forum A Hunter's Curse (Closed o/o with Nyx)
Started by @Anxietyfilledcinnamonroll group

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@Nyx-is-with-frost health_and_safety brightness_7

(Also make sure your eating soft food like jello, mashed potatoes my sister said ice cream helped a little too)

"Living here is risky too but I've done it all my life," she walked up to the portal looking at it before jumping inside and looked around amazed "I would also appreciate you not calling me little wolf as if I'm weak because I'm not weak." she looked up rolling her eyes

@Anxietyfilledcinnamonroll group

Nathaniel rolled his eyes at Ember, slipping through the portal. His feet landed on barren ground. The grass had burned away and resolved to embers. "You haven't lived in Hell yet, young one. This place is the definition of risky." He watched the wolf tumble to the ground, charred land sticking in her fur. He looked to the sky. It was a pale red with a darker haze. Nathaniel didn't seem bothered by the stifling heat it produced. There was no sun or moon. Only gusts of dry wind. "Now, you're going to burn alive here. So hold still." The demon kneeled, placing two fingers to the wolf's head. A light glow came from his hand. "There. Slight protection from the heat. Now, instead of 640 degrees kelvin (Which is 366 degree Celsius 💀), it's a warm 89 degrees Fahrenheit." He started his trek towards the tall, black palace in the distance. "I've been planning on how to destroy the hunters for days. Want to join me?" The demons offered. He doesn't look indifferent to the idea anymore.

The barren ground soaked up the heat of Hell. This was bound to make Ember's paw pads burn. Nathaniel wasn't going to notice the wolf's discomfort. Instead he was concerned about how quiet it was. "This is the quieter ring of the five, but it's too quiet." They passed by a charred tree on their way to the palace. Nathaniel broke off a piece of dried bark and gave it to the wolf. "Play with it, and don't complain to me."

@Nyx-is-with-frost health_and_safety brightness_7

Ember rolled her eyes in response staring at Nathaniel "I'm not that young to know you look about the same age as me. " she backed up a bit when he touched her but for some reason she felt calm when he did make contact with her she took a deep breath once she started to cool down a little but then noticed that her paw pads so she shifted a but on the ground hopping if she moved it would lessen the pain when the demon handed her something her immediate response was to smell it it smelt of ash and when she gently took it it started to crumble do to her teeth going through it she looked a t him confused but didn't really say anything relived to have something to keep her mind off the burning of her paws

@Anxietyfilledcinnamonroll group

Nathaniel paid no attention to the wolf’s grumble, he kept his moderate pace as he followed the dirt path to his palace. “Well, wolf, I am 22. Not sure how old you are, but I am superior over you little one. Be careful on how you speak to me.” His hand was tucked behind his back, thumbs playing with the little loop in his dress pants. Nathaniel’s outfit was an odd one. For a place this hot, one would think it weird this demon wore a suit. But the heat didn’t affect him. “Hot?” He noticed Ember shuffle. “I cannot do anything for you. You’re not a demon. So you will suffer.” He paused. “I warned you.”

The air around them fell silent again, the palace becoming visible as they approached it. It was a grand black palace, the largest building in this barren land. It was almost like Versailles in a way. Nathaniel breathed in, watching the wolf follow at his heel. “I must find a Hellhound to train you. You cannot go on living like a dog. I don’t do pets.” They reached the elegantly carved doors to the palace. Nathaniel gave a harsh tug on the door, and it opened, leading to a dazzling grand hall. Two demonic guards were stationed at the doorway. The demon king entered the hall. Paintings of past kings lined the pale cream walls, and a red carpet kept the black marble floors free from dirt. “Follow.” He waved to the wolf. The doors were closed. Candles lining the wall gave birth to new flames, illuminating the palace as they moseyed along the hall.

@Nyx-is-with-frost health_and_safety brightness_7

"I have a name jackass it's ember and I'm 22 as well and what makes you say your superior what because you sulk in hell and then you get bored you sulk in my world? She sighed at his comment about training shaking her head " I'm not a dog and I will not be treated as one I can shift back whenever I want.. Most times. " she nearly gasped when they reached the palace her eyes growing wide as the bright amber color lit up in the darkness almost making her look intimidating "yeah I'm following you calm down. "

@Anxietyfilledcinnamonroll group

Nathaniel grinned as he admired the girl's independent spirit. "You were warned to watch your language, girl. It might drag you into a painful situation." The demon king's movements were graceful, stride after stride. Up in the human realm, he was tense and ridged, but in his own realm, he embodied the movements of a powerful king. "I do not sulk in your world for the hell of it." Nathaniel grabbed the wolf by her scruff. He kneeled to her level, grabbing her muzzle. "I am a superior to your kind. I could snap my fingers and break all your bones." He leaned in closer while his fangs were bared. "I am the king of all monsters." His voice got quieter, taunting the poor wolf. "I work to eliminate my adversaries. Not pout." Nathaniel relaxed his hold on Ember's muzzle, releasing his hold on her scruff. He cautiously moved away while looking Ember in the eyes. "Well, dear Ember." The demon smiled. "Shift back. I don't require a second lapdog."

The two walked down the anteroom of the palace. The ceiling was enormous, rising about 15 feet in the air. The area wasn't well lit despite the candle fixtures. Nathaniel didn't care, the majority of demons hid in the shadows anyway. They walked into a huge room. The same black marble was used for the floor, and it was empty. But there was lovely wood paneling on the walls. "Charred ash wood is a fantastic insulator." Nathaniel acted like he didn't just threaten Ember. "This is the great hall. Here, we host dances and dinners." From the left, a lone demon quickly entered the hall. Nathaniel turned to face the approaching creature. "What in the world do you want?" He addressed the demon. His subject only handed him a sealed letter and ran off. Nathaniel rolled his eyes. "Whatever. These servants do not understand there is a time and place for everything."

@Nyx-is-with-frost health_and_safety brightness_7

She just rolled her eyes following behind him as they walked the girl only making a sound when he grabbed her her muzzle which lead to a high pitched whine as she tried to pull away once he let out a shaky breath letting her head dip looking at the ground before speaking quietly "I can't…" She continued after him not saying a word not even looking around her anymore she let her tail drag on the ground she was no longer lifting it on in the air as she normally did

@Anxietyfilledcinnamonroll group

Nathaniel glanced at her with a side eye. "Oh, relax, you're unharmed. I was merely correcting the way you were acting toward me." He grinned while looking at the envelope he was holding. He threw it into the air and turned to leave without checking to see if Ember had caught it. "Let's go have a short conversation. I have a private study upstairs." Nathaniel made his way to the stairs in the great hall's right corner. Two grand staircases were present, one leading to the left half of the second floor and the other to the right. The handrails on these stairs were made of an odd metal that was shaped into a swirly pattern, and the gray marble tread sparkled in the dim light. He cautiously climbed the stairs while keeping an ear out for Ember's paw steps. "How come you can't shift back? You are a werewolf, right? It shouldn't be this difficult." As he ascended the stairs, his voice reverberated throughout the hallway and his shoes clicked on the marble.

When they got to the second floor, the demon scampered down the corridor. Although it didn't appear much different from the lower level, the upstairs had small red carpets covering the floor. The wall was now constructed of marbl with intricate carvings. Nathaniel moved quickly down the hallway, passing numerous bedrooms, drawing rooms, the solar, and other studies. The demon king entered a space. Once inside, it became apparent that this was the king's personal study. Burnt ash served as the flooring, and the wood was covered in maroon carpets. The original color of the walls could not be seen because they were covered in numerous maps, paintings, and wooden bookcases. An oak desk in the center of the room held many manuscripts and books. There was a ton of upholstery lying around. The king invited the wolf to take the seat across from him as he sat in his comfortable chair.

(I am not the greatest at describing settings 😅)

@Nyx-is-with-frost health_and_safety brightness_7

(You definitely better than me lol )

Ember just glared at him rolling her eyes "your funny if you think I'm picking that up for you, why can't we talk here?" She followed after him at her own pace looking around the palace again amazed shed never seen anything like this before, she shook her head looking up a bit "I normally wake up human again I don't know how to shift back I've never been taught my parents died before I got to that age and I was abandoned by my pack."

@Anxietyfilledcinnamonroll group

On his desk, Nathaniel played with a pocket knife, pushing the point into the oak while holding it steady with the tip of his pointer finger. In the study's dim lighting, his blue eyes glistened. "A werewolf incapable of shifting back? What an irony. You need a trainer, as I have been saying since the beginning. You need to be trained, just like a puppy." He paused and took a cautious look at the wolf. His lip was pulled up as his scar tightened against his face. "Why on earth did you stick with me? I am no family. I am no friend." His palm was cut when the knife slipped and the tip shot up from the wood. "Dammit. You managed to attract the hunters' attention. If you were captured, what were you going to do?  Howl to your dead parents?" While gazing into Ember's eyes, Nathaniel scoffed. He moved an old book in front of him after the wound on his palm had healed. "Would you assist me or keep acting like a brat?"

@Nyx-is-with-frost health_and_safety brightness_7

"Keep referring me to a damn dog see what happens, and I stuck with you because…I don't know why but that's not the point I do what I want whenever I want to do it, and as far as your concernd I've killed my fair share of hunters they would have been no different." She was eyeing him now her eyes glowing at the mention of her parents a low grow escaped from her muzzle "what exactly do you need and I act how I want too."

@Anxietyfilledcinnamonroll group

Nathaniel snickered. "I'll refer to you how I want, especially since you have fur." He gave her a quick pat on the head. "You don't know why you followed me? That's novel, but dear, you are not free to act however you please. I have no worries about your kill total. You're still a helpless, little wolf with no control over her powers." He flipped open the book and muttered a spell inside. He kept his gaze fixated on Ember's glowing eyes. A little mark appeared on her shoulder. "I need assistance in getting rid of the hunters, but your attitude will get you quickly executed. Either by me or a demon of mine." Nathaniel slammed the book closed, sliding it off to the side of his desk. "Sleep for a while. You won't ever again have restful sleep. It is a hunter's curse, in which they are both the hunter and hunted." Nathaniel stood up, leading the wolf out of his study. "I am, on the occasion, nice. I'll let you stay in a guest room."

@Nyx-is-with-frost health_and_safety brightness_7

"And if I don't have fur tomorrow then what will you call me then, hm? " she took a step as he said the spell and she saw the mark on her shoulder "what the hell did you do to me?'' She snarled " you want me to help you but you treat me the way you do," she looked at him cautiously "you want me to sleep in a guest bedroom?"

@Anxietyfilledcinnamonroll group

As he flung open the door to his office, Nathaniel shrugged. "I will then call you girl. If I feel like it, I might use Ember." Having Ember follow him, he snuck out into the hallway. He took her farther away from the stairs leading downstairs and down the hallway. Numerous doors in the hallway led to private rooms. The king pushed open a door to a spare room. Apart from the bed in the center, a few chairs, a bookshelf pushed up against the wall, and a nightstand next to the bed, it was mostly empty. "This is referred to as the moonlight room. Do not ask me the meaning of that name." It was obvious why it was given that name. The bed's sheets were a complementary shade of gray to the walls' light gray color. Nathaniel sat on the edge of the bed. "I didn't curse you. I swear. You accomplished that by coming into the world. In order to prevent you from burning to death, I simply made your body believe that you were a hellhound. You have the mark because of that." He waved his hand. " You'll have the mark, which is a side effect, but you'll still look like a werewolf."  The king shook his head and sighed. "No doubt. You behave like a rascal,  I'll greet you with my bravado. It's simple to understand." Standing up, Nathaniel rolled his eyes. "Now, get some rest."

@Nyx-is-with-frost health_and_safety brightness_7

She sighed putting her head down and followed him yet again into a random place she eyed the private rooms with interest bringing her attention back to the demon when they reached the room she looked it up and down with wide eyes shed never had a bedroom before did this count as hers? It didn't matter she made a sound of excitement when she saw the bed and actual bed and she git to sleep on it her, was hers for the time being any way she pranced around she was excited she could feel her self getting ready to shift back at any moment it was painful and she couldn't concentrate on what he was saying

@Anxietyfilledcinnamonroll group

While observing the wolf girl dance around the space, Nathaniel shook his head. With a fox-like expression, he rolled his eyes at her excitement. "Why do you seem so happy? Just a bedroom, really." The king rolled his shoulder as he stretched. "I'm retiring for the night. If you need anything, bark." He made a start for the door. " But, girl, I don't read bedtime stories."  He sauntered out of the room and into the room across from Ember's. The room was the largest in the entire palace. The royal bedroom. This room has previously been used for purposes other than sleeping, but because Nathaniel was once half-human, he had a strict sleep schedule. Rather for himself. Dark curtains blocked the light of Hell, making the room completely dark. The room's focal point was a huge bed with cream sheets. Under it was a circular carpet. Off to the side, a couch and bookshelf were present. Each side of the bed was complemented by a pair of nightstands that had many books stacked on top of them. The king had a modest dresser next to a wardrobe. Nathaniel collapsed onto his bed, rumpling his attire.

@Nyx-is-with-frost health_and_safety brightness_7

She looked up at him not paying attention to his eye roll "I've never had one before a bedroom I've never even been in one, and I don't need stories to sleep I mostly just need to be worn out." She said that last part jokingly as she hopped in the bed and gave him a small wink "now'd leave before you see me naked and close the door too."

@Anxietyfilledcinnamonroll group

Before Ember could say much, Nathaniel had already departed. He grumbled to himself as he stood up from his bed. Why didn't Ember inform him prior to his departure? It seemed really impolite. He hurried down the hallway till he was in Ember's room. His hair was tangled up, and his clothes were wrinkled. “Next time, please let me know that you want your door locked before I go, girl.” He hissed. Before he could see anything particularly offensive, the demon seized hold of the gold handle and yanked the door shut. Nathaniel slid down the door with his back to it. “Why do people require things at the most inconvenient moment? It’s like a game of roulette.” Rubbing his face out of pure annoyance and stress, the king stood up and returned to his room.

@Nyx-is-with-frost health_and_safety brightness_7

Ember only laughed a little bit before finding a good spot on the bed and laid down she fell asleep almost instantly once her head made contact with the mattress it was for once in her life the most peaceful sleep in her life she had no dreams no nightmares she only saw darkness and this comforted her more that you'd think shed wake up the next morning in her human form

@Anxietyfilledcinnamonroll group

The king dozed off in his large round bed with his body dangling precariously and wings sprawled out. He didn't crawl under the covers or cover himself with a blanket. The warmth provided by the feathers was all he required. Nathaniel rubbed his eyes, blinking a few times, and then sat up as the "morning" came. He lost consciousness and couldn't recall what had happened the previous evening. Then, it struck him. Right, demonic wine. Small gatherings before bed weren't always a good idea. The slight hangover was put aside as he went to knock on Ember's door. That wolf girl better not cause a commotion. The king shook his head in an effort to rid it of last night's actions while he awaited the wolf girl's response. “Wake up, wolf girl. It’s the quote-on-quote morning, and I don’t like people sleeping in too late. It annoys me.”

@Anxietyfilledcinnamonroll group

Nathaniel yawned and slammed the door with his shoulder while grabbing the doorknob. He flung open the room's door. “Ember!” He turned and looked at the bed. He shielded his eyes and his expression went blank. “Put on some fucking clothes! I may be a demon, but not that kind of monster.” The king stumbled from the room and stood alone in the hallway. He refused to let his servant to get him dressed in his royal clothes, therefore he was wearing casual dress wear. Shaking his head, Nathaniel turned to face the ceiling. “Come on! You’re not a comatose patient. Wake the hell up!” The screams echoed throughout the hall. Guards rushed to aid their king, but Nathaniel pushed them away. He didn’t want them interfering.

@Nyx-is-with-frost health_and_safety brightness_7

Ember shot up covering herself as the demon opened the door"hey! what the hell!? I told you be naked jackass I don't have clothes! She jumped off the bed and slamed the door pressing her back against it and covered her flushed face she managed to find some clothes in a drawer and she walked outside her long black hair reaching down to her hips she definitely needed to cut it, it was way to long for her tasted but she never had the chance "what asshat?"