forum funking,,,,,,,,JEANUBIS
Started by @AloeVera groupMentallyImInACottage

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@AloeVera groupMentallyImInACottage

Surprise AU bc I need to write something short to get my creative juices flowing

Jean had been acting weird for a while now. Though Jean acts weird a lot of the time, he couldn't avoid this one. It started with a cough. We had just finished a job, and a pretty hefty one at that; Jean was frozen at gunpoint by one of our target's bodyguards, but our target was only aware of Jean and assumed it was a one person job. Luckily I jumped in and saved his ass. I don't remember exactly what happened; I spit some smartass remark at him related to the fact that I had to help him, and he shrugged it off with a chuckle. But then the chuckle turned into a cough. He turned away from me and lowered his head.
"Jean? You alright?"
Jean's cough resided, but he kept his head down.
"Yeah, just breathed wrong." It didn't seem worthy of note, because after a second he lifted his head back and turned back to me, no sign of concern in his eyes; just the usual hard-faced Jean.
It happened again when he walked in from a walk. He happened to catch Prince and I conversing and he said something along the lines of how Prince is my only friend. All I said in return was a quick thanks for being the landlord for Prince and I. Jean held back a smirk, but quickly returned to a coughing fit, covering his mouth with his hands. It sounded pretty bad, so I filled a cup with water for him. He shook his head and stumbled to his room, but I swear I saw something red in his hands.
I knew I should have seen it coming. The way Jean smokes and drinks all the time like he doesn't care what happened to his body. I've warned him several times and he shook his head like he was so confident that it would never happen to him. The fact that he's trying to keep it from me really frustrated me, though. It's not like I can do anything about it if I did know, so what's the harm in telling me?
When I got the opportunity, I suggested that Jean go to the doctor to get the cough checked out. Maybe if he started treating it early, he could get rid of it before it does anything detrimental. He shrugged me off, saying it should go away soon. I shook my head, standing up.
"Jean, I know what's going on."
Jean looked over at me, weirdly enough, his face unreadable again.
"You do?" He uttered, furrowing his brow to hide his wide eyes.
"I saw what you're coughing up, and that's not something we can just ignore."
Jean's eyes fell to the floor as he tightened his fist. He resisted the urge to look away from me as he starts to argue.
"Anubis, I-"
"No, listen, this is still the early stage of cancer and if you start treating it now, you can ensure it doesn't get worse."
Jean sighed heavily, as if he'd been holding his breath as he falls into yet another coughing fit. At this point there was no denying it.
"Dammit, Jean, at least drink a glass of water for once in your damn life." I snap as Jean retreats to his room again.
"Just leave me alone." He hurls out, as if there were no air in his lungs. I feared he wouldn't like the confrontation, but there's no other way around this. Tired of him hiding in his room when he gets like this, I huff in a bit of air before storming my way down the hall. I try the door, but it's locked.
"Jean, for fucks sake, let me in."
I could hear him throwing up in his bathroom. Prince himself followed by my side, meowing and pawing at the door. I could tell Jean was trying to be quiet about it, but either way I could still hear him gasping for air. What the hell happened, did something inside him collapse? Or burst?
"Jean, you need to get to the ER right away, you can't just will yourself out of this."
Enough is enough, I'm dragging him to the ER kicking and screaming. I rush to the kitchen, going through the junk drawer to find a lockpick. I run back to his door and mess around with it for a few minutes, but my hands started to shake when I realized I couldn't hear Jean hurling anymore. After a bit of fidgeting, I finally burst through the door and make a beeline for his bathroom.
"JEAN!" I yelled angrily as I opened the door, only to find Jean on the floor, eyes barely open and hair fallen to his sides. The floor, the toilet, and his body were littered with flowers, all tracing to his mouth.

@AloeVera groupMentallyImInACottage

Hi I call this AU

Ouchies! AU
(don't let jenny see this)

Jean and I had picked up a job against an expert. Jean had received a personal message from some anonymous guy that warned us that our target, James Reid, knew about hackers like me. He said this target setup his security almost completely non-digitally, and that the few pieces of technology that he does use, he hired an experienced hacker to protect. I didn't mind doing an all-field job, but something about this whole ordeal seemed off.
"Who the hell uses tripwire anymore?" I utter in the car, crossing my arms.
"Smart people, apparently. It stopped you from hacking any motion sensors."
Jean focused his eyes on the road as he spoke. I knew he wasn't the social person, but he is capable of making eye contact when he talks to me. Why isn't he? We've been talking this entire car ride and he hasn't even glanced in my direction.
"Is something on your mind?" I question, leaning ever so closer to Jean.
He stole a glance in my direction, but when he noticed my suspicious glare, he shook his head and hardened his face back onto the road.
"No. I get it, a lot of people have gone full digital now, but if you've been hacked before you like to be on the safe side. Aren't you careful to cover your footsteps?"
I sigh, thinking about his question.
"How would someone protect themselves against you?" I grumble, earning a stare from Jean.
"What do you mean?" He asked, and I swear he almost sounded serious. I turn back to look at him.
"I mean, you rely on me for quite a bit, but you've managed to last several years without me. How did you do it?"
Jean didn't answer. That ended the conversation for the car ride. As we arrived, I had already hopped out of the car, gripping my gun as I make sure I have all I need to silently break into the building. Jean parked the car and stepped out, seeming oddly calm as he sludged over to the door. He put on a pair of leather gloves and tried the door. Obviously, it was locked. I pull out a lockpick and work through it in no time.
"This way," Jean whispers, causing me to furrow my brow.
"Um, I think it's this way."
Jean turned to me, avoiding eye contact. Why is it we've managed to spend the past three hours together and he's managed to avoid me the whole time?
"I know where I'm going, it's this way." He whispers at me, a bit more aggressively.
"No, I downloaded the floor plans earlier. It's this way. Why are you being so weird right now?"
Jean rubbed his temple as he gestured in his direction.
"Can we focus on the task at hand right now?"
I roll my eyes. It's his fault if we went the wrong way. He leads us down a hall and through a door, letting me enter first before closing the door behind him. I gaze around the room, which seemed weirdly empty for an office building. Maybe it was under reno-
The lights all turned on at once, illuminating everything in sight, which consisted mostly of Jean and I.
Fuck, I think to myself, we got caught. I turn to Jean.
"Shit, this wouldn't have happened if we-"
Jean is staring at me. His face, a painfully familiar gaze that I see from his eyes so often, but I never thought he'd look at me like that again.
The door opened behind Jean, and our target stepped in. He took his place next to Jean, handing Jean a suitcase.
"What did you do?"
Jean returned with silence, almost as if he was ashamed.
"Answer me, Jean."
I didn't mean for my voice to break.
"I did what I had to."
"How much is he paying you?"
Jean was silent. I heard noises behind me as the clicks of several guns ensue. It's safe to say they're all pointed at me. I hold my hands up, gun in hand. Jean recognized the look on my face and held up a hand.
"Don't try to take them all, Anubis. They're going to kill you if you try to fight."
"What do you care?" I spit, furrowing a brow. Jean shifts, clenching his jaw and looking down. I could tell he had his regrets, but he's never one to voice them. Maybe because he wasn't sorry enough. The target turns to the traitor as a few men approach me, grabbing the gun from my hand and forcing my wrists behind my back.
"Thank you for your cooperation, GG."
Jean looks up at the man. I'm forced to my knees.
"Don't call me that. I've done what you asked, can I leave?"
The man nodded, gesturing to the door behind them. The tension in Jean relaxed as he turned his back and left the room. Within seconds, Reid eyed one of his men, who followed Jean out the door, cocking his gun. My eyes widen and I try to stand up.
"Jean run!!! he's trying to-" A hand covers my mouth as several men grab my arms and shoulders, forcing me back to the ground. The door remains open as Jean turns, hearing my voice. Jean locks eyes with the man as he points his gun and shoots, the bang resonating through the hall into the room. I don't see the bullet hit Jean, but I see him fall, eyes still open as they reach mine.

@AloeVera groupMentallyImInACottage


not to be gay but i myself had to re-read the entire thing to catch myself up on this so if you need to do the same then here u go:

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6

Those just take u to the pages that they're on you'll have to scroll to find them urself bc idk how to specify a point in a page anyway have fun babes


We waited silently for the elevator; the announcement that Jean had killed another resident had already sounded. The elevator squeaked with every other movement it forced itself to make. Then, as if on queue, the scratchings on the wall began to appear. I turn my head.

Let him who is without sin among you be the first to throw a stone at her.
John 8:7

I remember that passage. A bunch of people catch a women in the act of some adultery, and they bring her to Jesus to condemn and stone her. Jesus tells them that whoever has never sinned may be the first to throw the stone; but since they all are guilty, they leave, and the woman walks free. Why bring this up?
"You coming?" Jean's question snaps me out of my thoughts as I realize Jean is already inside the elevator, that somehow arrived without me noticing. I step into the elevator and take a seat on the ground, sighing.
"This sure is exhausting, don't you think?"
Jean turns to look at me, expressionless, as he turns back and faces the door.
"Time doesn't stop for anyone." He says, almost as if he was prepared to say that.
"So, what, you've never taken a break?" I spit back at him.
"I didn't say that."
"Your pretentious attitude did."
He turns to look at me. I honestly expected anger in his eyes, but he held something else.
"Why are you here, Anubis?"
I blink my eyes.
"Wh-what do you mean?" I hold my breath, feeling my heart drop.
"Why were you on my floor? You came from the floor above mine. Why'd you go down?" He steps closer to me, as if to analyze my behavior. What is he doing?
I shake my head.
"I-I don't-"
Jean breaks, letting out a chuckle.
"I had you questioning everything for a minute there, didn't I?"
He playfully pushes me as I exhale, the tension releasing in my muscles.
The elevator door opens and we're greeted with…mannequins? There's probably around 30 of them, or at least that many in sight. Lights are flashing, music is playing, and they're all arranged in an unorganized manner. The music paused only for some annoying voiced girl to begin speaking.
"Hello you party animals! Looks like you two have been some naughty boys, am I right?"
God, if I could shoot her now, I would, but unfortunately, just like the last girl, she's not in the room. Luckily, I can tell she's using the speakers to talk. Jean and I exchange concerned looks.
"I sure hope we can find the elevators without dealing with her."
I mutter to Jean.
"Oh, come on, you two. You guys have been holding those Johnsons down for way too long. I think it's time you learn to loosen up a bit, or should I say tighten your pants?"
She laughs an obnoxious laugh as I sigh, approaching the mannequins.
"So what's going on here? Party for losers?"
Her laughing stops and I can almost hear the scowl in her voice.
"If it's a party for losers, then why are you here?"
Jean and I exchange glances as she continues.
"You guys never have any fun, do you?"
Jean speaks up.
"This is just your style of murder. I have fun my own way."
She fakes a gasp.
"Jeeann, look at you. So deprived, so lonely. I know how to have a good time."
"Can you just tell us where the elevator to go up is?" Jean insists as she huffs. Each mannequin was dressed differently, some slutty, some not, but most of them had a drink in their hands. Some sort of smoke machine was adding to the atmosphere, but it smelled weird.
"I think you should solve my puzzle first, lover boys."
"Puzzle? What puzzle?"
The flashing lights stop, a bunch of bright white lights drowned out the rest; the music stopped, and there was no response from the girl.
Somehow, someway, all the mannequins were looking at us. Jean and I stare at each other, not wanting to make eye contact with the eyeless figures that crowded the room. Jean takes a step into the room, the mannequins following us with their heads as we walk. As we look through the room, I hear Jean chuckle.
"Hey, look. This one has a gas mask."
As I turn to look, her voice booms through the speakers.
"Ooooohh, that reminds me! This puzzle has a timer! If you don't solve it in…" She pauses, as if to do the math, "Eleven minutes, you will pass out and eventually die from inhaling the toxic fumes! But don't worry, with that gas mask, only one of you will die. Good luck!"
Jean rips the gas mask off of the mannequin and equips it in a rush, then looks at me.
"We can take turns with the gas mask until we figure it out. Don't waste your breath."
I nod as I turn and examine the room. There was a makeshift bar, a table with plastic toy food, and a shelf with some cabinets. I rush over to the bar and examine the contents; not surprisingly enough, there were actual drinks in the bar. As Jean reaches the bar next to me, he notices and grins.
"Here," He utters, taking off the gas mask and handing it to me. He reaches over and grabs a bottle, popping it open.
"Won't that kill you? Especially with the gas?"
Jean merely put a finger to his lips as he shushed me. I begrudgingly put on the mask and continue looking through the bar, when I notice some writing on the inside of the counter. I look over to Jean, who's sniffing the bottle of alcohol and curling his nose.
"Doesn't smell right." He utters.
"What do you think it is?" I return.
"Not whiskey."
I turn back to read what's on the counter, but something wasn't sitting right with me. The words are written in poor handwriting, but I manage to make out;
"Find they key at the bottom of Stella."
I look around at the mannequins. Which one could be 'Stella'? Maybe it's another one of those personal things, and Jean's supposed to know.
"Do you know who Stella is?"
I call out to Jean, who's sniffing another bottle.
"You mean the beer brand?"
Damn, how did I forget about that? Jean picks up a bottle and holds it up in front of me.
"Here's one right here."
I grab the bottle and open it, looking to the inside. There were words at the bottom, written on a piece of paper, but I can't read them through the drink. I sigh and start to turn over the bottle when her voice bellows over me.
"I wouldn't do that if I were you."
I furrow my brow. What kind of game is she trying to play?
"You mean advance in the puzzle?"
"No, silly. I want one of you to drink the beer. If you guys don't have fun," She hums a high pitched sigh, making my stomach turn, "I'll just have to kill both of you."
I look at Jean. One of us has to be coherent to finish the puzzle, but I don't want Jean to die. I hand him the bottle and say,
"Okay, you drink this, then put on the mask. I don't want you passing out or anything."
Jean takes the bottle, giving me a strange look as he turns the bottle upside down, chugging the alcohol. By the time he finishes, he's already wavering in his balance. I hand him the gas mask, but I don't think he notices. His eyes started to grow more and more distant.
"Jean, for fuck's sake, take the mask before I force it on you myself."
Jean's hand reached out for the gas mask, but before he can grab it, his hand pulled back, along with the rest of his body, as he fell to the ground.
"Jean!" I yelled out, falling to my knees to reach him before taking off the mask and putting it on him.
"Ohhh, I wouldn't bother." Her voice chimed through the speakers.
"Fuck you!" I spit out, turning to the sound of her voice. I then hear a noise behind me, and I turn to see…something, dragging Jean out of the room. I crawl, then scramble to my feet as I chase after whatever has Jean, but as soon as they're across the line, the door slams shut in my face. My quick inhalations get to me as I start coughing.
"Hmm…such a shame. You didn't have any plans with Jean, right? You don't mind if I…borrow him, for a bit, right?"
I stand up and gazze over at one of the cameras that stared in my face.
"Don't you fucking touch him."
I hear her laugh before leaning in close to the mic, a smirk in her voice.
"And what are you gonna do about it?"
What she planned to do with Jean, I didn't want to know, but I did know that I wanted to stop her before anything can happen. I look around the room quickly, remembering the empty bottle of beer and grabbing it. As I look inside, I see the words; "The one who gifted you with breath holds the key."
Puzzle solving is really difficult when you're close to passing out.

@AloeVera groupMentallyImInACottage


Surprise AU!!!! for funsies!!!

Following a schedule sounds nice at first, until you have to follow it for years to come. I wake up early, I eat breakfast, then I smoke a cigarette outside while a bunch of shady guys play basketball nearby. Lunch time rolls around and then I do a bit of cleaning. After that, I walk around aimlessly until dinner. I wish I could get high, but there's been more and more eyes on me and I'd rather not risk it.
I still ignore everyone, and since I still qualify as an intimidating guy, everyone ignores me. Which, I consider myself lucky for that; with this kind of neighborhood, people thrive on picking fights.
He was pretty quiet too, but something struck me as odd about that. I just can't see him as the quiet, brooding type. Something tells me he's containing himself around others. He looks to the ground and holds himself in a non intimidating way, unlike me.
I found myself sitting across from him at his table one day.
He looked at me, confused, obviously, but I didn't say anything. Instead, I ate my lunch in silence. He returned with the same.
I saw him on the bleachers at the basketball game, but he didn't seem to be paying attention to the game either.
I didn't sit next to him.
But I sat across from him at breakfast the next morning. He looked at me weirdly. I tried not to look at him, but I stole a glance or two. His curious blue eyes still managed to hold a bit of childish color despite the monotonous tones that surrounded us. Freckles dotted his sickly pale face, which happened to be almost the same color as his sickly blond hair. Though he had broad shoulders, he slouched, letting his neck retract into his collar.
"You're not gonna beat me up so you can sit alone, are you?"
He finally broke the silence; I guess he caught me staring.
"Only if you keep quiet while I eat."
He complied and the rest of breakfast was silent. I sat on the bleachers to watch the basketball game, but I guess I didn't really watch the game. I didn't notice his burn marks during breakfast, but they hid well under his white t-shirt.
He wasn't at dinner. I know I would've seen him. I crossed my arms over my chest as I lay in bed. Why have I never seen him before? Have I just not noticed him? I guess he really pulls off that invisible vibe. It works out for those who don't want to be bothered.
"Did you go to sleep hungry?"
I inquire as I pick at my cold eggs with a fork.
He didn't look up at me.
"I wasn't hungry."
I shrug, looking closely at his face. He hid so much behind that nonchalant, empty gaze. I want to know what he held. I stick out a hand, earning a confused glance from him.
He looks at me for a long moment before slowly taking my hand and shaking it.
"So what happened?"
His eyes held confusion again, so I gesture to his burn marks. He quickly covers them up with his sleeve as he shrugs, setting his elbows on the table and leaning into his hands
"Car crash. It was bad."
I study his body language.
"Wrong answer. Try again."
He furrows a brow at me, crinkling his nose.
"I don't have to tell you."
I squint my eyes at him, leaning in until he could feel my breath on his nose.
" I can still beat you up."
He sucks in a sharp breath before rolling his eyes at me.
"I set a house on fire."
The shameful honesty that he spoke with hit me with surprise.
"So, you decided to just…stay inside the burning house?"
He retaliates, shaking his head.
"That's not how I got these."
"Then how did you get those?"
He dropped his hands on the table, causing a bit of a loud thud to resonate. I looked around to make sure no one looked at us, but also to avoid his irritated glare.
"I changed my mind, just beat me up."
I gaze at him as he returns to his cold breakfast, picking at it rather than eating it.
"Why are you here, anyway?" He asked me.
I sigh and look down, shaking my head at him.
"That's not something you just ask people here."
"So what the fuck were you asking me earlier?"
"I was asking where you got your burn marks, shithead."
"Yeah, well you don't just fucking ask people that either."
We avoid eye contact as I search my mind for something to say.
"You said you set a house on fire?" I ask him.
"Yeah." He mutters.
"And that's why you're here?"
He looked up at me again with cold eyes. I try to keep the tension low.
"I killed someone." I uttered.
He doesn't look away from me, but I could tell he was holding back reacting.
"Did you know him?"
Breakfast ended soon after that. He wasn't on the bleachers at the basketball game. He wasn't at lunch. I didn't want to admit I was looking for him, but I didn't see him at all the rest of the day.
The next morning, I was awoken by one of the guards. He held a lot of weight, but most of it was muscle. He had a goatee and thin, dark eyes.
He led me down a hall I haven't gone down before. He brought me into a room with two chairs and a table, securing the handcuffs onto the little metal loop, and left.
After a few minutes, a different person walked in; a woman. She had smooth, shining black skin and poofy silver hair. She rattled with jewelry.
She sat across from me, as the guard from before and another stepped in to follow her.
"You go by the name 'Jean', is that correct?"
"What's going on?"
She nodded gently and pulled out a notepad and pen, writing something down.
"My name is Sylvia. I specialize in psychology and the part of the brain that struggles with reality."
"So I'm getting prison therapy? What the fuck is this about?"
"I've been told you're not very social around here."
"What makes you think I'm about to start now?"
She takes in a deep breath, eyes flickering to one of the guards.
"Jean, if you cooperate with me, this will be over soon and you can return to isolating yourself."
I huff at her as I cross my arms.
"Why don't you want to talk to anyone?"
"I'd rather not make friends with people I know I can't trust in the first place."
Sylvia nods thoughtfully.
"So you have trust issues?"
"Would you trust anyone in here? Would you feel comfortable uncuffing me and sending those guards out of the room?"
She shifted in her seat and sighed heavily.
"Jean, I know this might be a lot to ask, but would you mind going back to the night your family passed?"
"Yes, I would mind."
"Do you remember seeing anyone there?"
"You mean other than my family's corpses, or are you just a necrophiliac?"
I look down, sending myself back to when I walked into the burning building.
My mind wanders around the house, watching the curtains catch fire, the paint melt, the wooden chairs turn to black. I tried not to look at the bodies, but I couldn't help it. Crystal had on tons of makeup, as if to cover how high she was. Kristopher seemed to be bleeding from his mouth. Mom, though dead, still looked tense and stiff. Dad was the only one who looked like he died peacefully, and it filled me with rage.
I look up to find myself face to face with a dark figure. Though the fire cracked loudly, I could hear him whisper, "You're welcome."
"I saw someone, but it's just some blurry image. I couldn't really see his face anyway."
She nodded.
"What does this have to do with the brain and reality anyway?" I utter impatiently.
She looked up at me from writing in her notebook. She exchanged a glance with the guard before sighing heavily and locking eyes with me.
"Jean, a few people have reported seeing you talking to what seemed like thin air. We think it might be a defense mechanism that your brain is creating in order to cope with how little you interact with other people."
The words hit me like brass knuckles to the face.
I almost spoke his name out loud, but I feared that would confirm it for her, and I didn't want her to have that satisfaction. Unfortunately, my brain rolled back into yesterday, to the conversation with him.
"You said you set a house on fire?" I asked him.
"Yeah." He muttered.
"And that's why you're here?"
He looked up at me again with cold eyes.

The realization settles in coldly, and I drop my head, trying to lift a hand to the headache that settled in, but held back by the cuffs, so instead my head lands on my hands.
"We'd like to get to know who this person is that you're talking to. Can you describe him?"
I lift my head, my heart beating out of my chest as my eyes bounce everywhere, trying to make sense of it all. Finally I lock my gaze onto her and inhale.
"I was just talking to myself. That's a normal thing that people do. Can I go now?"

update this is gonna get a part 2 bc i have to go deadass good luck love u!!!!!!!!!!!



@AloeVera groupMentallyImInACottage

oh shit! oh shit it's part 2

I know I'm not hallucinating. I felt his body heat when I leaned in close to him. I didn't expect his replies to what I say. I couldn't have made him up. I didn't make him up. I missed breakfast, so I sat on the bleachers, irritated. The rest of that meeting consisted in me yelling at Sylvia, trying to convince her that I'm not hallucinating.
"Did you go to sleep hungry?"
I turn my head to see him. He raised a single eyebrow at me with a bit of a smirk, but then broke it to explain himself.
"I mean, I was just trying to make fun of what you said yesterday morning, since I missed dinner, but I guess you missed breakfast so you would have…woken up…hungry…is something wrong?"
I blink. I had been staring so closely at him that I started to lean towards him. I straighten myself back up and roll my shoulder.
"Nothing's wrong. You're just weird."
"Where were you instead of breakfast?"
I turn to face him again.
"Where were you? Were you at breakfast?"
He leans back, furrowing his eyebrow at me.
"Obviously, you can't really roam the halls during eating hours." His eyes shifted as he spoke.
"What happened at breakfast?"
"What the hell is wrong with you? Jesus, where were you?"
I square my shoulders and keep my face towards the game, not looking at him. Lunch rolled around slowly. I still sat with Anubis, but we didn't talk. As I stand up to throw away my plate, he calls out to me.
I debate actually turning around, but by the time I come to a decision, I'm already facing him.
"You're not crazy."
"For killing that man. You did what you had to. I know you wouldn't kill someone if they didn't deserve it."
My eyes fall to the floor as I grip my plate. I turn back around and leave.
As I start my wandering around the building, the same goatee'd guard approaches me again. He guided me to the same room, cuffed me, then opened the door. This time, Sylvia was already sitting there.
"You're really not helping your case, Jean." She chimed.
"Why am I here again? We already went through this this morning."
"In order to keep your eating habits in the same light, we're going to have a one hour discussion at this time everyday."
I yanked at the cuffs, jerking in anger as the guard twitches into a defensive position. Obviously I couldn't get past the handcuffs, so I merely clenched my jaw and hardened my face at her.
"Talking to yourself means looking at nothing in general and muttering under your breath."
"Talking to another person might warrant behavior similar to standing up from a table, then turning around to react to whoever called your name."
"I'm not talking to anyone."
"Jean, we can't help you if you don't give us more information to work with."
I raise my voice.
"I don't want your fucking help."
Unfortunately, she matched my voice.
"JEAN." She held her composure, but I ran her patience thin. She inhaled and continued, "I'm not the bad guy here. If you let this continue, it's only going to get worse. Your perspective on reality will slip further and further away until you find yourself jumping off a cliff thinking you can fly. This is serious, and if you take this matter seriously, we can treat it before it gets out of hand."
I shake my head, tightening my hand into a fist to hide the fact that it was shaking too. I could feel my throat tightening as I hold back a tear, my eyes already starting to get a little puffy. I look up at her, locking eyes with her.
"He's real."

whoooaoaaaaa part 3 coming probably hopefully soon

@AloeVera groupMentallyImInACottage

oh shit!

oh shit its part 3!!!!!!

"You don't look very happy." Anubis interrupted the breakfast that I was hoping going to be mostly quiet.
His eyes trapped mine as I glare coldly at him, squinting my eyes. He shrugs and looks away casually.
"Then again, in the few days we started talking, you've never looked happy, but right now you look especially angry."
"Can you shut the fuck up?"
He turns back to me, a little taken back by me snapping at him.
"I've had enough of other people telling me about myself." I pause, looking at the table we sat at. "Tell me about yourself."
Anubis looked to the ground to think for a moment.
"I…don't know, I'm rather clever I guess."
"Is that the best you can come up with?" I return coldly.
"What do you want me to say? I enjoy a nice hot Americano and the cracking of a fire on a cool night? Maybe toss in a long walk on the beach. What do you want from me?" His tone of voice started to piss me off. I turn to him, about to snap.
"I want you to prove to me that you're real."
He furrowed his brow, highly confused.
"That I'm real?"
I hold my glare at him as he slowly accepts it, his tongue rolling impatiently in his mouth as he shrugs. Sticking his hands in his pocket, he steps back, swaggering over to another inmate. Before doing anything, he turns to me and winks. He then turns back to the inmate and taps him on the elbow, because the shoulder was too high.
"Hey, you got anything good on you? I know how to pay." He mutters to the man, who seemed genuinely taken back by Anubis talking to him.
Anubis then goes into a quick whisper that I can't hear, and before I know it, the inmate turns to Anubis and hisses, "Fuck off." to which Anubis walks back to me, shrugging casually.
"I sure as hell hope that's what you meant, because I just lost any chance at making friends with him and whoever he's associated with."
I sigh, looking to the floor and crossing my arms. He continues talking.
"Why did you need that, anyway?"
I stare intensely at him, holding my breath. Within seconds the bell rang and everyone dispersed from breakfast.
He wasn't at the game today.
He wasn't at lunch. I couldn't find him before my session. I didn't talk at my session, either. Sylvia spent most of it trying to convince me that I need to be less secretive with her. Infuriated, I finally looked up from the table and spit,
"Why, so you can decide which kind of pills you can shove down my throat in order to turn me into another one of your mindless fucking robots?"
She exhaled, dropping her hands.
"Is that how you feel about medication, Jean?"
I huff, looking away and shaking my head dismissively.
"Are you paranoid, Jean?"
"Stop fucking saying my name."
She huffed back at me.
"What is it about other people that bothers you so much?" Her voice was so painfully smooth. It reminded me of how a hospital smells. I knew there was technically nothing wrong with it, but I felt so uneasy.
I look up at her, noticing the curiosity in her eyes, and feeling compelled to actually answer.
"The lack of consistency." I begin, wishing I could cross my arms. "People cling to something to believe in and then abandon it when that thing goes against what they want. They never change, they just hide who they really are until the truth comes out. No one is good. No one is innocent."
She gazes at me curiously.
"And you think you're different?"
I shake my head, looking down.
"Not me. A friend of mine."
"Oh?" She leaned back in her chair, getting comfortable. "What was his name?"
I didn't want to admit to her that I actually didn't remember. I huff impatiently and hold my hands.
"How much time until we're done?"
He wasn't at dinner.

part 4 coming when i actually know what comes next

@AloeVera groupMentallyImInACottage

part 4 hahahahah!!!!

i'm so sorry

Click! Click!
Click! Click!
Click! Click! Click!
Tired of hearing him struggle so much, I place a hand on his shoulder.
"Here, use mine." I mutter.
"Thanks, GG."
I awaken with a start. I begin by rubbing my head, trying to shake off whatever happened in my dream last night. I didn't know who GG was, but I recognized the other voice.
I sigh, burying my face in my hands.
I could hear my father's voice bouncing in my head like a bullet.
"You wanna make it in life? You gotta fight your way to the top. Life doesn't play by the rules, and it certainly doesn't go easy on pussies like you."
I hated that man.
"If you're not willing to throw some punches, then you're better off curling into whatever corner you crawled out from and dying. You won't make it past natural selection."
Sylvia's eyes dug deep into me, but I wasn't alarmed by it.
"Was your father abusive towards everyone in the family, or just you?"
I clench my fist, unfortunately a visible reaction to her, as my hands lay on the table.
"Everyone. But he favored Kris."
"Kris, the brother, or Crys, the sister?"
I think about it.
Sylvia inhales sharply before writing on her notepad.
"Did anyone ever find out about this, or did it remain a secret to the grave?"
I blinked, suddenly on the ground, Kristopher's shoe digging into my cheek.
I was looking at the general floor, but just outside my doorway, I saw his shoes. My eyes trail upwards to lock with his…but his face…it's blurry again. As soon as he noticed that I saw him, he hid behind the walls again, but Kristopher didn't see him.
"My friend found out by accident."
"This friend, you seem to have completely forgotten everything about him, right?"
"It's been a while. I don't think we were that close anyway."
"Jean, you told me yesterday that he was your closest friend."
"I didn't have any friends to begin with." I retaliated, starting to panic, but trying to remain calm on the outside. "He wasn't just my closest friend, he was my only friend."
Sylvia sighed, frustrated.
"This sounds like some heavy memory loss, Jean."
"Human memory isn't reliable anyway." I mutter, looking away.
"Do you think you could cooperate with me on this next exercise? I think it could help unlock what your mind is hiding from you."
I look back at her. She seemed interested, so I shrugged my shoulders.
"I don't have much of a choice, do I?"
She blinks slowly in response.
"I want you to close your eyes. Imagine yourself at your family's house. You just finished lunch and you planned to hang out with this friend."
I hesitate, but comply anyway.
"You hear a knock on the door. You stand up from your seat and approach the door. As you turn the knob and pull the door, you see…"
His face almost shocked me. No, it did shock me. What am I supposed to say? She doesn't know, she doesn't have to know.
"What? Who did you see?"
My eyes had already opened from being startled. I breathe unsteadily before lowering my head.
"I saw myself."
Sylvia huffed, tossing her notebook onto the table and standing up.
"That's all for today, Jean."
I saw him at dinner. I sat in front of him and glared coldly at him.
"What's wrong?" He muttered.
"Who are you, Anubis?"
He scoffed and looked away. "Fuck's sake, G, I'm tired of that que-"
"What the fuck did you just call me?"
"Oh, sorry, would you prefer GG?"
I furrow my brow. This can't be happening.
This can't be happening. This can't be happening.
"What's your real name?" I whisper, my voice escaping me.
He seemed beside himself with confusion and wonder, but, without breaking eye contact, uttered, "Olliver."
My eyes fell. My heart fell, my stomach turned. I debated turning around to hurl on the floor, but by the time I stood up, everything started spinning and all I could hear was commotion as my head hit the table and everything went black.
Click! Click!
Everything went silent. The chilling stillness of death loomed over. It felt so empty, so alone, so cold, but it quickly drowned out as the smell of flames engulfed the air. I turn to look at him. His clear fucking blue eyes, his clear fucking blond hair, his clear fucking freckles. He dropped the lighter, still lit, as he turned his back.
"You're welcome."

i already have the beginning of part 5 palnned avery u better remember it

@AloeVera groupMentallyImInACottage

i didn't remember it

sike yes i did

update i forgot it again

i'm just gonna write and see what happens

part 5!!1

I don't remember there being a medical area in the prison; and I'm not sure how it matched a regular hospital so well, but nevertheless, I woke up in a hospital bed, my right wrist handcuffed to the bedframe. I knew I'd see his face, but the fact that I was right in guessing he'd be there is what haunted me.
"Anubis…" I utter, my voice hoarse. He looked concerned. He looked worried, but it didn't seem like it was about me.
"You really scared me back there." He begins.
I shook my head.
"I scared myself. What are you doing here? How did they let you in?"
"They're watching us very closely. They think if they left you alone with me then you'd start being more honest."
I furrow a brow, looking around the room.
"Honest? About what?"
I could feel his eyes on me, but I looked everywhere except his.
"About yourself, Jean. Look at you. Something happened to you, clearly."
I look down at my hands. I can't believe he's helping them try to fuck me up. He continues.
"What the hell did they do to you?"
Confused, I gaze up at him.
He stands up.
"As soon as you started disappearing during afternoon free time you've been so paranoid and weird. You've been asking me weirdly specific questions, I mean, c'mon? Asking me if I'm real?"
He huffed at me as I realize what he's implying.
"They didn't need any sort of pills to fuck you up. They diagnosed you with the Placebo Effect and you listened to them."
I clenched my fist.
"My time's up. I'll see you later."
Anubis opened the door, paused and looked at me, then stepped out.
What am I supposed to do now? I didn't have many options, considering I was handcuffed to the bed. I'm not sure how much time had passed, but it felt like an uncomfortably long amount of time. Sylvia opened the door.
"This time you can't deny what happened, Jean."
She sat down on the same chair that Anubis had sat in.
I didn't want to feed her, so I remained silent.
"That scar will speak for itself."
I lift my left hand and feel the bandage on my head. My hair was down.
"Where's my hair tie?"
Sylvia sighed, trying to calm me down.
"We've confiscated it. You'll be more limited on the items that you can have with you. It's for your safety."
I huff, giving her a dirty look. Anubis was right. They're only out to get me.
"The fuck am I gonna do with a hair tie? I've only ever used it for it's intended fucking purpose."
"Jean, if you don't calm down, we'll be forced to give you some sedatives."
"Fuck you! What the fuck are you trying to accomplish?"
A few other people ran in. They all looked like nurses.
I don't remember anything after that.
I don't even remember how they managed to calm me down.
The next morning, I woke up in my own cell.

@AloeVera groupMentallyImInACottage

am i pumping these out too fast? yep.
do i care? haha!
its ok this one is short because it took me 2 hours to write this much and i just wanna post

part 6 babey

Usually I was left alone by the other inmates. I managed to stay out of everyone's eye and…well, hitlist.
Today was different. As I walked in for breakfast, I felt all their eyes on me. At first I hadn't noticed, until the lunch lady gave me a strange look. My best option was to not acknowledge them and go about my day. I sit down at a table, eating my food, hunching my back over as if to hide what I was doing. He shuffles on the seat across from me.
"They're all looking at you."
"Thanks." I reply coldly, squinting my eyes at him. "And who's fault is that?"
He holds up two defensive hands, spork in one hand.
"You're the one that passed out in the middle of dinner."
I sigh, returning to my food in silence. He lowered his head to look me in the eye.
"Listen, GG, we need to have a game plan."
I pause, furrowing a brow.
"For what?"
He gazes at me with a somehow forceful expression.
"Getting out of here? That therapist lady is trying to fuck up your mental stability. That way you'll let her give you whatever pills she wants and tell you they'll work."
I shake my head, ignoring him; and that nickname.
"Oh, come on, Jean." He persists. I glare at him. "You can't ignore me forever. We're kind of stuck together."
I stood up and threw away my food. I could still leave the room.
I didn't see him at the basketball game.
I didn't see him at lunch.
To be honest, I don't remember much of the game, or lunch. As I sat in the room with Sylvia, I tried to think back to what happened in the past few hours. I suppose going through the motions kind of messes with your memory, but I don't think anything interesting really happened, and that's why I don't remember much of today at all, right?

"Can you tell me more about the person you talk to?" Sylvia breathes, her slick voice was so smooth, she probably used it to her advantage sometimes.
A small grin escapes me as I gaze at the table blankly.
"He likes a nice hot Americano and the cracking of a fire on a cool night."

@vidari-is-tired-in-advance group

poor jean lmao. he just needs a hot chocolate and a nice long nap because SOMEONE won’t leave him alone

(seriously i need to write a little blurb where he and anubis just have a good time without any threats of death or crazy people)

@AloeVera groupMentallyImInACottage