forum A Hunter's Curse (Closed o/o with Nyx)
Started by @Anxietyfilledcinnamonroll group

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@Anxietyfilledcinnamonroll group

Nathaniel steadied himself, the heart in his chest pounding against its chambers. The fire patterns had since faded, leaving the king to ponder his breaking point. Maybe his anger wasn’t as bad as previously presumed. Or maybe he was wrong. A gush of blood flowed through his mouth. His fangs had sliced open his inner lip. At that moment, he knew he need to conduct another killing. And who better to bring with him than Ember? Swinging open the door to his study, the demon wondered over to the werewolf’s room. All the fiery lights in hall flickered as he passed, the red glow in his eyes gaining strength. Nathaniel knocked on the girls door and proceeded to shove it open without any say of entrance.

“Guess what, Ember. We’re going hunting! I need to feed my blood frenzy and I’d rather not kill another of my personnel.” His smiled was— damning to say the least. It resembled a child in a candy store. Excited. “It’ll be our little outing. And we could possible murder a few of those hunters. Human hearts do have an intricate taste to them.” Smirking, he gave Ember a little side eye. “Ever killed a creature before? Or new to the hunting ideal?” Reaching out, his scythe materialized in a glimmer of purple. “Not that I possibly would need my weapon, it’s best to be prepared.” He shrugged, swinging the scythe carelessly.

“Let’s go! I am the only one who can open portals to the Overworld.” Looking back at the girl, he noticed her physical health dwindling. “You’ll be okay. Bloodshed does help with the process. I’m sure you’re aware.” Nathaniel smiled crookedly. “The crickets will be silent tonight.” Going hunting with a wrathful, overzealous King of Hell, what could possibly go wrong?

@Nyx-is-with-frost health_and_safety brightness_7

She was laying on her side curled into on herself when Nathaniel walked in she looked up at him he's eyes somehow glowing brightee than before she say up swaying a big using the bed post to stabilize her listening to was he was saying it didn't completely make sense at first she nodded her head slightly not saying much fearing she throw up right there if she did she took interest pretty quickly at what he was saying "I've killed plenty of things mostly hunters. " her voice came out sounding rushed and out of breath as she took a step towards the door eyeing his scythe with a smirk she was actually excited to take down a few more of those ass holes especially after Nathaniel said it would her her current health "oh I'm sure plenty of things with go wrong tonight just not for us. " she was talking about the hunters of course but there was a certain hunger to her voice that had never been there before

@Anxietyfilledcinnamonroll group

(It’s most likely going to get a little to pretty gory from here on out. Just little warning)

Nathaniel’s devilish grin grew wider. He was exhilarated to have a hunting partner who shared his same bloodthirsty interest. “Great!” His tone lowered, a gruffness behind it. His smile, once again, reflected broken glass. He raised his hand, and a portal of dark, swirling red matter. “The hunters will suffer for their wrong doings. And I will make it long and painful.” His eyes sparked with the shine of a broken record. Nathaniel grabbed Ember’s hand, and slipped into the portal.

Once the demon’s feet landed on the ground, he readied his scythe, scanning the scene for the wolf. Could she have ended up somewhere strange? Possibly, but not too far. He leaned against a tree, playing with the tip of his scythe. All blood splatters on his face and suit had dried, making him appear farther gone than he was. My scythe is too dull. It needs a furnishing. Something in the woods alerted him, and swung his head sharply. Oh, great! Just what I was waiting for! “Hello, hunter.” He drew out his words, side eyeing the hunter. This hunter wasn’t exactly well-prepared for this encounter, missing the majority of his weapons. “Let’s make this quick, shall we?” The Hunter was caught of guard, not initially seeing the demon. Nathaniel took this opportunity to pierce the man’s back with the tip of his scythe, pushing it in deeper. “You humans make it tooooo easy! How do you not prepare for such an encounter?! It’s dismal.” His psychotic laugh rang throughout the thick forest. “Let’s see boy, decapitation or heart ripped out? I think, ripping your fucking heart out! A demonic screech escaped his mouth. The Hunter start to shake as fire patterns appeared on the king's skin. Horns grew out of his head and wings shot out from his back. His eyes glowed a bright red. Puncturing his clawed hand through the hunter’s chest, Nathaniel pulled his heart from its arteries. Blood splattered across his face, the screams of the now dead hunter echoing.

“How eventful!” Nathaniel pulled his scythe up, creating a long slit from the small of the back to the back of the head. “And that’s how you theoretically kill someone.” He bit into the heart, and his nose instantly scrunched. He spit out the small bite. “Tainted hearts taste awful. Goddamn.” He crushed the organ with his hand and went off to look for Ember. “You know, demon dog, it’s kinda like a recreational thing for us. This must be why humans fear us demon.” He shrugged, spinning his scythe. “But I enjoy it. I did try to commit genocide on an entire subspecies of humans called the Clairvoyant. They’re annoying.”

@Nyx-is-with-frost health_and_safety brightness_7

(Oooo yay)
She laughed a bit when he grabbed her hand as they went through the portal she heard a scream in the woods she shifted into her wolf from which had changed a lot she didn't look like a hell hound but she looked scarier now the scare on her face was more visible than before and she was bigger she wasn't a small defenseless looking wolf any more she rushed over you were she heard the screaming she made it to where Nathaniel as he was ripping the heart out of the hunter her eyes were glowing as she smelt the man's blood all around her and she felt the urge to taste human blood again the urge was strong and overpowering

@Anxietyfilledcinnamonroll group

Blood dripped from Nathaniel’s mouth, fangs stained from the bloody show. “How fun!” He clapped his hands together, blood splattering across Ember’s face. “Isn’t this great, Ember? The spilled blood of our enemies.” His words ended in a psychotic laugh. “Go on, wolf, take a bite. It’s rich in nutrients and flavor.” Leaving the wolf to gobble up the tasty human treat, Nathaniel went off to find another victim. Once in blood frenzy, the king could not escape. Was he in control or another darker being? Who knew! But what Nathaniel did know is that his bloodlust grew stronger. He swung his scythe, catching another hunter by the neck. “So they don’t travel alone after all.” He sneered in the face of the hunter, baring his fangs. Blood red fangs dripping with the liquid of a former friend. This hunter nearly screamed in terror, and Nathaniel bellowed at her misery— her fear.

“Maybe I’ll make this one quick too.” Using the scythe to push her closer, Nathaniel grabbed the neck. Blood gushed all over his hands, the scythe having had a large gash. He twisted the girl’s neck sharply and a spine chilling snap was heard. “Not that quick. Snapping the neck is actually long and painful, but.” Nathaniel lifted up the bloody purple scythe. “I can fix that.” The weapon was sung down, cutting the body in half. Blood soaked into the ground, turning it red. “I’m like my own version of Thanatos.” He looked down at the body, examining it thoroughly. A mark on similar to a birthmark stood out to him. “This one was a supernatural. Some make stupid decisions.” He flicked his head over to Ember after digging the heart out of the body. It could be good to feed the Hellhounds. “How’s it going over there?”

@Nyx-is-with-frost health_and_safety brightness_7

Ember was barely fazed by the blood splatter on her face as she walked up to the corpse she was looking at it hungrily her eyes glowing a small growl except her mouth the scent of blood all around her once Nathaniel left to go after another unfortunate hunter as she began to ripp the flesh from the body her growls getting louder the more she ate, her mouth was covered in blood by the time Nathaniel came back she raised her head looking at him " it's going fine, it trust your coming along alright. "

@Anxietyfilledcinnamonroll group

Nathaniel grinned as the wolf tore the flesh from the body. Wolves cleaned up massacres easily and made a plausible suspect difficult to find. Both his hands were drenched in the red wine-like liquid, blood dripped from his blood-stained fangs, and his suit was splattered with immeasurable amounts of red. “Tis. I’ve killed another hunter using my beautiful scythe!” His scythe had gone from purple to red. Twinges of insanity could be seen in the demon's eyes as he eyed the body. “We could hang the organs like Christian decorations. That would scare the pitiful locals.

A cry of fury sounded out as a man fell from the tree above. He had a dagger pointed at the demon’s cranium, planning to stab it through his brain. However, Nathaniel was two steps ahead. He held out his scythe and the hunter fell off the point, slicing open his belly. Blood leaked out of the horrific wound, the hunter making a pitiful sound. He slammed the hunter on his back, snapping the spine in two places. He wrenched his scythe up, enlarging the tear in the stomach and raking out a chunk of flesh. Blood pours out of the wound, and the hunter dead in seconds. Nathaniel squatted next to the hunter’s face and used his claws to big out the round blue eyes. “Such a beauty.” He muttered as the fleshed detached and he held the eyes. “Hey, Ember! Fetch!” He threw an eyeball in the air.

Looking back at the body, Nathaniel opened his mouth and pulled out some sharp canines. “Werewolves are dispensable these days.” An unsettled laugh escapes. “They trick your kind into working for them. Like it’ll make an actual fucking difference.” Nathaniel ripped the claws off the hands too, keeping a few spoils after such an interesting kill.

@Nyx-is-with-frost health_and_safety brightness_7

Ember followed after him and watched as he killed the hunter she knew he was like her judging by his scent she watched as Nathaniel threw the organ and watched it roll on the ground in front of her "I don't eat my kind… I'm not a cannibal. ' she said this sounding slightly amused as she walked past the eye and next to the demon as she looked up at him, her muscle tone was much more noticeable now that she had fully changed but she could feel her frenzy dying down she looked down at the corpse and scoffed " cousin. " we're the only words she spoke as she walked on

@Anxietyfilledcinnamonroll group

Nathaniel snorted, watching the wolf avidly. “Well, it’s not like you are of your species anymore. You do have demonic DNA infused in you.” Looking at the corpse, he brushed back the course hair. The features did eerily look like Embers, pardon the empty sockets. Nathaniel raised an eyebrow. “I thought your entire family was dead? Are they not?” He adjusted his scythe, blood from the blade running down the snath, pooling into his hand. He popped the other blue eye in his mouth, popping it with his fangs and swallowing it. “Eyes are bit of a delicacy.” The demon looked upward, searching for anymore hunters that may interrupt their special killing time. “Do you wish to return back to the palace? Or gather some food for you?” He shifted his weight, tasting the iron in the air. Bloodshed on a Wednesday afternoon. What could be better?

@Nyx-is-with-frost health_and_safety brightness_7

She shook her head and chuckled "I know but if still rather not the son of a bitch is family and as far as that goes I said my parents were dead not my entire family who would have abandoned me if they weren't living breathing assholes?" She took a breath looking away when Nathaniel ate the eye just watching that made her own hurt shook her head again and looked towards the way they came I think I'd rather go back. " she looked back to him as if she wanted him to lead the way mostly because she couldn't summon the portal

@Anxietyfilledcinnamonroll group

Nathaniel whistled, his wings at their full extent. 9 feet of iridescent feathers shimmering in the light. The fire patterns and horns had long since disappeared. “Son of a bitch? He must have done some despicable to you.” He grinned, chewing on the werewolf eye. To him, it tasted of blackberry. “Well, I guess being abandoned only for the fucking Devil to pick you is enough torment. But there is the possible luxury of becoming my wife.” Shrugging, he wiped the blood off his hands, clearing them in order to open the portal. “Do I scare you? Eating the eye of the wolf shouldn’t be surprising. Even evil get to munch on snacks.”

Nathaniel kneeled down, using a claw to draw a circle. Whisking his hand in a circular motion, a portal of red matter opened up, swallowing what was before it. “Come on, Ember!” He shouted over the wind of the portal. Grabbing Ember by the paw, he dragged themselves into the swirling wind of red matter. The portal dumped both of them into the grand hall. “Remind me how to teach you to teleport to hell. It’s soo much easier. And plus, I could use my normal method to getting back home. Flying down at high speeds.” He shook his head, his weapon dematerializing. “Let’s get cleaned up. We use fire rather than water to wash. Everything is basically fireproof in Hell. Hell! I can walk through it!” The demon started to lead the wolf to the washrooms on the left side of the great hall.

@Nyx-is-with-frost health_and_safety brightness_7

She rolled her eyes and looked at him "yeah well he's one if the reasons why I was treated the way I was." She followed him to the portal and was taken by surprise when he grabbed her she struggled to actually get through it since she only had three available legs to use once they were both through the portal she looked around and laughed a bit at what he said "yeah sure thing, and as far as being your wife… How would we even go about doing that I wouldn't take you as one to marry" she followed him yet again looking around as they headed to the washrooms

@Anxietyfilledcinnamonroll group

Nathaniel rolled his eyes, sauntering through the golden hall. Every part of this palace was majestic. There were many interesting rooms, to say the least. The demon wrenched open a door, poking his head inside. “Fire burns blood. Give me a few seconds, little wolf.” This washroom resembled one you might see on earth, except with dark decor and liquid lava everywhere. It’s Hell. Do you really think they would use water? The pipe system is connected to a river of lava. Instead of using the appliances in the room, he summoned a ball of blue fire. The blood on his hands crackled and popped as it burned away from his own fire ability. Just as one would, he provided to set himself on fire. Blue fire engulfed the spots where blood remained, until it seemed he had not murdered.

Slipping out of the washroom, he gestured to Ember. “Be careful when interacting with lava. I’m not sure if you’re entirely fireproof yet.” Taking a deep breath, he tucked his wings and kneeled in front of the wolf. The king got close enough for his fangs to be visible when he spoke. “Do you assume one thing about me without trying? I’m one for carrying on bloodlines— although it would be messy DNA-wise. I don’t like to be alone for long.” Standing up, he left the wolf to do her thing, sulking off to the stairs. He carefully climbed the grand staircase and hid in his private study.

Scanning the wall of books, he grabbed one with a splitting spine and cracking cover. He strode over to his desk, aggressively throwing other books to the ground. Slamming the book down, dust rose from the yellowed pages. It resembled a grimoire but was not distinctly close. He flicked open the pages, looking for a certain scripture. All the words were written in an old demonic language. Nathaniel knew the old language Daemonium his elders used (But I don’t really work on it, so I don’t 😃. We’ll use Latin instead, except it's Google Translate Latin). In an old tongue, he spoke, “Voco, te maiorum, commodare me omnes vires compositae inferos! Memento obitus magni regis nostri et in uno anno, daemones florebunt!” Fiery patterns appeared on his skin, glowing a bright orange. Horns sprouted from his head, the tips glowing a fierce red. Wind had picked up, the book floating above the desk. Once the spell was completed, the book crashed onto the desk, the wind settling. The fire patterns receded, the horns disappeared, and the king crashed to the ground.

@Nyx-is-with-frost health_and_safety brightness_7

Ember laughed a little and nodded "you know I'm not small anymore so you don't have to call me 'little wolf' only a suggestion call me whatever you please, and I don't really mean to assume I just didn't think that would be something your interested in… I don't know" she looked at him somehow now admiring his face she hadn't ever seen him in this light but it made her feel strange in a way it was weird she waited until he left before walking into the washroom and shifted on command she looked at herself in a mirror her body covered in blood splatters she raised her hand up as if she was going to receive something and closed her eyes taking a deep breath she stood like that for a moment knotting her brows and when she opened her eyes there was a small flame in the palm of her hand she stared at it in amazement for a moment before it went out she could still feel herself changing from the kings blood she closed her eyes again keeping her hand up and trying the same thing she'd done already and this time when she opened her eyes she felt her hand being engulfed by warmth she entire body felt hot to the touch she moved the flame along her body as the blood sizzled and popped she was doing this as ig she had do d it before she was there for a few minutes before she had shifted back and headed on her way back to her bedroom once she was inside she shifted once more and claimed atop her bed curling in on herself and closing her eyes

@Anxietyfilledcinnamonroll group

Opening his eyes, Nathaniel shut them again as the light warming the room hit them. Everything was sore, especially his wings. He had crumpled on top of them like an omelet. Reaching up, he felt for his desk and grasped it. He propelled himself up on his two feet. "Eiqeilleims!" He grinned. The spell had worked. He felt the strength pulsing through his veins. Although, his tongue was adjusted to speak Daemonium like his elders while the powers settled. He stood over his desk, both palms planted firmly on the ash wood. Blood dribbled down his mandible as he hacked up a chunk of it. A price. But a worthy price. How long had he been out for? It must have been a full cycle. Hell did not have days or nights, but rather cycles. The king whipped the blood from his face, leaving the study and going across the hall.

Nathaniel knocked on Ember’s door. Did she even enter her room? He wasn’t sure but persisted anyway. "Ember!" He screeched, coughing up spurts of blood. The given power flowed through him, burning his veins. Was the price worth it? He slid down, falling to the ground. It will be once everything settles. Nathaniel had woken too early. He should still be unconscious. Something was wrong with the sovereign of Hell. "Ember! Get up, you lazy wolf!" His angry hisses were now bellows of pain. "GET UP AND HELP ME!" Some of his guards came to his aid, but he vaporized their heads into black smoke and tore them to shreds with his claws. Entrails and blood were splattered around the hall, and he chewed on a small chunk of heart. After the killing of his guards, the king felt relieved now the excess power build-up had been used. Although, Nathaniel had been dripping blood from his mouth and nose. It was an odd color. Deep red and purple.

@Nyx-is-with-frost health_and_safety brightness_7

Ember was laying on her bed sleeping when she heard the banging on her door and the screams that followed she slid of the bed wrapping herself in a blanket and walked too the door it was hard to believe but she was already used to this she opened the door to see blood it was hard to tell who it was from Nathaniel or the bodies that lay sprawled on the ground without heads she looked at Nathaniel and she felt that same felling like at the washroom but it was mixed with another felling concern for him she snapped out of it before kneeling in front of it looking at him "what happened to you? "

@Anxietyfilledcinnamonroll group

Nathaniel licked his bloody claws, chewing off any remaining entrails. The king carefully wiped the blood from his mouth. Looking up at Ember, he smiled. “I killed my guards!” He giggled like he was high, head reeling as his body tried to lure the king into the land of dreams. “And I used a spell to empower me with the forces of hell.” Another cackling laughing. “The price is overwhelming. Causes me cough up blood.” Nathaniel’s speech started to slur. “Awfter kiwlling my gwuards— I feel absowlutely fucking powerful.” The look in his eyes was both crazed but also dazed. The king pushed his dirty blond out of his face. “I thwink.. it’s lwights out.” And with that, the demon passed out.

@Nyx-is-with-frost health_and_safety brightness_7

She sat there with him for a few minutes it sounded as if she was talking to a drunken toddler she shook her head and wrapped his arm over her shoulder but really she just drug his unconscious body that was hanging off of her until she got to her bed and she plopped him down and realized she was wearing a sheet she list her clothes when she turned which was starting to annoy her she kept an eye on the demon as she searched the room for clothes eventually she found what seemed to be a dresser full of clothes similar to what she was wearing before of course she didn't know these used to belong to someone she was obliviously stealing someone's clothes but she changed into something more comfortable and went to sit on the other side of the bed her knees up to her stomach as she looked at him

@Anxietyfilledcinnamonroll group

Nathaniel opened an eye, hissing as the light hit the iris. He sat up, staring at Ember. “I want to kill or kiss something.” Now that was strange. Unfortunately, things were going to get stranger. The king had conducted a dangerous ritual that could alter his mind and body forever. Licking the blood off of his hand, he spread his wings, arcing them. “It’s nice to get a good stretch in every couple days.” His smile screamed unhinged, but his eyes deceived the average human of thinking he was kind. Once again, Nathaniel’s hair was stained red. Red from all the blood split. His pink burn scar tightened the skin on the left of his face. This wrapped a bow on the entire off putting look. “Do you want to torture an angel?” He hopped off the bed, heading for the door. “It could be fun! I love experimenting on people. Especially with blood experiments!” What did dear Ember get herself into? The king might be a psycho, but damn he was cute. “Although, whatever you do, do not communicate with Typhon. He’ll ruin your life permanently.” He excitedly skipped out of the room like he had never passed out.

(Just my average reminder of what Nathaniel looks like and that he’s not right in the head lol)

@Nyx-is-with-frost health_and_safety brightness_7

Ember was sitting on the bed looking out the window when Nathaniel woke up she looked over at him "oh good your awa- you want to what?" Ember was confused now he'd already killed a couple guards outside her room and now he's talking about kissing people What the hell had he done to himself? it didn't matter he had chosen the killing route.. Thank god she slipped off the bed wearing a pair of what seemed to be yoga pants and a snug tanktop and she nodded "sure I guess what kind of question is that you don't just ask someone if they want to torture an angel,but I will go with you to make sure you don't kill any other guards… " and even though she talked to him the same she still saw him differently now like before at the washroom she was doing something she hadn't done before she was looking passed the crazy as some would call it and they'd be right but she was seeing something else now it might have been her recent change but she couldn't shake this feeling towards him