forum Zodiac Signs! A RP, kind of... Come join us!
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Deleted user

So maybe like a Zodiac sign RP but with dialogue only?

Deleted user

Ok, anyone wanna start? I haven’t done any RP before really so I am not so sure about how to start…

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

Um, how's this, your character's name is the sign. Also, I expect you to act like you, you aren't required to do every stereotype for your sign.

Virgo looked around the room.
"Look at all the Aries. Damn."

Deleted user

(Okay, sounds good! Sorry if I suck at RP tho haha)

Leo took a quick look. ”Yeah. There are many of them. But are they gonna be any help getting us out of here? I mean, I am not gonna stay in this dark room forever. I have better things to do.” They flipped their big, mane-like hair, ignoring the fact that it hit the Aries standing behind them in the face.

Deleted user

”Me neither. But I wanna get out.” Leo started walking around the room, lookinf at the stuff around them. ”Is there any kind of key or something in here? It could be hidden.”

Deleted user

"First off, rude. Seccond off, you want to fight bitch?" Aries called out, hands balled into fists.

Deleted user

”Sure!” Leo smirked, not really thinking about the fact that they couldn’t fight at all and would probably be knocked out in seconds if they tried.

Deleted user

Leo started to regret their decision a bit when they saw Aries fists. ”Hey Virgo, back me up here, would ya?”

Deleted user

Leo took a step back so that they stood a bit behind the others. ”Thanks, dude. Erhm… wanna give the first punch? My, ehm, by hand kind of hurts.” They really didn’t wanna admit that they regretted starting this fight. A lot.

Deleted user

Leo felt like this was probably no good idea, so they tried to change the subject. ”Hey Taurus, have you found anything that could get us out of here yet?”

Deleted user

Scorpio snickered in their corner, rolling their eyes as they relaxed against the wall. "Leo, you're just a big wuss. Oooh, my hand hurts, ooohh have you found anything to get us out?" Scorpio mocked with a small, annoyed look on their pointed features.

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

(Omg, this is so weird for me. I have an account for a website where some of the more popular people have their username be their sign, and seeing the word Scorpio brought the user Scorpio into my mind and I can see the shocked and appalled face she would make if someone said that near her XD)

Deleted user

Leo blushed. ”Rude. I am not a wimp, I just… never mind.” She walked up to an old cabinet standing along one of the walls. ”Maybe there is something we could use in here? Or at least there might be a mirror or a comb here somewhere, my hair looks awful. I hate the moist in here! How are my curls supposed to look awesome when it is like a fricking sauna in this room!?”

(I am not this ego irl haha I am just exagerating things a bit to make it funnier)

Deleted user

”Yeah, whatever.” Leo looked around. ”Taurus, where did you go?” She turned to Virgo. ”Wait, maybe there is a secret door here somewhere! Maybe that’s where they are!”

Deleted user

Leo sat down on the floor. ”Well, I am bored. And tired.” They started complaining.