx-is-with-frost health_and_safety brightness_7

Ember knelt down next to him and helped him sit up glancing over at the door where Azazel was standing and held onto Nathaniel keeping him steady "are you okay what can I do to help you? " she looked over at the books scattered over the floor and the broken bookshelf and a look of worry washed over her

@Anxietyfilledcinnamonroll group

Nathaniel leaned on Ember, dizzy from sitting up so quickly. “I should be fine. You can do anything you wish, but I’ll clean up my mess. And hope no more of my blood will be spilt. It’s been messy recently, but it should be okay. I hope.” He looked at his scarred palm and over at the bookshelf. “The apparition of my great grandfather launched me into those shelves. And now my head stings.” He hugged Ember, holding on to her, being vulnerable as ever. He closed his eyes. “If you see Azazel next time, punch him. Kick him. Don’t let him manipulate you.”

@Nyx-is-with-frost health_and_safety brightness_7

Ember eventually sat down with him on the floor when he hugged her she was a little surprised but hugged him back and moved some of the hair out of his face gently "I can help you clean up I don't mind, and don't worry about Azazel I didn't listen to him I promise. "

@Anxietyfilledcinnamonroll group

Nathaniel clung onto Ember, comforted by her touch. He rested his head on her shoulder, trying to catch a decent breath. “I’m getting blood on you, Ember. I’m sorry. You don’t have to help me clean up or anything. Please just stay by my side.” He gently moved out of Ember’s hug, attempting to stand up. He was shaky on his feet, but he’ll be okay. “I need to fix my bookshelf. He broke it.” Nathaniel huffed, frowning at the books on the ground. “Good. Azazel will get you to sell your soul to him. It’s not good.” The demon picked up on of his books, making sure it was still in good condition. He flipped it over multiple times, checking for damage. “Looks okay.”