forum Zodiac Signs! A RP, kind of... Come join us!
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Deleted user

”Taurus.” Leo looked at the person standing across the room from her. ”Could you check that drawer over there for some leftover clothes, or whatever? We need some more things to make bandages out of.” She looked over at Scorpio. Out of them all, Leo, Sagittarius and Taurus were the ones that were the least injured. ”Will you let me help you, or are you just going to attack me again?” She still didn’t really like Scorpio, but if they were gonna make it they needed all people they could get.

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Scorpio shot daggers up at Leo dangerously, their lip twitching unhappily. "Just don't worry about me, snob. I'll be fine when I get out of here." Their disgruntled air had settled itself around them, literally darkening the area around them.

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”Yeah, but the thing is we might not get out of here,” Leo muttered. ”But fine. If that’s what you want… fine.”

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"Oh-um-sure," Taurus quickly replied before walking over to a drawer and opening it to see if there was anything they could use as bandages.

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Leo walked over to the corner. There were water bottles, like Sagittarius said. She looked at them. Three bottles. They would need at least one for cleaning up Virgos wound, that looked seriously infected. Scorpio didn’t seem to have any wounds except for a lot of internal injuries, so that probably didn’t need that much water. Leo herself was bleeding a bit from the head, caused by Scorpios tight grip of her hair earlier. She touched her own head, feeling the warm blood. She couldn’t believe that she had cared about how the moist affected her hair just a couple of minutes earlier. It now seemed really stupid to concern about something like that.

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Leo sighed. ”Honestly, guys. How are we gonna get out of here?”

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Taurus had found a pair of clothes and a few more knives. "I-um-I found a pair of clothes," She said, not wanting to talk about the fact that there were knives in there.

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(Huh, fun.)

Aries looked up from where they had been sitting, they had completely spaced out while they searched. "Hey guys, I found a gun."They called out, picking up the weapon with expert hands.

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"If any of you cross me, you are, I've both read books on it and shot at ranges, I know what I'm doing!" Aries said with false cheerfullnes.


(Awesome…Ima just call my character Taurus II so we aint confused :P )
Taurus II sat in the corner watching as the fight ended just as quick as it started. Their eyes were quite wide and they were hella uncomfortable. Taurus II cleared their throat. "Can y'all stop fighting? Lets get out of here, cause dammit, Im fucking hungry, and I'm gonna die soon if I don't get fooood." Taurus II complained as they wrapped their arms around their knees.

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Leo sighed. "You are not gonna die, Taurus II." She looked at the other signs. "Everyone, try to fix your wounds and if not injured, help someone else, okay?"

(Also, are we gonna go with real life or can we add some fantasy as well? Like, um, magic powers or something…)

Deleted user

Leo went over to the drawer. She looked down at the stuff inside. The knives shimmered down there. She swallowed and looked up at Taurus. "Don't tell them," she wispered. "That could cause some serious trouble."

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Aries quietly flipped the gun into their belt, looking around with keen eyes. They would have to find a way out, they would take a few of the signs and leave the others as a distraction.

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Aries jumped, startled. "What?!" The yelled, being, as usual, scared by loud noises.