forum Zodiacssssss
Started by Deleted user

people_alt 10 followers

Deleted user

reminds me of one time i was at a party, and this one kid everyone hated was there so we started throwing mud at him, right? i see this patch of ~free mud~ so i grab a handful and the girl who lived there started screaming.
how was i supposed to know her dog was buried there??

Deleted user

needless to say, i was not invited back.

that was also the day i swindled my sister out of 9 cents by telling her that since pennies were bigger than dimes, they obviously were worth more


Adventurous: kinda
Couragous: nope
Versatile: idk
Lively: eehh
Positive: NO
Passionate: YES
Arrogant: sometimes
Stubborn: someTIMES
Impulsive: yes yes yes
Indisciplened: ehh
Confrontational: uh huh
Tends to leave projects midway: i try not to
Honest: sometimes
Confident: not really
Determined: most of the time
Enthusiastic: usually
Optimistic: NAH
impatient: YeS
Short-tempered: OMG YES
Aggressive: very

@Becfromthedead group

Anybody know their Moon and ascendant signs? Or any other signs?
Because I’m a Libra and fit Libra traits poorly. However I’m a Virgo Moon and Pisces ascendant, and I’m sort of a combo of those two personality-wise.


hush now there are only two (to my knowledge at least)
Also, I looked up what traits a Libra is supposed to have and…

  1. Diplomatic- I am most certainly not
  2. Harmonious- If my singing counts then yes, otherwise, absolutely not lmao
  3. Charming- … no, just no…
  4. Graceful- Actually yes? I'm a dancer and have the agility of a cat so I guess that's right for once…
  5. Peaceful- Nope, I am not peaceful in any means of the word except for advocating for it and acceptance
  6. Balanced- My life? No. My mental state? Definite no.
  7. Knowledgeable- I know weird facts about miscellaneous things, if that counts
  8. Beautiful- Eh. Probably not by all standards lmao

These things aren't very accurate lol

I mean same

@Becfromthedead group

Well there were streetlights and headlights everywhere. My only excuse is that I'd been sitting on a bus for two hours. But I mean I also fall on stairs more often than average, so I'm just one big mess.