forum Zodiacssssss
Started by Deleted user

people_alt 10 followers

@HighPockets group

Adventurous: I guess?
Couragous: A bit
Versatile: Fairly
Lively: Depends on the day
Positive: Lol nope
Passionate: YES.
Arrogant: Depends. I either hate myself or am super proud of myself.
Stubborn: Yes
Impulsive: Yep, especially when speaking
Indisciplened: Fairly
Confrontational: Heck yeah
Tends to leave projects midway: Again, it depends.
Honest: Yes
Confident: Depends on the day
Determined: VERY
Enthusiastic: About things I like
Optimistic: Nope.
Impatient: Yep
Moody: Very
Short-tempered: Yep
Aggressive: If I'm angry enough

It also says that the Aries 'day' is Tuesday, which has been my favorite day for like 4 years so yeah.

Deleted user

puts out fires hesitantly, glancing at Jynnie, terrified

Deleted user

nah i just want a dr pepper
nerdily awkwards in corner


Oh, come on! Where are all the Gemini's?! There's got to be at least one more on here. We gotta make a matched set, guys!