forum Zodiacssssss
Started by Deleted user

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@Mercury Beta Tester

(Here in the UK we may give 3 year olds homework, but at least school generally starts at 9am, like what)

Deleted user

(Yeah, it starts at around 7 actually…a lot of schools are petitioning to have later starting times but it's barely taken off. You're so lucky! Also… clears throat to ask stereotypical question….tea?)

@Mercury Beta Tester

(I don't actually like tea, for someone living in UK! Fun fact: Turkey and Ireland drink more cups of tea on average per person than the UK. One thing all Brits love though, is baked beans)

Deleted user

Baked beans…I'll keep that in mind. That's a cool fact, though!


Wait a minute, British folk love baked beans? I thought that was only a Boston thing! It's like the one thing the colonists and redcoats have in common!